
jQuery autocomplete focus next control

I'm using jquery autocomplete and want it to focus a specific control once an item is selected from the autocomplete list. I tried $('#nextelement').focus(), and it receives focus, but the focus goes back to the autocomplete control immediately. How can I retain focus to the next control when autocomplete closes? [edit] I'm using autoco...

jQuery Autocomplete, enter triggers another binding

Hi, I am using jqGrid and have inline editing with a textfield using jQuery autocomplete. My problem is that autocomplete binds my enter key (to the input element) to select an item in the autocompletion list of suggestions. This is all nice, however, my jqGrid has also bound my enter key to the table row, saving the row and exiting edit...

problem with jquery ui`s autocomplete select callback (1.8)

With this code: function setupRow(event, ui) { var textbox, // how do i get to the textbox that triggered this? from there // on i can find these neighbours: hiddenField =, select = textbox.parents('tr').find('select'); textbox.val(ui.item.Name); hiddenField.val(ui.item.Id...

Autocomplete on a LDAP Search form

Hi everyone, I'd like to know whether it's possible to implement autocompletion on a search form which is querying a LDAP directory. I'm creating a small widget that allows users to look for people in the LDAP directory and then display information such as phone number etc. There's a lot of people in the directory, so it would be nice...

How to remove certain classes from autocompletion in Eclipse

How to make Eclipse ignore some classes or packages when invoking autocompletion? I have two classes with identical class name and different package in my project's classpath: bad.package.MyClass and good.package.MyClass. When I type class name and type ctrl-space, Eclipse will suggest importing those two classes. The problem is that i...

Tie the text box and the search results list together.

This is kind of like the "SelectFirst". I'm trying to tie a text box and the search results list together. So, as a user types something into the text box the results list selects the first item in the list. As the user narrows down the the list the selection would already be highlighted. Is this possible? Thanks in advance. ...

Autocomplete list from SQLite with criteria

Can someone point me to right direction, how to create an adapter for AutoCompleteTextView, which would be getting data from SQLite DB, using data, which user entered into the text field? I want to use the user-entered data to filter suggestions for autocompletion. I imagine that adapter should always take user-entered data as soon as ch...

AutocompleteExtender not work in master page

Hi at all, i've a problem regarding the autocomplete extender in It works fine in all page i do, but NOT in a master page. And i don't know why !!! Here my code <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtSearch" Width="200px" CssClass="TextBoxClass"></asp:TextBox> <cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID="txtSear...

zsh filename globbling/substitution

I am trying to create my first zsh completion script, in this case for the command netcfg. Lame as it may sound I have stuck on the first hurdle, disclaimer, I know how to do this crudely, however I seek the "ZSH WAY" to do this. I need to list the files in /etc/networking but only the files, not the directory component, so I do the f...

find_or_create_by_name with has_many :through

Artists have many Events. Events have many Artists. The join between these two models is called Performances. I'm trying to associate Artists with Events on the Event add/edit page. I would like to be able to add an Artist only if it doesn't exist, and create the join (performance) regardless. An Artist should be associated with an Even...

How to make autocomplete on a TextBox show suggestions when empty

I am using the AutoComplete properties on a textbox (actually a ToolStripTextBox). This is working fine except it doesn't show until I type at lease one character. How do I make it so the suggestions are shown even if the textbox is empty? Mode = Suggest Source = CustomSource Source set progamatically and limited to 10 items Alternat...

How to set-up jquery-ui autocomplete in Rails

Hi all. I need some help on how to implement a jquery-ui autocomplete in my Rails app. I want to add autocompletion to a text field where the user can enter in a customer name. As there can be hundreds of customers, I will need to pull the suggested auto-completion values 'remotely', as in, from a table (at least this is what I understa...

JQuery Auto-Complete With TextChanged / OnBlur PostBack

I'm having a pretty nasty problem with an auto-completing textbox. I want to initiate an asynchronous PostBack whenever a user selects an item from the auto-completed field and retain the value of the item, rather than the text inputted. This works perfectly when enter is pressed rather than a mouse click. An example of my issue: Someo...

Ajax auto-complete, with bespoke popup location

I'm doing something that involves ajax auto-completion of phrases in a <textarea>. I've got this working well using the jquery autocomplete plugin; however, it is hard-coded into this to position the popup below the <textarea>. For what I'm working on, the <textarea> is at the bottom of the page; I ideally want the options to appear abo...

UITextField Autocomplete - iPhone SDK

Hi all, I am trying to figure out if there is a way to implement an autocomplete functionality in a UITextField for specific values. I know that the UITextField can do this using the iPhone dictionary (much like searching google in safari, etc), but I want to be able to programmatically have it correct to certain values that I specif...

Jquery autocomplete :: clear cache

I am using Jquery autocomplet for two fields, Country and state. I want the states list according to country value and I am getting this too. My problem is that state auto complete also show the result of previous country seach. I know this is because jquery cache the result. Some one please guide me how to solve this My code is below...

jQuery autocomplete - How to view item label but submit item value

I am totally new to javascript and am probably biting of more than I can chew, but I am trying to get the jQuery autcomplete widget working on my Rails site. I have a page called "links" where I want to be able to assign a person to a link. Using the autocomplete I should be able to have a textbox that drops down a list of peoples names...

enable auto-completion for C in Mono Develop

I need to enable Auto completion for C programs in Mono - I think using CTAG? How can I do that? ...

jQueryUI autocomplete not working

I was using this code earlier today and it worked fine, then I apparantly changed something and it doesnt work. ive tried reinstalling jQueryUI but it doesnt help. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { function loadpage(webpage) { window.location.replace( webpage ); } $("#searchform").autocomplete({ ...

Auto Compute of Inputs in DataGridView - C#

Hello everyone, I just want to ask. I have a datagridview of Products with columns ProdName, Quantity, SellingPrice, and Total. The Quantity and SellingPrice both has a ReadOnly property set to false. So basically, the user can change values in it during run-time. What I want to know is how can I insert a value in the Total column which...