
jquery autocomplete using json

I have tried so many things but I don't understand this sooo confusing. I have this <input id="wba" type="search" name="q" value="" class="search box" /> <input type="submit" value="Go" class="search button" /> also a php file header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Content-type: application/json'); $arr = ar...

Facebook Status Update-Like Autocomplete/Tagging Feature with jQuery

I'd like to create a text input like the Facebook status update Publisher. Basically, an input that can activate an tagging/autocomplete feature with a certain key (ex: @), creating tags that act as single characters in the text input (can be deleted with a single backspace), and yet still accept regular text input. Different from Facebo...

Textarea auto complete & validation if possible?

what i am wanting to do is a textarea where users enter comma separated tags 1. autocomplete how can i autocomplete each tag (substring of the textarea) eg. ph -> suggest php, phxxx ... php, zend fr -> suggest zend framework, zend frxxx ... 2. validation if i can do autocomplete, can i do validation per tag? eg. in SO, users bel...

jQuery UI Autocomplete - how do I get the user entered value

Disclaimer: I have gone through the related questions, and could not find solutions to this particular issue. Scenario is this: Based on whether the user selected a suggestion from the dropdown or if there are no matches, I want to execute different jQuery ajax actions. How do I do this? The place where I am stuck is how to capture th...

Does it exist: context aware, autocompleting, XML editor with API for including into my app

I need an API-addressable, Java-based XML editor that is context aware. For instance, if you give the editor a schema for the XML document that is supposed to be generated, then, as the user is editing the XML, they will have access to recommendations and autocomplete for XML elements and attributes. ...

Netbeans code completion spanning class files

I'm trying to get NetBeans 6.8 code completion to work for this. It doesn't seem to do it by itself, but I'm wondering if there's some phpdoc magic or something that may help, since it seems pretty darn good at using that. Take the following two classes: class A { public $B; public function __construct() { $this->B = n...

jQuery UI Autocomplete code doesn't work w/ valid XML, any ideas why?

Using jQuery UI's "XML data parsed once" autocomplete. I've checked the feed and it comes out as valid and I even logged it with error() and I get OK 200 for the status and 4 for the readystate (the XML file can be seen below). My jQuery code is: <script> $(document).ready(funct...

How to merge together similar XML documents using jQuery?

If anyone read my last question, this is somewhat of a continuation of it. AFAIK, when using jQuery UI's Autocomplete ability to grab data from an XML file as its data source, you can only do it from one file in the Ajax call. I'm planning to have a series of XML files like that ...

jQuery autocomplete plugin - custom highlight function

My autocomplete results for each item looks something like this: <h3>Celebrity Sweepstakes</h3><p>0 episodes</p> But I want only the title inside the H3 to be highlighted. See the 'highlight' function below. I'm not sure how to change that original RegExp to only replace inside the title. $(".show_autocomplete").autocomplete("/shows....

jQuery Autocomplete isn't working inside the return function of a $.post call.

Basically, here's my code: $("#airway-bills").autocomplete(awbs, { mustMatch: true, autoFill: true }); $("#airway-bills").focus(); $("#selected-awbs").val(""); $("#origin, #destination").change(function() { var origin = $("#origin").val(); var destination = $("#destination").val(); var element = $(th...

jQuery-ui autocomplete IE6 z-index problem

Hello all I am implementing jQuery-ui autocomplete function in my website. In IE6, the autocomplete box appears below other html elements select, input etc. These elements overlap the autocomplete suggestions box. In IE7, 8, it works fine. I tried changing the z-index of parent div. I changed the z-index of parent div of input, to whic...

Emacs ruby symbol word completion

Quite often I define a ruby symbol (eg. :some_value), then I want to create a method with the same name def some_value. Unfortunately, the autocompletion(M + /) for the second occurrence of some_value string does not work, being slightly different (:some_value vs some_value). How can I setup emacs to handle such events? ...

No results message on jquery autocomplete

I'd like to give a "No matches" message on a jquery autocomplete when the result is empty. A partial answer was given here, but it doesn't explain exactly how to show the "No matches" result in the autocomplete dropdown. UPDATE: Here is my code based on the current answers.. HTML: <input type="text" name="myAutocomplete" id="myAutoco...

Loading... message on jquery autocomplete

How can I make the jQuery autocomplete show "Loading..." in the dropdown while it's loading? ...

problem with 2 jquery autocomplete on same page

I have to 2 jquery autocomplete fields with same source url which are injected by 2 separate modules. When I type anything in first autocomplete I get result dropdown. Then I type something in second autocomplete I get result. But then if I type in first autocomplete, it does not show results. It makes the request etc, but it does not...

Dynamic data for Adapter attached to EditText

Is there a way to attach dynamic adapter to EditText? What I want is - when a key is pressed on EditText, my code to do a search in (some) custom store and provide suggestions (instead of static Xml-list or array). This store is not a database; I think CursorAdapter is for database results only. Example code snippets are welcomed. ...

how to clear jquery autocomplete result set

I have two autocompletes on same page. When I search in first autocomplete it adds to the dom object. Then when I search in second autocomplete it updates the existing But then if I search in first autocomplete nothing happens. It does display result set. Any help appreciated. ...

Autocompete using phpDoc

I heard you can use phpDoc to help IDE with autocomplete. Can someone show how to use it with Doctrine? For example, I have a JobTable class that extends Doctrine_Table with a bunch of methods and would like to have autocompletion when i type: Doctrine::getTable('Job')-> ... Is it possible? Is there a way to do it without phpDoc? ...

Haskell autocompletion in GNU/Emacs

Hello, I installed haskel-mode in emacs. Then I write in my .emacs: (load "~/.emacs.d/haskell-mode/haskell-site-file") (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode) (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indentation) (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'haskell-font-lock-symbols t) (put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil) What ...

Google like autosuggest with Solr

I'm currently using Solr with Terms Component and Jquery Autosuggest which works quiet good. However, this construct is limited to one autosuggest word (it autocompletes only the first word). Is it possible to implement a Google like autosuggest with multiple words/terms so i can autocomplete multiple words? ...