
IE8 blocking JavaScript Cookies

Hey there folks, Here is one that is throwing me for a loop. I am trying to set a simple cookie that has one name:value pair on IE8. Tested on FF and it works fine. IE8 keeps blocking it. I have read about the P3P stuff and created a basic P3P doc, no errors reported by the IBM tool, and added the following on all pages: <meta http-eq...

How can I interrupt a ServerSocket accept() method?

Hi, In my main thread I have a while(listening) loop which calls accept() on my ServerSocket object, then starts a new client thread and adds it to a Collection when a new client is accepted. I also have an Admin thread which I want to use to issue commands, like 'exit', which will cause all the client threads to be shut down, shut its...

How does one SELECT block another?

I'm looking at output of SP_WhoIsActive on SQL Server 2005, and it's telling me one session is blocking another - fine. However they both are running a SELECT. How does one SELECT block another? Shouldn't they both be acquiring shared locks (which are compatible with one another)? Some more details: Neither session has an open transa...

BlockingCollection(T) performance

For a while at my company we've used a home-grown ObjectPool<T> implementation that provides blocking access to its contents. It's pretty straightforward: a Queue<T>, an object to lock on, and an AutoResetEvent to signal to a "borrowing" thread when an item is added. The meat of the class is really these two methods: public T Borrow() ...

Blocking Request

Hi, What does a server connection with a blocking request mean? Thank You! ...

Thread raising event gets blocked by handlers?

I am raising an event from managed C++ which is handled by a C# app. Is the C# event handler executed on the same thread it was raised from C++ ?? In other words, Is raising event blocking for C++ until it is completely handled by C#? ...

Triggers are they asynchronous ?

I have a table A which maintains count of total users in Table B. All I care is that the count in Table A is in sync with the number of users in the table B. So, whenever I insert a user in Table B, I want the count to be incremented/decremented depending on insert of user or delete. There are two ways:- a) In case I am inserting the...

how does a non-blocking event loop work?

Twisted has a "non-blocking" event loop. I understand what a blocking event loop does (sort of, from the Wikipedia page) but can't figure out how a non-blocking one does. ...

Process.Start is blocking

I'm calling Process.Start, but it blocks the current thread. pInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe"); // Start process mProcess = new Process(); mProcess.StartInfo = pInfo; if (mProcess.Start() == false) { Trace.TraceError("Unable to run process {0}."); } Even when the process is closed, the code doesn't respond ...

How to run a jQuery function after all and any other javascript has run

hey guys, I have a photo gallery page hosted on a CMS (Squarespace) which has some of it's own scripts which load the thumbnails asynchronously. The actual large images however are not preloaded, so I decided to add my own script into the mix to just make the browser load those larger images into the cache in the background, like this:...

sleep() in Javascript

Suppose I want to block Javascript execution for certain time for some weird reason, how can I do that. There is no sleep() in JS. Pls don't say do a while() loop because that's bad. I can do a window.showModalDialog and put a window.close in the modal dialog with setTimeout of very small time so that the user doesn't notice the dialog. ...

ASP.NET TransmitFile causes site to block

Whenever I use TransmitFile to send a file, the sirte becomes blocked to the user until the file completes. IOW, the user cannot navigate the site. If the user cancels the transfer, it still blocks until the site either times out OR finishes sending the data. I can't tell which, but I know if for example I cancel a 30MB file immediately...

Will an AFTER trigger in Postgres block an insert/update?

If I set up an AFTER trigger in PostgreSQL to fire after an insert/update, will the calling software have to wait for the trigger to finish before returning control to the calling software? Or will the trigger run on its own behind the scenes? ...

How can I create a blocking, synchronous file browser for my Actionscript AIR application?

I'd like for the user to select a file and then open it. Currently I have: protected var theFile:File; ... theFile.browse(); var stream:FileStream = new FileStream();, "rb"); The problem is though, that browse() operates asynchronously and uses events. Is there a way I can do the same thing without using events? ...

Prevent Anti-Virus to block outgoing email with C#

I have an application with a static class that is capturing all errors that happens during the runtime (if its the case) and when process is done, it sends out an email with the list of errors so I or any other developers can address those errors. However my problem is that McAfee is blocking the request, as if it was a kind of virus. ...

Resolve blocking issues when simultaneously calling multiple methods on a WCF service from Silverlight

I've just read this interesting article regarding simultaneously calling multiple methods on a WCF service from Silverlight: The article states: "It turns out that the issue is founded in a mix of Silverl...

How can I prevent windows from showing in .NET?

I'm currently working on an access control program in C# and I've come across the problem of blocking windows. The original idea I've come up with is rendering a plain black form over the position given by the IntPtr window handle of the process. The problem within that is updating the form's position smoothly and z-index of the position...

Python Popen: are the pipes in blocking mode? how can I put them in non-blocking mode?

Hi, In the subprocess documentation, I haven't found any hint if the pipes created by PIPE are blocking or non-blocking. I.e., if I call, will it block in certain circumstances? The documentation warns about that. How can I avoid that? Using p.communicate() is not an option for me because I don't want to block/wait unt...

How to continue powershell script after executable crash and block

Hi, I have this simple script: $files = dir .\configs | ? { !$_.PSIsContainer } foreach($file in $files) { try { .\MyApp.exe -ErrorAction Stop $file } catch { write-host "!!!!!!!!!!!!error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" continue } } The problem is that when .\MyApp.exe -ErrorAction Stop $file ...

System.out.println not functioning

What are some scenarios in which java's System.out.println would fail to produce any output. I have a call to it inside of a method and sometimes when the method is called I get the println and othertimes I don't. Update: I am also using System.out.flush() after the println. Update: Thank you for the debugging help. It turned out a blo...