
auto complete

Why my autocomplete ajax script does not work: This is my WebService.cs: using System; using System.Data; using System.Web; using System.Collections; using System.Web.Services; using System.Web.Services.Protocols; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; ...

jQuery Autocomplete problem - Shift Key behaves same as Return Key

See: In the search bar, start typing "san f" (no quotes, all lowercase), then hit Return (or Enter). "San Francisco" is autocompleted. This is good! Now clear the search field and start over. type "San F" and boom - "San Francisco" is autocompleted as soon as you hit Shift. This is not expected. This happens in ...

How to add/use an AJAX control in a non-AJAX enabled website in ASP.NET?

Hi guys! I have started a simple website using ASP.NET but it is not an AJAX-enabled project. Now what I need is to use an AJAX control (specifically Autocomplete) but I do not know how to add it to my website. What I should do guys? Do I need to add something in my library? What should I do in order to see it in the toolbox..? ...

jQuery autocomplete that retrieves items from a database

I want to provide autocomplete for users when they are filling in a text box. The values for the autocomplete should come from a mysql database that I use with the application. Can you please recommend a plugin or two that would be best suited to this. I can see that there are a number of options out there. But I was hoping that based o...

jQuery Autocomplete - Multicolumn and Return Data rather than Value

I am currently using the DevBridge jQuery Autocomplete plugin - it works fine as is, however I would like to display the returned information in a multi-column view, but yet when clicked only return the first value. HTML <form class="form" action="index.php" onsubmit="alert('Submit Form Event'); return false;"> <div id="selection"></...

Add jquery autocomplete on ready to multiple text inputs

Hi, I have problem in adding autocomplete plugin to multiple text inputs in loop (no errors are returned). // get text inputs to attach autocomplete var locinputs = $('#localizations').find('input:text'); // iterate over elements and add autocomplete plugin for (var i = 0; i < locinputs.length; i++) { // asp.mvc...

Autocomplete entries

How do social networking sites such as Facebook manage duplicate autocomplete entries? Ex: someone can enter either Harvard University or Harvard Uni. for education info. Keeping both or removing data periodically or what? Any idea? ...

jQuery autocomplete works with a local string but not when the same String is called off the server

This is related to the question I asked at I am trying to get a String delimited by | characters from the server to use as input for jQuery's .autocomplete() plugin. If I have a local variable declared in the code then it works fine, but ...

Bash completion for Maven escapes colon

I added bash completion for Maven following the docs: Everything works well except for goals that use a colon. For instance, instead of mvn eclipse:eclipse completion escapes the colon mvn eclipse\:eclipse Any suggestions how this can be fixed? I'm using Ubuntu 8.1...

search a jquery autocomplete plugin

User enters tag in the textbox. The textbox is a live search as the user types it brings up suggester results based on the tags already in the system, simiral to stackoverflow tag input :) Tags are separated by commas, so when a user selects a result from the livwe search, it automatically populates the text and a trailing comma does an...

How to attach to the jQuery Autocomplete plugin's mouse events?

My problem is this: I need to update some text in a div with the value of what the mouse pointer is hovering over in the autocomplete drop down list. Can it be done easily, or do I have to make fundamental changes to the Autocomplete plugin? I am using the jQuery Autocomplete plugin version 1.1 by Jörn Zaefferer. Any and all help will...

VC2010 Intellisense - auto-complete /full/ function declaration?

Every so often, in MSVC 2005/8, the erratic Intellisense would randomly decide to kick in and do something wondrous: auto-complete the ENTIRE declaration at once, while having laboriously been re-typing/selecting the function definition for the 1000th time. No, I wasn't drunk at the time. But I did see it happen occasionally--maybe 10 to...

Prototype: Need a javascript autosuggest tool

HI guys I'm building a web mail client interface and would like an autosuggest script that could be used in filling out the recipient addresses. I've checked a few scripts but they limit by either allowing to choose only one element, or you can enter only elements from the drop down list - I just need one which not only allows you to add...

CustomRenderer for AutoComplete using google closure library

I'm looking to use one of the AutoComplete subclasses(Rich,Remote,RichRemote) and I'd like to use a CustomRenderer, however I don't see instructions for this and reading the documentation/source it appears that the Remote subclass is instantiated with a renderer of "var renderer = new goog.ui.AutoComplete.Renderer();" leaving me no optio...

Any jquery autocomplete plugin which consumes this json format?

Any jquery autocomplete plugin which consumes this json format? {"Table" : [{"ClientName" : "Pandiya"}, {"ClientName" : "Bala"}]} or how to change the above to source: ["Pandiya", "Bala"] ...

Jquery UI autocomplete event change

Hi I got a problem with change event. By documntation there should be object ui.item After an item was selected; ui.item refers to the selected item. Always triggered after the close event. But when I try it ui.item is undefined :( I want unset s_town_id when input in autocomplete doesn't match with data from script. Thx for any h...

PHP custom class and function autocompletion in TextMate project

Is there a bundle which completes my custom classes and functions in a TextMate project? Like the code hints with PHP core functions? ...

jquery UI autocomplete - extended data?

I would like to use Jquery's UI autocomplete but with some additional functions: after user selects suggested item, I would also like to display additional data related with that item (for example if database of contacts are being searched, then I'd like to display contact's email, addres...) in some html element. Is there a way to acco...

WPF Combobox auto complete/intellisense case sensitivity

I am writing a WPF app that has a combo box in it that is populated with a list of names. The problem I face is that the auto complete/intellisense feature ignores case sensitivity. Is there a property in the control or a work around to enable case sensitivity on the auto complete/intellisense. ...

YUI Autocomplete: itemSelectEvent getting lost with IE6 and IE7?

I'm using YUI Autocomplete (latest version loaded using loader as of today (May 14th, 2010), which looks to be 2.8.1, with the following options: ac = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("mynode", "autocomp_node", ac_ds, {typeAhead: true, forceSelection: true}); ac.itemSelectEvent.subscribe( function(type, args) { ...