
Axis 1.2 web service problem with JDK 1.6.0.

Hi all, We ate migrating one of our axis web service which was built using JDK 1.4 and axis 1.0. We are trying to migrate it to JDK 1.6.0 with axis 1.2, but I am getting the following null pointer exception. The same code is working fine as soon as switch back to JDK 1.4. Any help? Thanks in advance. java.lang.NullPointerException ...

x,y cordinates for Timage in delphi

on click event i would like to extract the x,y cordinates of the mouse, in fact i would like them in relation to the image but in relation to the form or window is just as good. ...

webservice client - No write method for property

Hi, when I execute a webservice client - generated by Apache Axis (2) - for usage of a webservice (published with xFire including Aegis configurations) I only have got the following error: No write method for property {}elements in class ... at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(SOAPFault...

Is it possible to deploy a SOAP server with Axis without using WSDD?

In the project I am working I have deployed a SOAP server using Deployment Descriptors (WSDD) files. To do that a webserver (e.g tomcat, jetty) is started and then the following command is executed: java -cp %AXISCLASSPATH% org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient deploy.wsdd What I need is to skip the above command to avoid a call to the Ax...

illegal XML characters /Axis

Hello, I've developped a web service and deployed it with Axis. All is running very well but I've a problem when I consume the service using a String containing a non printable character (such as ETX, FS,..). I have the following error: exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The char '0x1c' after '....' is not a valid XML char...

How to add custom Http Header for C# Web Service Client consuming Axis 1.4 Web service

Hello, I'm trying to write a web service client in c# which the webservice is Java Axis 1.4. Axis service requires the Authorization: Basic Base64EncodedToken header value in the HTTP Headers. I can't find a way to set this header in standart ways of consuming web services in visual, like normal WSDL generated refernce nor w...

Flex: Inverting LinearAxis values

I have a line chart that is updated every so and so seconds, similar to the one you see in Windows' Task Manager. The chart goes right-to-left, with the most recent data on the right, and going leftwards. How would I invert the values of the X axis so that the lowest value is on the right and the highest on the left? It's a LinearAxis. ...

How to Invoke Axis WebService through Donet Client

Hi , I have a task to invoke & connect to a axis webservice in a dotnet web app. The weservice, first requires authentication of username & password , which should be sent in header , only after authenication , we can call any of its method. Now , i actually i dont know , how to actually pass the credentials & invoke the webservice. ...

Axis 1.4: cannot get SOAP request to work

I'm really struggling to get my first AXIS SOAP client to work. I'm using Axis v1.4. Our WSDL contains this: .... <element name="GetParameters"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="param1" type="codeapi:SomeParam"/> <element name="param2" type="unsignedShort" minOccurs="0"/> <element name="param3" type="stri...

Axis webservice with type="xsd:base64Binary"

So i have a wsdl that defines a message part like the following <wsdl:message name="processEnvelopeResponse"> <wsdl:part name="processEnvelopeReturn" type="xsd:base64Binary"/> </wsdl:message> This maps to a xsd, wich then imports other xsds and so on. I have the following questions: How can i generate the Message part objects fro...

A good place to put autogenerated code?

We have bunch of autogenerated classes which are mostly Axis2 stubs, skeletons etc. For some complicated wsdls, Axis2 generates a TON of java-beans, stubs etc. And I am sure there are other cases too when auto generation is used. For now we treat these as other first class members of our code-base and they are stored in the same package...

Can I do this? Apache + mod_jk + Tomcat + Axis

Hello! We're making a product which requires a web service to hook up to an existing database used by one of our other products. Owing to time constraints we need to get this thing up and running pretty quickly. Our web server is Apache on a Linux machine, and the client software for the new product is constrained to communication on Po...

.NET client getting "not well formed" XML response from Axis web service

I have a simple .NET app that makes a SOAP call to a third party Axis web service. When I trace the HTTP traffic, I see that the Request looks fine, however I'm getting an exception: "Response is not well-formed XML." The return object is null, as it seems the XML can't be deserialized. One question regarding the various namespace decla...

Java client calling WSE 2.0 with DIME attachment

I need to integrate with a legacy .NET Web Service that uses WSE 2.0 for WS-Security and DIME. The catch is I need to do this from a Java application. I'm expecting that Axis2 works fine with the WS-Security because folks around here have done it before. It's the DIME that I'm concerned about. I see a reference to DIME at http://ws.apac...

axis - how to access it?

Hi I have axis in webapp and I can access http://localhost:8080/oop/services/test2?wsdl correctly. I wrote client: import org.apache.axis.client.Call; import org.apache.axis.client.Service; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; public class TestClient { public static void main(String [] args) { try { String...

how to create a SSRS bar chart that has a non numeric value on the x-axis

Hi, i am looking to create a simple bar chart using SSRS 2005..below is a sample data. i want to show the target date changes for the relases.. so, in my case, release types need to go the category group(y-axis), and meeting type is the series, and date is the data value(x-axis) . But, date type value on the x-axis is not working as expe...

Implementing service-level authorization with WS-Security

I am implementing WS-Security using WSS4J and I'm trying to incorporate some support form of authorization. I have a global handler, defined in the <requestFlow>, which executes before every service. I need to determine, through the Axis MessageContext or otherwise, what class is mapped to the requested service. I want to delegate to ...

Steps to consume an axis webservice in Visual Studio 2008

Hi, I am trying real hard to consume a web service in Visual Studio 2008. Can anybody tell me how do I go about doing it? Or is there a link that will give me the exhaustive steps to consume an axis webservice in Visual Studio 2008? ...

Silverlight Toolkit Charting Control - Show "Column" Colours

In the silverlight toolkit chart control, the legend on the X Axis can show an indeterminate amount of points. E.g. 1,2,3,4,5. Would it be possible to colour the virtual columns that this creates? I.e. in the space where legend mark 2 is shown, the space above to the top of the control is shaded to a different colour. This will make i...

Java Axis web service project dependency not found

Hi. I have an Axis (1.4) web service (running on Tomcat 6.0.20) that is working fine until I try to use any class from another project. I have my web service project and another project containing business logic. I have added the business logic project as a project dependency/reference in my web service project. package MyProject.serv...