
Ideal .NET Architecture?

I'm writing this question from the standpoint of an ASP.NET application. However I realize it may be suited to other contexts as well. There are so many approaches to developing the common elements of an ASP.NET website. Here are a few I have come across: LLBLGen SubSonic LINQ to SQL Entity Framework CodeSmith + .netTiers NHibernate ...

Freely downloadable e-books for .NET?

Trying to amass a collection of freely downloadable e-books/pdf books for .NET. If you've any good resources, please list them here. ...

List of Best C64 Programming Books and Courseware

What books and/or courseware should be considered "must read" or definitive on the subject of C64 programming? This question asks about the knowledge that isn't tied up in books. However a sea of C64 programming books and courseware were published that are currently available only via physical media. ...

Good book for cross platform development in c++

Hi, I'm planning to buy a book for cross - platform development in C++. I found the following books are suitable.can you please suggest me which book is best to buy? 1. Cross-Platform Development in C++: Building Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows Applications (Paperback) by Syd Logan (Author) 2. Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets ...

Should I not use a Herb Schildt book to learn from?

I was getting on fine reading "C++ From The Ground Up" by Herb Schildt, 3rd edition (2003) finding it explains things a lot clearer than some of the other books available. However it's apparent that many people consider Herb Schildt's books to be full of errors. e.g. see #16 at Is this right and wou...

Techniques for building recommendation engines?

The book Programming Collective Intelligence presents a technique for computing similar links/users based on the distance between the links/users in a huge metric space (user x bookmarked this link / link x was bookmarked by this user). What other techniques have been developed for recommendation engines? ...

What are some good free programming books?

I know of a couple, but I would like to build a list up for some nice holiday reading. (If there is a book on here you read for free, and really liked, make sure to support the author and buy a hard copy!) ...

Books for 'Advanced' Programmers

Do advanced programmers read books? There is a stage where you are no longer a 'beginner', yet you still want to learn things (Actionscript is on my list, currently). I've been looking for books which do not start from the 'How to install' or 'How to configure IDE for that' phase, but which assume the reader has more knowledge and has...

Book recommendations - Web Usability

Hey everyone, I just ordered Steve Krug's "Dont make me think" off of Amazon, which I'm looking forward to. I'm just curious to know what other books people have enjoyed on the topic of usability/design practices on the web. Thanks! ...

Best Books for getting up to speed in all things UNIX

I have been hacking around on UNIX servers for a while now, I love Debian, its a great server OS. But I feel like I don't really grasp the entire system and overall environment of UNIX. More and more, server maintenance and configuration is becoming a bigger part of my life and I am looking for some great book recommendations. Keep in ...

Best General GNU/Linux Book

What is the best general GNU/Linux book? I've been occasionally using Linux for a few years, but I could still benefit from a good complete manual that isn't tied too closely to a specific distribution. Is there one that stands above the rest? I am fine with online books too. Topics I'm interested in include file systems, security, direc...

Tips and tricks for getting good deals on books

I buy lots of programming-related books. I usually go for used copies on Amazon, but I sometimes buy a book at B&N, because its convenient. I'd like everyone to share their secrets to getting good deals on books. I imagine at some point someone will point out this thing called a library. The libraries in my city aren't great, unless y...

Audio books related to software development.

I would like to obtain some software development related audio books. Suggestions? ...

How good is "Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review" ?

You've seen the advert (except the original URL has gone AWOL): This is an image for the book from SmartBear (in lieu of the missing advert): Who's requested the book? (I have.) Who's read the book? (I've started.) What are your impressions? (Mine are favourable so far - but I'm not sure whether I'm going to learn anything stun...

What is the best book to learn COM?

I 've managed to somehow avoid learning COM so far, although I 've been programming C++ under Windows for several years now. At this point there are lots of bits and pieces related to COM and how it works in a big ball of mud in my head. So I decided that it's time to bite and do some learning... which will be helped greatly by a good b...

Recommended anecdotal/history book(s) on programming in the 60s and 70s

Hi, this is more a question about programming culture and history. I do web development, and my girlfriend's father used to do software dev from the 60s through the 90s. He doesn't seem that connected to the industry now, and isn't really forthcoming about his experience or work; we get along fine in general but I'd like to draw him ou...

Good book recommendation for c++0x?

Do you have a good book recommendation for c++0x? ...

What is a good up-to-date book for an experienced developer to learn Excel VBA?

I am an experienced developer notably in C#. I need to help a non-programmer friend get thigns done with Excel VBA. What is a good book for me to quickly pick Excel Macros & VBA up so that I can help my friend? We're using Excel 2007. ...

What books or articles would you recommend about SMS and PHP?

Are there any good comprehensive PHP programming books or articles/tutorials out there that I can learn about how to integrate SMS communications with my PHP application? I've done a Google search and found some information scattered about the web but I need a comprehensive resource. I want to learn everything I can about how a PHP appl...

Any Good Windows XP Internals book

I am looking for a good windows internals book. A book that goes into details about how processes, threads, memory management, security etc are implemented in windows XP. Kind of Equivalent of "Understanding The Linux Kernel". Which book would you suggest? ...