
prompt error in jquery ui file

I run the script in IE 8 and get error message after typing in the input field: //error message from IE8 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; InfoPath.2) Timestamp: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 23:13:10 UTC Message: Obje...

jquery auto-complete causes IE6 to hang

In my application, upon a certain event, an ajax call is triggered. The response contains a autocomplete select box (the data for which is statically included), therefore the response contains the following two scripts: <script type="text/javascript" src="<%=PropertyConstants.STATIC_LOCATION%>scripts/stp/jquery.bgiframe.min.js"></script...

How do I stop Chrome from pre-populating input boxes?

Is there some way I can stop Chrome from auto populating input boxes? I have a page with a Sign Up form and a Log In form. In Chrome, if a user has already signed up and they've come to this page to log in, the password input box on the sign up form is populated with their password. I would really like to force the sign up fields to n...

acts_as_taggable_on and auto_complete returning no results

I'm using acts_as_taggable_on in a model, and am trying to implement the auto_complete plugin. It seems as though I have everything hooked up correctly, but the search isn't returning any results. Here's what I have so far: In the view: <%= text_field_with_auto_complete(:link, :tag_list, {}, {:tokens => ','}) %> In the controller: ...

Cakephp ajax Autocomplete not working

Hello All, I am using ajax autocomplete in my application, but it is not giving the output. Ajax request to the desired function goes but it is not giving back any response, it is blank. I am also using jquery but it is used for other effects. i added jquery no conflict to avoid the prototype & jquery conflicts. I have tried other a...

Bassistance Autocomplete Plugin - Search Page Replacement

Hi, i've setup an autocomplete field that searches my database which works fine: $("#autocomplete input#lookupAccount").autocomplete("lib/php/autocomplete_backend.php", { width: 300, selectFirst: false, delay: 250 }); When a user clicks on a result I want to refer them to another page depending on what they've been cl...

What data should I use to create an autofill "destination" field like Facebook or the Trip Advisor search field

In order to create a “destination” auto filter input field on our website, I need a data source that provides a hierarchical data set of Region, Country, County/State, City and Town (plus an area like the Peak District National Park if at all possible) I know sites like Trip Advisor and Facebook seem to have very robust datasets for th...

AutoComplete Texbox error - write to protected memory

I have an autocompleate textbox that looks into a data base. Some times while I'm typing I received the following error. Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. Here is the code private void tBSearchName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ...

jQuery UI Autocomplete IE Cursor Position Bug

Heya, I have just implemented the excellent jQuery UI autocomplete. There is a strange bug in IE 8 (and maybe other versions). When you select an item from the box of suggestions in IE 8 the cursor moves to the begining of the textbox before the suggested word which has just been inserted. F...

jquery - autocomplete

Hi All, I m using autocomplete from i managed to get data from server in below form but in autocomplete list i dont see spaces that i added after supplier , i even tried removing trim all over from the script but that does not solved my issue.Please suggest. Exon: ...

How to optimize my PostgreSQL DB for prefix search?

I have a table called "nodes" with roughly 1.7 million rows in my PostgreSQL db =#\d nodes Table "public.nodes" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+------------------------+----------- id | integer | not null title | character varying(256) | score | double precision | Indexe...

Jquery autocomplete - how to massage the options before displaying?

Hi All, I m using autocomplete from jQuery Autocomplete plugin 1.1 i managed to get data from server in below form with sepaerator to id as "-", but i dont want to show this id in list while selecting but sending it as hidden data.Please suggest. Exon: Supplier HJR/VAK...

DataTable + JEditable + AutoComplete(BAssistance) + Server Side Processing.

Hi, After almost struggling for a week I have been able to make DataTable + JEditable + AutoComplete(BAssistance) with server side processing using Json to work. I thought it would be useful to somebody out there. $(document).ready(function() { $('#example tbody td').editable( function(value, settings) ...

How to use JS to simulated a event of click a link on chrome?

How to use JS to simulated a event of click a link on chrome? I want the effect of autoclick. ...

jquery autocomplete on button click get hidden value

using jquery autocomplete, we get hidden value by calling .result function like this $("#suggest").result(function(event, data, formatted) { $('#hidden').val(data[1]); }); This is only useful when we selected the option from autosuggest list and press enter. What i need is that i enter the option by typing the complete word withou...

how to disable textboxlist from adding tags that are not in autocomplete list

Hi, i'm using jquery textboxlist plugin with autocomplete and want to: allow the user to type in something, and if it shows up in the autocomplete list, then the users can select it and a tag will be added to the box. if what the user typed is not in the autocomplete (suggestion) list, then the input should be ignored. right now whe...

WinForms ComboBox DropDown and Autocomplete window both appear

I've got a combobox on a winforms app with this code: comboBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; comboBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems; DataTable t = new DataTable(); t.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int)); t.Columns.Add("Display", typeof(string)); for (...

jQuery: What listener do I use to check for browser auto filling the password input field?

Hi, I have a simple problem that I cannot seem to find a solution to. Basically on this website here: (currently in development) I have some fancy label animations sliding things in and out on focus & blur. However once the user has logged in once the browser will most likely remember the password as...

Rails auto_complete "undefined method `auto_complete_for'" problem

rails -> 2.3.8 ruby -> 1.8.7 After auto_complete plugin installstion i still have "undefined method `auto_complete_for'" problem! Andrey-Bezruks-MacBook-Pro:eyeonasia.stage wizeflux$ ruby script/plugin install --force svn: '/Users/wizeflux/Projects/ionasia/eyeonasia.stage/vendor/plugins' is not...

Eliminate the yellow highlight that Chrome do in the textfiels on html forms

Hello guys, i have a web form that when i see from Chrome it makes a yellow highlight on the text fields and i dont like it. I eliminate the border highlight with outline: none; but when i go back to my form and Chrome autocomplete the fields it makes the fields background yellow, and that is not good for my theme. This is an example of ...