
Biztalk - can I change the receive port of an existing receive location?

I have two different receive ports and two receive locations - one location assigned to each port. The ports are set to receive the exact same type of file - I ended up with both because I consolidated two different applications that did the same thing. I want to combine both locations into a single receive port, but I don't seem to be ...

Is there a way to automate turning a BizTalk Receive Location on or off through code?

Is there a way to automate the turning on or off of a Receive Location in BizTalk? It seems like there should be some kind of API or some such for this kind of thing. I would prefer to work in C#, but WMI or some kind of script would work too. ...

Biztalk - processing a flat file receives "no subscribers found" message

I've created a flat file schema in Visual Studio from an instance of a CSV file I have, and it validates fine, and I've hooked up an orchestration to send and receive ports set to expect a file of that schema. When I publish the orchestration and use it to pick up a file, it's immediately suspended, with the following error: The publ...

What's the best way to connect to an Oracle DB from BizTalk 2006 (not R2)?

I need to call a stored procedure in Oracle from an orchestration. I am running BizTalk 2006 (not R2). Which way is best? Are there others? BizTalk Adapters for Enterprise Applications BizTalk LOB Adapters Thanks in advance. ...

BizTalk - Catch EndPoint Not found Exception

The WCF service to which my send & receive ports are configured, is not available; thus I am getting an EndPoint not found exception. How do I catch this exception in the middle of my orcehstration and flow towards a clean exit from the orchestration? I should be able to capture the detail and invoke a class lib (through Expression shape...

Duplicate a receive location in Biztalk

I have a Biztalk application the requires about a dozen receive locations that are all almost exactly the same (one property, the folder on a remote FTP site, is different between them). Ideally, I'd like to take one location I've already created, and have Biztalk copy it a bunch of times, and I'll just edit the properties for each copy ...

BizTalk 2009 ESB Confusion

I have a little experience with BizTalk and am trying to understand BizTalk 2009 ESB Toolkit 2 without using it. Firstly, I am wondering whether anyone can clear up a couple of concepts for me: What is the difference between an "on-ramp" and a "receive port"? Why do you need itineraries, can you not simply create the same using ports a...

Biztalk orchestration request-response exception handling

I have an orchestration that uses a request response port to call to a web service and wait for a response. This is working perfectly. I am now doing tests to handle errors and I am calling a web service that throws a divide by zero exception. The orchestration doesn't catch the exception as an exception; it acts as if the SOAP fault I ...

Mapping with BizTalk + Multiple nodes to a single one.

I'm trying to make a mapping with this xml: <rootxml> <documents> <document> <iddoc>1</iddoc> <total_price>1000</total_price> </document> </documents> <items> <item> <iddoc>1</iddoc> <iditem>1</iditem> <quantity>1</quantity> <price>800</price> </item> <item> <iddoc>1</i...

How to handle Zombies in a non-deterministic orchestration?

I am creating a non-deterministic orchestration to handle convoys. I know I am setting up for the classic 'zombie' pattern. What have you done to handle the zombies when this sort of pattern is necessary? ...

Biztalk 2009 WSE 2.0 Adapters Availability

Will the WSE 2.0 adapters plus SP1 work with BT2009? I need to call an .asmx webservice and pass a WSE user/pass. Thanks, Neal Walters ...

BizTalk Enterprise Single Sign-On Service problem

Hi, I recently had to change my active directory account password. Ever since then I am unable to deploy BizTalk projects or put my Receive Locations in the stop state (Sendports & orchestrations is fine). I noticed that my Enterprise Single Sign-On Service isn't running, if I try to start the service it complains about a login failur...

BizTalk SendPort WCF Calling .asmx web service using WS-Security

Everything I've found so far says I should be able to use WCF to call a .asmx web service that uses WS-Security. The question is how to configure the WCF-Port. I'm using WCF-BasicHttp. First of all, is that okay? Second, how to enter the user/pass properly. On the security tab, which "Security Mode" should I pick? The only one that seem...

BizTalk WMI Remote Wrapper

Hi, I'm using MgmtClassGen.exe from the .Net Framework SDK to generate some WMI wrapper classes for BizTalk artifacts like hosts, host instances, etc. I'm using HostSetting.GetInstances() to get the local hosts (local BizTalk Server). This works fine. I'm now looking for a way to do the same for hosts on another BizTalk machine with a ...

BizTalk custom adaptor

I am not sure if I ask the right question, but this is the scenario I am trying to run: Multiple files (XML and a few related files, "attachments") have to get into BizTalk as a single message. I have looked into existing adapters, and don't see that done with existing once. To be more accurate, files are taken from file system. Files a...

Cosuming Biztalk 2006 R2 Orchestration exposed as a web service

Hi All, I have created an Orchestration which is exposed as a web service, the Orchestration basically receives an message type of employee, which has the Employee_Name promoted as a distinguised field to which I assign the value as below to the ModifiedEmployeeMsg in a Message assignment shape and send the ModifiedEmployeeMsg to the re...

biztalk server ftp file transfer success / failure acknowledgement

hey guys i am a newbie when it comes to biztalk how do i enable a file by file ftp transfer job on biztalk where biztalk acknowledges for every file transfer whether it was a success or failure i also need to update my db with boolean values for each file (1 for success, 0 for failure) so how can i enable some sort of transaction with...

What's EntSSO for in BizTalk Server?

Microsoft's Enterprise SSO server is bundled with BizTalk Server - I'm fairly familiar with how to configure it, make sure it's working, etc. My questsion is, what exactly does it do, and how does it do it? My best understanding is that it is used to securely store configuration for things like ports and adapters, because configuration ...

Calling a .net component from biztalk orchestration: Passing an XML message vs XML string?

Does sending a message and then parsing in the .net component more memory efficient than sending a message.innerXML? ...

BizTalk ESB Toolkit Dynamic Routing from within Orchestration

I'm trying to perform dynamic itinerary routing from within an orchestration by invoking a receive pipeline, much like the provided ItinerarySelectReceiveXml reveive port, to resolve the itinerary for a given message and send it to a direct bound port for ESB routing. The setup is similar to the ComposedMessageProcessor BizTalk sample. ...