
Creating a drop down alert field on top of the page in javascript

Im building a voting system for my site, and i want to set it up to have a 300px drop down bar on top of page saying "Thank you for Voting" when the button is clicked. Anyone have a suggjestion on how to do this? ...

recreating the ipad search bar in the contacts app

In the contacts app, the search bar is shown with a white background and it blends in well with the surrounding UI. The only style choices in Interface Builder don't seem to show a way to host just the search bar, but instead includes chrome around it to make it look slightly 3d. Is there a way to get rid of the surrounding chrome and ...

How to change the UINavigationbar dynamically in iPhone App?

Like the iPhone browser, when you tap the url text field, all navigation bar expand and "Cancel" button show up. Hit the "Cancel" button and the bar change back. ...

How can I have a view and a subview under one tab on the iphone?

Here is my situation. I have an app with four tabs. The first tab contains a registration screen. Once the user is registered I want the SAME tab to load a separate "Latest News" screen instead of the registration screen. Any help would be appreciated. ...

how to insert png image in navigation bar and tab bar plz help

i am so sorry i am talking about iphone i cant insert image in navigation bar ...

iPhone SDK Tab Bar Orientation Change Question

Can you change orientation in an application using a tab bar. I.E. I have three tabs. Tab 1 is Portrait, Tab 2 I would like in Landscape, and tab 3 portrate again. Is this possible? Thank you for your efforts in advance. ...

How do I create a stacked column chart purely through programming with excel vba?

I am trying to create a stacked column chart in VBA where there is a bar graph and each bar graph shows the breakdown of subcategories on the graph (See right side of picture). For the normal bar graph all I had to do was create a new series and set the Values and XValues properties. I'm not sure how to tell it about the values for the...

Meebo Bar: open a widget automatically

With the new meebo bar, you can add your own widgets inside it. I want to integrate my app as widget to use in my website. But there's a lack of documentation, like open automatically my widget when enters in my page. Anyone has experienced it? ...

creating bar graph in php

Hi , How can I create graphs like this.. <?= format_size($this->space_used); ?> out of <?= format_size($this->total_space); ?> ...

IPhone - View hides behind the status bar

Hi I am trying to add a subview to my iphone window and i have written the following code for that. Problem is that when the splash view or main menu view appears on the screen, it goes behind status bar. I mean the view starts from behind the status bar. Also both view overlap when the main menu view is show after the splash view. Can a...

What is the difference between Search Bar vs. Search Bar & Search Display Controller?

What is the difference between Search Bar vs. Search Bar & Search Display Controller? ...

How to restore previous activity by clicking on notification

When my notification goes off I want to restore the activity that was put into the background, not start a new activity. I've seen some answers about using FLAGS but I don't know how to implement it contentIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | INTENT.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP); Where do I put this in my code? I tried but it ...

Problem with Chrome Extensions

Hi, I'm trying to write a chrome extension that will take the URL of the page the user is on and send it to a server for a response back. So far I have been trying to use 'chrome.tabs.getCurrent()', but I get uncaught TypeError on the getCurrent object. Is there an easy way for doing this? ...

How to make CSS (or JS?) hideable help bar

Sort of how this website shows a bar on top when you have new answers or comments, I want to show a very similar bar that just has a line of text in it and an [X] to close it. How would I begin to do this? ...

Adjusting navigation bar to fit width of screen

I'm experimenting with making horizontal navigation bars. The links are white text within black backgrounds that run together to make it a continuous bar. The width of the bar is defined by setting the width of the elements in the css a{width:number;}. How do I make it so that the bar automatically adjusts to fill the width of the wi...

C# WebClient Using Async and returning the data

Alright, I have ran into a problem when using DownloadDataAsync and having it return the bytes to me. This is the code I am using: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { byte[] bytes; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { client.DownloadProgressChanged += new DownloadP...

If I have one nav_bar.html file that is included on other pages, how do I show which menu item is active?

Hey everyone... thanks for taking the time to read this. I have a JavaScript (jQuery) navigation bar on my main page that is simply "included" on my page. For example, I have index.shtml that "includes" the nav bar, which is "nav_bar.shtml". And this is the same for every other page. Now clearly, with the current setup, there's no wa...

iphone: Cutom view layout during an active call status bar

I have a custom view, where in I draw some numbers inside squares. All this is done using Quartz programming. During an active call, the status bar gets displayed at the top and my view shifts to the bottom. Until now, it's fine. But when I tried to redraw the view based on touch events on the squares, the position of the squares is mess...

iPad tab bar app not autorotating

I made a tab bar application, but it will not rotate into landscape. I have the 'shouldAutoRotate' set to "return YES" but that doesn't work... Any suggestions? ...

how to make a 3d effect on bars in matplotlib?

Hi, I have a very simple basic bar's graphic like this one but i want to display the bars with some 3d effect, like this I just want the bars to have that 3d code is: fig = Figure(figsize=(4.6,4)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111,ylabel="Valeur",xlabel="Code",autoscale_on=True) width = 0.35 ind = np.arange(len(values)) rects ...