
Youtube API: Batch searching

Does anyone know if batch searching is possible with youtube api? On the official page ( there is nothing mentioned about this issue. I would like to send some keywords and to get response back for all of them. ...

Printing from a batch Java job

Have done some research into this topic, but found no relevant answers. What I need is to print a number of PDF files on one of three forms, which are loaded into different trays of a particular printer. I need to specify which printer to use and it's not the default printer. Additionally, I need to specify which tray to use based upon...

Batch to find and replace

Hi all, I need to replace all occurrences of a specific string with a blank space. More precisely, I need a batch file to find all "NaN" in a text file, and replace it with " " (a blank space). How can I do this? Bests CB ...

Need help with Batch FTP script

In C you can use %username% as a variable for the current user's name for directory listings and such>> c:\documents and settings\%username%\ Is there something like this for a batch script?? Using just %username% doesn't seem to help. I wrote a script that accesses my FTP server so I can load files to the server. I want my friends to...

Nhibernate: Batching and StatelessSession

Hi. I was trying around with just setting the batch value in the config file, and I see that there's a visible benefit in using it, as in inserting 25000 entries takes less time then without batching. My question is, what are the counter indication, or the dangers of using batching? As I see it I only see benefits in setting a batch val...

Printing specific lines of a textual file in Windows Batch

Hi Everyone, I'm trying to find a fairly efficient way of printing specific lines of a textual file in Windows Batch. It must be Windows Batch and no other tools (gwk.exe, perl, python, javascript, etc. etc.). I have a list of line numbers (1, 7, 15, 20, etc.) which can be fairly long (dozens if not more). Any ideas? Thanks! ...

escape string and make it unix ready

I would like to take a string that may have multiple spaces in it and do the following: 1) Replace whitespace with an underscore 2) Remove any characters that are not A-Z or 0-9 3) Make the result all lowercase Then be able to use the result as a variable. Any ideas? ...

Android application uninstall batch/shell script?

I have developed a small application that consists of 5 different apk files. I'm developing on a lot of PCs and have a lot of developing phones. Every time I change the PC, the signature of the generated APK file is changed and I have to uninstall the applications on the phone. This is very time consuming. So is there a possibility to wr...

GUI Using Batch

When you try to do things using Windows Batch, you normally think on a Text Program, but I want to know if there is anyway to use instead of those string inputs at the command window, put on a TextField, and that the messages get displayed at a MsgBox. Also, if it's possible to hide the console window. Don't matter if VBScript is needed...

batch, read texts files in n'th line to m'th line

hello, I am new about batch command. I have five text files in different folders. For example, c:\case1\case1.txt c:\case2\case2.txt c:\case3\case3.txt So I want to read these text files from nth line to mth line and write these values in same text file. How can I make batch files? For example, the result text file I want is.... ca...

Bat: how to extract filenames of a command

Hi I am trying to create a script listing the names of the files return by a program. The program is called ShowFiles.exe and it takes to arguments like this: "ShowFiles opened ..." so argument 1 is "opened" and argument 2 is "..." The the result looks like this: c:\tmp\test1.txt#0 - add default c:\tmp\test2.TXT#1 - edit defa...

batch to check if a single file is modified

I have to check in an external directory if a single file (example.avi) is modified/create today and if the answer is yes start another batch or quit. I've found several posts but I'm not be able to make this batch file from myself. I hope someone can help me. Thank you in advance. ...

Outputting contents of DIR command to file by specific extension

Hi all, I have the following command that I have in a BAT file: dir /b /s /-p *.sas /o:n >"%CD%"\WIN_file_list.txt The goal is to have a file that contains the full path of ONLY files with .sas extension. The problem is that when I run the above script, it outputs everything with sas in the extension. The file contains all of the ....

Missing DLL when run as script

Hi, I'm trying to get a PHP script to run every 30 minutes on my server (Win XP SP3, xampp 1.7.3). To do so I'm running the following script (update.cmd) using the MS task scheduler SET PATH="C:\xampp\PHP" start php.exe \htdocs\update_dashboard.php I am using the oci8 php extension on my webserver, but when I run that script it gives m...

How to properly escape a quoted command after a line continuation?

Running the following example batch file, echo foo &&^ "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" ...produces the following output: foo '"C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. What am I missing? EDIT As tagged, this question is dealing with Windows (XP) batch fi...

Python 3 argument (semi)not UTF-8 when passed from Windows batch.cmd

When I invoke a Python 3 script from a Windows batch.cmd, a UTF-8 arg is not passed as "UTF-8", but as a series of bytes, each of which are interpreted by Python as individual UTF-8 chars. How can I convert the Python 3 arg string to its intended UTF-8 state? The calling .cmd and the called .py are shown below. PS. As I mention in a ...

Batch command to create empty txt files with the file names in a folder

I have a folder of files, e.g: 001zzzqqq.* 002bbbccc.* 003nnnfff.* ... And want to create a blank text file named after each of those files, e.g: 001zzzqqq.txt 002bbbccc.txt 003nnnfff.txt ... Any quick way to knock this up in batch file? My mind seems to have gone blank on this. Thanks ...

*.bat Files opened from Eclipse is opened in the wrong directory

Hello, I'm totally new to scripting but I got sick and tired of compiling my native code for Android manually so I wrote a little .sh script and a .bat file to run this script in cygwin. Both files are placed in the root of a project, in the .sh file the NDK directory is set and then by running the .bat file I compile my native code. T...

Calling PowerShell from batch, and retrieving the new value of a temporary environment variable set in the script?

Hey guys! I hope the title is concise, but just in case: I am calling a PowerShell script from a batch file. I want the PowerShell script to set the value of an environment variable, and for that new value to be available in the batch file when the PowerShell script finishes. I know that it is possible to set an environment variable u...

Is Powershell a mature enough tech for enterprise to be using?

Is Powershell a mature enough tech for enterprise to be using? Are its many benefits worth the time and effort to convert existing VBS scripts, or would you only use it for new scripting projects? We are currently using a mixture of vbs and batch files, with a login script as opposed to alot of GPO. We don't have a huge number of .NET p...