
Monodevelop code completion

Hello, sicne couple of days ago I'm newbie to Monodevelop IDE before I used Eclipse. It's confusing that code completion doesn't work for me when I press Ctrl + Space though I've configured it. What I need to configure for code completion to work? ...

Android AutoCompletionTextView hide popup?

Steps to reproduce: Make a AutoCompleteTextView Click on AutoCompleteTextView -> OnScreenKeyBoard is displayed. Press a few characters, AutoCompleteTextView has new characters and Popup appears. Press done. OnScreenKeyBoard hides (using InputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow) Auto complete popup is still there. If I touch the sc...

Android AutoCompleteTextView click event!

Hello All, I have successfully implemented my AutoCompleteTextView which is based off an sqlite query and placed in an array adapter. Thats all working beautifully, however I cant et my onclickevent working. I just want to create an intent to pass the selected value to a new activity. I know how to create an onclicklistener I am just un...

How do I place a magento autocomplete mini search box outside the magento installation?

I would like to put a magento mini search box in my main website, so that when a search is made, it redirects to the magento search results page. This global search is in the header and helps to find products fast on my Codeigniter main site. I was able to achieve part of this, by placing the following code: <form method="get" action="h...

How to change the default behavior of the [TAB] key while calling an application from the shell?

The default behavior for the [TAB] key in the shell is to automatically auto-complete or list the files in the current directory. How to override this behavior in the shell for some chosen applications? Edit: This is not related to the application that is being used, rather, it's the shell environment that needs to be customized! (Thank...

getting jquery autocomplete to pass item to another field when selected

I've been working on this for a couple of hours and it should work but i'm missing something! basically, i'm using jquery autocomplete with json source, with 2 values id and description. Description should show up in suggestions and if item is selected and ID passed to a hidden field ( the field is not hidden currently for testing purpo...

Solr with JQuery to build autocomplete

Hi - I have set up solr and it works. I have tested it by indexing my MySQL db and running queries on it, trying facets and trying the term suggest component (which I wish to use with autocomplete). I have recently walked through the reuters tutorial here and it worked on my local machine. Now my solr instance is on: "http://[someurl]:...

jQuery Autocomplete hijacks my UP and DOWN keys even when autocomplete not triggered.

We’re using jquery.autocomplete plugin to help autocomplete usernames on a twitter client. Whenever the user types the @ symbol, the script is triggered to help complete the desired username. Problem is that, even when the @ symbol hasn’t been typed in at all, the UP and DOWN arrow keys (used to navigate the list of potential usernames ...

How to get list of email addresses from Contacts for autocomplete field in Android ?

Ive read through the docs and searched on here, but Im not quite understanding how all the pieces fit together. Was wondering if anyone has a clear explanation of how to grab a single column of data from Contacts and have it populate an autocomplete box. ...

How can I access the inbuilt (possibly predictive) dictionary of an iPhone/iPod

Hello, I'm writing an app that has it's own text input, overriding the usual keyboard. I want to include some kind of word completition. It would, for obvious reasons, be best, if I wouldn't have to supply my own dictionary, but instead could use the one already in place. Does anyone know how to access this dictionary? Is it even possi...

JQuery UI autocomplete change event - resetting selection ID

I'm using the AutoComplete UI widget for a form to allow users to type in a customer name. The idea is that they can either select an existing customer and populate other fields in the form, or they can free-type a new customer to be created. When a user selects an existing customer, I use the select event to populate a hidden input to...

How to set time interval when hitting keyboard for autoComplete?

AutoComplete Populating will repond to each key typing for when you input data in AutoComplete. Is it posssible to set time interval to respond key typing? For example, set MinimumPrefixLength=3 for an AutoComplete. If user input "School" in the box with within 3 seconds and time interval is set as 5 second, then Populating event only ...

Showing no results message on jquery autocomplete

I'm using the jQuery autocomplete plugin, NOT the UI autocomplete. I would like to make an unclickable No Results message appear whenever they enter something that has no results from the autocomplete. How can I do that? ...

jquery UI Autocomplete activating after a user types a certain character or word...

I am wanting to have autocomplete triggered after a user types a period to do a "code complete" sort of like in Eclipse. I can't begin to glean from the documentation how to go about this. I've searched for similar questions with no luck. Which functions would I need to override to get this sort of behavior? I don't need AJAX, the pag...

jquery ui dialog loses values on second call (IE8)

I have a page which has 16 buttons. When clicked a dialog opens and a user can select various select elements (an item, an operator, and a value). This works great in FF but not so good in IE8. User clicks button 1, enters data, closes the dialog (FF, IE8 Good) User clicks button 2, enters data, closes the dialog (FF, IE8 Good) User cl...

How to enable C autocomplete in Code::Blocks?

How to enable C Std lib functions autocomplete in Code::Blocks? ...

Ruby on Rails: Set data in my model based on another field

I have an item model that has a name and a price (int). How could I make it so that when the user selects the name from a drop down the price will automatically be added to the db? My name drop down is populated by a hash of this format: THINGS = { 'Item 1' => 'item1', 'Item 2' => 'item2', etc } I'm thinking that a large switch statemen...

Visual web developer 2010 express autocomplete not working

Hi, I'm working with Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. I tend to bump at very strange problem. Somehow, the autocomplete function gets disabled out of nowhere in the editor, and i have no idea how to bring it back on again. There are no errors, no warnings (a javascript file). It seems that it turns off whenever i get close to a code...

Keep focus on input when tab-selecting a jQuery autocomplete entry Basically my issue is that when the user uses the tab key to select an item, the next form field gets the focus, but unless the input is empty, I want the focus to stay on the input. $('.ui-autocomplete').keypress(function(event) { if(event.keyCode == '9') { // Tab console.log('test')...

JQuery Autocomplete and ASP .NET MVC database as data source

Hello, I have got this working with a local data source but not remotely. It uses the Jquery library and I have followed the instructions on the Jquery UI site. This is the code I have (which does not work). Can anyone a) amend this code to work b) show code of a working example?? Thanks: JQUERY $('#countries').autocomplete({ ...