
How to generate non-prefix autocomplete suggestions?

I would like to add autocomplete to my tagging functionality. A couple of questions: How do I generate a list of autocomplete suggestions that includes matches in both the prefix and the middle of string? For example, if the user type "auto", the autocomplete suggestions should include terms such as "autocomplete" and "build automat...

Force AutoComplete ListBox in a DataGridView on CellEnter

I have a DataGridView with a TextBox column (DataGridViewTextBoxColumn). I already set the AutoCompleteDataSource to a list of string values. Now, the default behavior of the TextBox column is to ONLY show the AutoComplete ListBox when something is typed. Is there a way to show/drop that ListBox on the CellEnter event or as soon as a use...

how to implement autosuggest feature in magento search functionality

Hi, Anyone of you implemented autocomplete functionality in magento 1.3.2 for search. or is there any free extension which will be useful for me. Please suggest me. Thanks in advance ...

Eclipse autocompletion for GWT UiBinder (+ UiBinder documentation)

I am using UiBinder xml files in a GWT project. The problem is that Eclipse doesn't give me any info about what attribute I can use with the widgets For example I know I can set width or style this way : <g:HorizontalPanel width="100%" addStyleNames="{style.mainPanel}"> But they are not mentioned in the list that appears after clicki...

Jquery AutoComplete - Add Links Equal to Original SelectBox value to DropDown List

I'm trying to modify this example: to parse a similar select list, in which hyperlinks are passed as values. <select id="combobox"> <option value="/page1" title="Page1">Page1</option> <option value="/page2" title="Page2">Page2</option> <option value="/page3" title="page3">Page3</option> <...

How to remove an autocomplete once added to an element?

Hi, After I add a autocomplete to an element like: commObj=$("#communityName").autocomplete("auto_commName_backend.php", {'onItemSelect': handleItemSelect}, {'extraParams': 'ndo' + ndo}); Is there a way I could disable it or remove the autocomplete for the element dynamically? I am using modified jquery autocomplete ...

How do you automatically remove the preview window after autocompletion in Vim?

I'm using omnifunc=pythoncomplete. When autocompleting a word (e.g., os.), I get the list of eligible class members and functions, as expected, as well as a scratch buffer preview window with documentation about the selected member or function. This is great, but after selecting the function I want, the preview window remains. I can get ...

How do you use autocomplete for thousands of entries?

Is there a way to setup autocomplete in PHP/jQuery that can quickly run through thousands of rows in a database? I have a job board where the user enters his/her college - and I want to offer autocomplete. Problem is, there are 4,500 colleges in the united states and a seems like an awful solution. Is there a good way to both make th...

jquery autocomplete dropdown doesn't disappear in IE

Hi all, I have strange problem with jquery autocomplete plugin. Everything works fine, ajax fetching, showing of data, selecting value... But in IE(in firefox everything is fine), when dropdown is opened, if I don't scroll with mouse scroller, but instead if I click on scrollbar and drag it up and down after that dropdown stays hanging ...

Having issues with JavaScript AutoComplete

Hi all, I am trying to get AutoComplete to work on a website application I am making. I have stripped my code down to the bare essentials and I still cannot get it to work. I got the source file from and I have done my best to implement it exactly how they did on their website demo. My t...

jQuery autocomplete only working once in dialog.

I have this test code that works perfectly except the autocomplete stops working the second time the dialog is opened. I need to open the dialog this way using html because i want it to open really fast, and this was the best way. Why does autocomplete stop working the second time? var $container = $('#container'), $input = $contain...

Including Bash autocompletion with setuptools

I've got a couple packages in PyPI, and I'd like to include autocompletion features with both of them. How would you check that Bash autocompletion should be installed at all (check for /etc/bash_completion, maybe?), and how would you install it with (preferably using setuptools)? ...

html textbox history

Hi everyone, I have several textboxes in my web application.I want them to remember history when user double click on it like autocomplete operation,but they never these textboxes remembers if they are in only form field?I couldn't do that. Thanks in advance... ...

how to change jQuery autocomplete plugin default querystring key? (term to that i want)

hi, jQuery autocomplete plugin sent request like this is there any way to change term querystring key to another? i can't find option that provide this for me ;) ...

In Eclipse, How to sort methods by class during auto-complete?

In Eclipse, you can press period after an object to see its methods and the methods it inherited from its super-classes. Is there a way, (keyboard shortcut during auto-complete or otherwise) that allows you to organize the methods by class, (this, super, super's super)? This would help find methods specific to this subclass much faster. ...

NetBeans jQuery plugin code completion

I'm using NetBeans for PHP. When I edit a .js file, it gives me JavaScript code completion. How can I get it to also give me jQuery code completion? NetBeans 6.9 code auto-complete is not working for jQuery plug-ins. The code auto-complete is working for jQuery but not for plug-ins such as the validate plugin. Is this a bug in NetBean...

Filename completion in vim with xterm doesn't work as expected

Something funny is going on with my vim. I'm using it through xterm. I want to be able to autocomplete filenames that I try to open. For example: # Cursor is | character :o exam| :o exam|<TAB> :o examplefile.txt| I was sure vim supported this, but it's not working for me. When I hit <TAB> an ^I character is inserted instead of comple...

Jquery Autocomplete with JSON beginners question

I am using the official Jquery Autocomplete plugin. I have an ODBC database with a list of advertisers. I currently have an input box where the user types in part of the name and I am successfully returning a list of partial matches. The problem I'm having is I do not understand how to return both the name and the ID of the advertiser...

Spotlight top hit algorithm

Hello, I'm implementing a MacOS X's spotlight like universal search for a web based software. So the basic functionality (fetching results, displaying them) is done and it's working perfectly, but now I have to do some more work on giving the user the right results. Basically I have three important parts in the software Document ID Doc...

jQuery UI Autocomplete use startsWith

I'm using the jQuery UI Autocomplete with a local datasource (source: myArray). I want the autocomplete to propose only the results that start with the string entered instead of the default case-insensitive contains search. Is there a simple solution for this or do I have to provide my custom search/source callback? ...