
What is the correct way to stop form input boxes auto-completing?

I have a form which includes a JQUERY datepicker attatched to an <input> on the form. My problem at the moment is that since the input is a text-box, most major browsers attempt to auto-complete entries for the user, which looks very silly over the datepicker: Browsing the internet, I discovered that way back in the days of IE-5, Micr...

How to disable input field's autocomplete with EditorFor?

<%= Html.EditorFor(product => product.Name) %> I need the generated output to have autocomplete="off" attribute set. What I'm missing? Edit: I'm looking an extension method for EditorFor that accepts key/value dictionary for attributes, so I can call it like this: <%= Html.EditorFor(product => product.Name, new { autocomplete = "off"...

Vim Perl autocomplete displaying a given modules functions

Is it possible to have Vim autocomplete show which functions are available to a given module? So if I include a module called math and then go: math:: and at that i could get a list of the functions available through that module. ...

Detecting autocomplete on form input with jQuery

I have a form that detects if all the text-fields are valid on each keyup() and focus(); if they're all valid, it will enable the submit button for the user to press. However, if the user fills in one of the text inputs with a browsers autocomplete feature, it prevents the submit button from being enabled. Is there a way to detect if an...

jQuery ui autocomplete bug when it has a scrollbar

I tried testing it with the old jQuery autocomplete plugin demos and now, I see it again in jQuery UI autocomplete. The autocomplete displays a long list of suggestions and it has a scrollbar. When I mouseover on a suggestion while pressing the up and down arrow keys, autocomplete returns to the suggestion with the mouseover on it an...

jQueryUI Autocomplete "waiting" in IE but FireFox is fine.

I've got some jQuery code in my page for a City AutoComplete. The problem I'm running into is that it works fine in FireFox but I only get the "waiting icon" in IE8. I've been pounding away at this for about 3 hours without any luck. I've even tried swapping out the AutoComplete for a different library, but I just can't seem to get it...

How to let PyDev autocomplete named arguments

Hi, I noticed that my PyDev does not autocomplete named arguments. For example, class Author(models.Model): first_name = CharField(max_length=30) last_name = CharField(max_length=30) email = models.EmailField(blank=True,verbose_n [caret] It'd be great if I could hit ctrl+space here and get verbose_name etc. Can this be c...

Possible to autocomplete a EditTextPreference?

Is it possible to have an EditTextPreference with AutoComplete attached to it? I know ho to attach one to an element with an id, but am having trouble figure out how to attach the ArrayAdapter to the preference field. This is wrong, but it's as close as I can get. final String[] TEAMS = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.teams); ...

Help with jQuery UI Autocomplete with ability to TAB away

I've got some jQuery code written to enable autocomplete on an input field. I'm having two issues with it that I can't seem to fix. Tabbing away from the field will not populate the input. What I need is for either the FIRST suggestion to populate the field if nothing is selected(clicked or selected via up/down) OR for the highlighte...

jQuery autocomplete returns empty list if no text in textbox

I am using jQuery autocomplete with a textbox under mvc 2, and everything works fine. I type in a search and it returns a list of results. But if I type some characters then backspace and erase all the text out of the text box I want a default list of items to appear. Unfortunatley the ajax call to my controller does not get fire...

Can we use multiple autocomplete extender control on single textbox in

Hello , Can we use multiple autocomplete extender control on single textbox in This should be like this. When first list will appear then on selection of any item, populates another (2'nd" list so on up to 3-4 list. is this possible in with c#? ...

How to fill a column based on first column

I am making a mySQL table which lists ~70 products and information on whether they are compatible or not. For the sake of simplifying the question, I will pretend there were only four products. Product1 Product2 Compatible? A A Yes A B No A C Maybe A D ...

Search on Click with Jquery's Autocomplete

Hello, I am trying to simulate the Youtube Autocomplete Search experience. I can't find the option when the viewer clicks on a listed item and is automatically proceeded to search for said item. My coding is as follow: <script type="text/javascript"> var data = ['array1','array2']; $(document).ready(function() { $j("input#dire...

Autocomplete vs Drop-down. When to use?

I've read somewhere (can't remember/find where) an article about web usability describing when to use drop downs and when to use autocomplete fields. Basically, the article says that the human brain cannot store more then the last five options presented to choose. For example, in a profile form, where there is your current occupation, ...

Can't get jQuery autocomplete to return anything. What am I doing wrong?

I'm using some Javascript I found from a post on StackOverflow. When I start entering text into the input, a spiny loading graphic appears within the input element, however nothing actually appears. When I go to my URL that returns the JSON encoded string just to test it, it seems to work fine: http://xxxxxxxx/app/get_clients/test (get...

Eclipse Autocomplete for top level object?

I have a "Pear" object that inherits from "Fruit" When I press (autocomplete) CTRL+Space I get all the members etc for both Fruit and Pear. Is there a key stroke for just showing me the "Pear" members? ...

How to make matched text bold with jquery ui autocomplete?

Dear All, I am wondering how to make the matched part of the autocomplete suggestions bold when using jquery ui autocomplete? So for example if you type in "ja" and the suggestions are javascript and java (like in the example on the jquery ui demo page) then I would like to make "ja" bold in both suggestions. Anyone knows how to do ...

jQuery Autocomplete not working with Json data

There are a whole bunch of tutorials out there explaining how to do this, eg here and here. Looks real easy huh? Yet I've still somehow managed to waste half a day on it without getting anything working. Eg: the following works absolutely fine public ActionResult FindStuff(string q) { return Content("test"); } $('#MyTextBox').aut...

Validating input with jQuery autocomplete plugin

I'm using the standard autocomplete plugin here. I have two text boxes on my form, item name and item id. The idea is that I want the user to search for the item by name, but on form submit I actually need the item id. I am returning json from an ASP.NET MVC action which is used in the autocomplete. The user starts typing an item name...

jquery-ui autocomplete does not select on enter

Hello, I have used the jquery-ui to autocomplete an input box and set a hidden value from the selected item. This I did using the select: function(event, ui) { ...$("#myDiv").val(ui.item.value)... } option (might be wrong now, don't have the code at hand, but it works up until my question...) It works when select an item from t...