
autocomplete in YUI is very slow in IE6 on large dataset

Trying to use autocomplete functionality of YUI, we ran into the fact that it's extremely slow on IE6 for a datasource containing 30000 items (when trying to type in an autocomplete field, it takes several MINUTES for IE to respond). However, the same exact code works pretty much real-time in IE8. Are we doing something wrong? Can we ...

Adding a Value outside of the Auto Complete - jQuery Plugin: Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry

Hello, I'm using the following JQUERY Autocomplete plug-in: jQuery Plugin: Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry What'd I'm unable to figure out is how to add a value to the list from outside of the autocomplete dropdown list. The reason I want to do this is the autocomplete searches for locations, if a location is not found, there is an...

Visual Studio Standard C++ 2008 autocomplete

I feel a little dumb asking this question but I can't figure it out. When programming in C++ I want the autocomplete to show up like in VB or C#. Now I have to hit ctrl+space to get it show up and I can't get it to come up automatically. Where's the setting for this? ...

jQuery array problem

I have a problem with populating an autocomplete list based on a previous input. Basically, I have about 40 or so different arrays containing car models and I want to populate the autocomplete list based on the previous input. What I want to do is: Get the value of the previous input (the name of this is the same name as one of the a...

Jquery autocomplete on dynamically loaded fields problem

Hello everyone! I have some problem with Jquery Autocomplete plugin ( I got it working, but if I add new input field through AJAX (all fields are the same) - it doesn't autocomplete it. I think the problem is because of "$().ready(function(){...." I think it doesn't acce...

Vim path seperator & auto-completion

Working on web stuff, in windows, to be hosted on linux. Completing paths with ^X^F automatically inserts "\" as the path separator on windows, which is quite correct, but not what I want, so: Is there a way I can tell it to use "/" as the path separator for auto-completion regardless of OS? ...

How do I create an array of values from a drop down list?

How do I create an array of values from a drop down list? ...

jquery autocomplete, how to parse a json request with url info?

I am using the jquery autocomplete plugin, but right now all it does is display a dropdown of rows that when clicked, injects the term into the input box. What I want is for it to have a hyperlink, so when clicked, it redirects to the page. Is it possible to return a more rich json request, that has other meta data like a url, image an...

jQuery Autocomplete plug-in search configuration

I'm looking into using jQuery autocomplete plug-in to implement user lookup by first or last name. It looks like by default autocomplete looks up words by character sequence no matter its occurrence in a word. So if you have data such as: javascript, asp, haskell and you type in 'as' you will get all three. I would like it to at least m...

How do you change a link based on an input field?

Im designing my school's website and I kind of want to do like a "What are you looking for" page with only an input box where people can enter in phone or something and it would be completed with autosuggest (got that part ok). Then when the user clicked go, the button would take them to the page defined by the search so it would go dire...

jQuery autocomplete show results 'containing' query not begining with query

jQuery autocomplete plugin shows results that begin with the query you type into a search box. How would you amend the plugin to allow you to show results that contain the query you are typing? for example, i am searching for people, i want to be able to type either a firstname or a surname, i type 'and' i want it to show Adam *And*erson...

JQuery Autocomplete - inconsistent results

Hi, I have Bassistance's version of the JQuery autocomplete plugin set up to query my database of courses. In the database I have (amongst many others) the following courses: 1) Yoga for All - Hatha Raja Introduction 2) Yoga - Iyengar Style. Beginners & Intermediate 3) Yoga - Iyengar. Improvers 4) Yoga - Iyengar. Beginners 5) Yoga...

Netbeans JQuery Selector auto-complete

I can't get Netbeans to auto-complete my selectors for JQuery, example: <a id="hello" href="#">Hello</a> <script type="text/javascript"> $("|").hide(); </script> As far as i understand the documentation at this point it should show the tags available on the page when i press control+space at the | position, but instead displays no...

Help with jquery autocomplete and json response

I have the a ASP.NET 2.0 json web service that returns the following response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <string xmlns=""&gt;[{"CUName":"Raytown-Lee\u0027s Summit Comm CU","CUCity":"RAYTOWN","CUState":"MO","CUContractNo":"02406"},{"CUName":"Summit Credit Union","CUCity":"MADISON","CUStat...

Eclipse autocomplete not working in some Java files

Hi, I have noticed that autocomplete is not working in some of java files in Eclipse. Also, the files where autocomplete is not working, display a hollow "J" as the icon for the Java file. The files where autocomplete is working, icon for java file is a filled "J" I am wondering if someone can point out what went wrong all of suddent, ...

Eclipse Auto-Complete for Included PHP Source

I've installed Eclipse 3.5.1 (PDE), which I believe I got from Zend's download site (it was a while ago on my travel laptop). I can't get auto-complete to work for any of my included libraries. I've tried both adding the libraries to the 'include path' and just linking the files to a subdirectory of the project. Neither get's me auto-com...

Implementing Autocompletion in iPhone UITextField for contacts in address book

Hi, I would like to have a UITextField or UITextView in where as I do some input, alternatives will appear something similar to when you type an address in Mail Application, alternatives appear down and is possible tap them so get a better input user interface.(since there is no need to type the complete word or address or phone number) ...

ASP.NET MVC jQuery Autocomplete HtmlHelper

I was thinking about writing universal HtmlHelper for jQuery autocomplete wire up for ASP.NET MVC and I would like to know first if something like that already exists. Also do you think it even makes sense to write one because so far even by myself I had 4 different scenarios for which I had to customize it (data from the datastore is a...

move vim cursor after a function

I'm using both the supertab and snipmate plugins. Let's say I'm using snipmate to create an if statement structure. Once I'm done adding statements inside the if-statement, how can I quickly move the cursor after the if-statement. For example: if [ $a = "b" ]; then bla; fi If my cursor is right on the semicolon and I'm in insert mod...

Add directory to PYTHONPATH ( multiple drives ), for auto-complete.

I have 2 hard-drives, C:\ and D:\ Django imports correctly (which is in my C drive), but my application is on my D drive. I can't move it to the C drive because of some back-up software I'm running/ I'm trying to get auto-complete to work in Komodo Edit 5 which works fine for Django, but not for my application. There are a few other re...