
Get Id back when using SubSonic SimpleRepository AddMany

How can I get the Id back to the object when I'm using the AddMany function with SubSonic SimpleRepository. All my objects still get Id=0 when after using it. SimpleRepository repository = new SimpleRepository(ConnectionStringName); repository.AddMany<T>(insertList); When looking at the source I can see that: public void AddMany<T>(I...

Script for add route

Scenary SO Windows 7 I need to connect to remot host via cisco vpn. Sometimes the host destination network is the same of local network. Example (Partial output of ipconfig command): Ethernet adapter Cisco Vpn Adapter: IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Wireless...

Do Batch files support multiline variables

If so How? Yes, batch files are lame, but I cannot use powershell, and I don't feel like writing a real app to do this simple task.... edit What i want is somthing along the lines of set var="this is a multi line string " ...

Do Batch files support multiline variables

Possible Duplicate: Do Batch files support multiline variables If so How? Yes, batch files are lame, but I cannot use powershell, and I don't feel like writing a real app to do this simple task.... ...

Set Specific IIS 7 Site with AppCmd?

I have an IIS 7 machine with multiple apps/vdirs on the single default web site. I would like to set two of them with this authentication: anonymous - off impersonation - on forms auth - off windows auth - on I would like to do this with appcmd.exe but cannot seem to get the syntax down right. Has anyone had luck with this? Thanks. ...

batch scriptfor XP to rename file and copy to new folder

Hi, All I have hundreds image files.i want to do 2 task with batch script. 1) i want to rename files with the name without '_' if any file have and moved it to temp folder. 2) if any file duplicates with file name then take it any of the file and moved it to specified temp folder. anyone knows how to do this ? Thanking in advance....

Sql Server batch insert takes 10s, problem?

Hi, I have a large batch insert using SubSonic which takes about 10s (sometimes more), will this produce any problems if my website tries to open another connection to my sql server? This batch won't happend that often, but I guess it will happend at the same time as an other connection at some point. And a related question: How man...

In a batch file, how do I execute a .vbs from the same directory? How do I take paramaters?

Very simple question I am sure. I have a file called ACLReader.vbs which I have written. I want a user to be able to run a batch file I also want the batch to take a paramater and pass it to ACLReader.vbs instead of using testText.txt (as the user would if execute ACLReader.vbs from the command line) This is what I have from googling ...

Batch script command add/change number # in variable name

I have problem with "%_Link%%num%" its not working show up link after load from txt format. I think "%_Link%%num%" is wrong syntax function. but I know %_Link1%,%_Link2%,etc can work... but i want loop that will add/change number # in variable name like "_Link#" changeable number as #. here code below... TEXT FORMAT (NOTEPAD): http://w...

Batch file run using PHP works but only displays last line

I have a batch file that displays a list of registry keys. 10000 20000 30000 40000 ..etc. Using PHP, I can display the output of the batch file: echo exec('file.bat'); This only shows me 40000 though, not the other three entries. How can I see everything? ...

Replacing a file into multiple folders/subdirectories

Is there a way in command prompt to take one file and copy it into another folder and it's subdirectories based on it's name? I have an image named 5.jpg that has been put in a sub-folder that is in every folder in a directory. I want to do a search inside of the folder (with the old image) and its sub-folders and replace all of the res...

Creating a simple finger application with batch

I would like to make a simple batch application that does two things. Asks the user to input a name, example "vega" Runs "finger [email protected]" and displays the output of that command. The following does the first thing, but I am not able to output the result from the finger. @ECHO OFF :begin echo Enter the name of the ...

Batch File help needed for PsList/PsKill when a process is over a specific age (elapsed time)

I'd like to request some help in creating a Batch file to run on a windows server which will monitor processes which sometimes get "stuck" and linger after they should be killed. Specifcally, I can see the "age" of a process in the Elapsed Time column of the PsList command N...

Batch file - matching file extensions.

Probably far too easy question, but how do I match a file extension such as .jpg while not matching jpg~ (i.e. a jpg that a program has made a local copy of?) My current line is: for /f %%a in ('dir /b *.jpg') do echo %%~na But if any program has a copy of one of the files open (and thus has made a .jpg~ file) this regexp will match t...

How to find/delete a string value in the registry based on its value

Hello, I am trying to write a .reg file that would take a given key, and search for a string value based on its contents, and then delete it. For example: [path] "a"="b" "z"="y" "foo"="bar" And somehow delete the value "foo" by knowing either "bar" or a substring of that. Is this possible? Would I need to do this in a .bat script (wh...

How to check if a service is running via batch file and start it, if it is not running?

Hi folks, I want to write a batch file that performs the following operation: Check if a Service is running ** If is it running, quit the batch ** If it is not running, start the service The code samples I googled so far turned out not to be working, so I decided not to post them. Starting a service is done by: net start "SERVI...

Batch file: file mask

Hello, I couldn't find details about how to use file mask in a batch file. My requirement, forfiles -p "C:\what\ever" -s -m *.log -c "cmd /c somecommmand" instead of selecting all the log files (*.log), how to select all the log files which has an integer suffix at the end. Eg, Among the following files, test.log, test1.log, test...

Batch File Deletion

Hi. How am I able to make a batch file with an If not command, such as: 'IF NOT [extension type] Then delete all' in a folder? Thanx. ...

Changing the path of a batch file (.bat)

How can we change the path of a batch file (.bat) ? ...

Batch file to delete specific folders

I need a batch file that will recursively remove all directories with a certain filename. This is what I have so far and its not working. FOR /D /r %%G IN ("*.svn") DO DEL %%G Thanks! ...