
What is a good book to learn CSS

Duplicate of: What is the best book on CSS? I have experience with web development and need an intermediate book about CSS. Specifically I am looking for best practices and help coping with browser differences. ...

Best book for a university course on introduction to programming?

INTRO: As you may have noticed if you've read my other questions, I'm in the process of designing a university course on the fundamentals of programming. I have asked two or three questions about this, and I was thinking it was perhaps unwise to ask so much about the same topic; it is, after all, my job to do this. However, the answers I...

Which books should a programmer read and in which order?

Duplicate of: What is the single most influential book every programmer should read? Hi, recently a very young co-worker asked if I know some articles, blogs or books she could read to become a better programmer. I told her there are reading lists with "Every book a programmer should read". I've seen those lists, I've read some books,...

Starting over and the Catch-22 of experience

I posted a question on this site back in October about how my job was causing me health problems. Things have been better since then, but I've let myself get complacent again. This needs to stop. I need get myself out of this rut and get programming again to find a better job. Some background: Started coding when I was around 15, bu...

Resource for C++

Hello, It has been a long time since I've used C++. I want to start programming in C++ again but I am looking for a particular resource and wondering if anyone here has any good references. I am looking for a book, web tutorial, video...whatever that teaches you C++ while you're building an application. So, for example, a book might sta...

What are some books that cover best practices?

I develop mostly in Perl and am a fan of Perl Best Practices. I do, however, realize that the practices in that book are not all recommended and some should be avoided. I was wondering if any other languages had similar books (or even reputable websites) that cover the best practices in their own language? ...

A C++ book that covers non syntax-related problems

I'm looking for a book focusing on non-syntax related C++ problems. IMHO majority of C++ books are covering syntax or small "horizon" problems (like: the best way to assign values to the std::vector). I currently know one such book: Large Scale C++ Design (John Lakos). What do you think about this book? Please include other books matc...

How do you read technical books?

One of the best ways to access new knowledge is by buying and reading books on a certain technology. But sometimes documentation can be more difficult to understand than the technology itself. How do you read a technical book, documentation, manuals? Do you select a few chapters? Do you try to implement examples? Do you use a book only ...

Best Squid Administrators GuideBook

Recently I have been charged with implementing Squid Proxy server for my organization of approximately 250 users. I have plenty of Linux experience and I am looking to find the best administrators guidebook for my buck. What are everyone's suggestions? Is a book the best way to go or are there other good online resources that I can re...

Best book for learning artificial neural networks

Hi, in your opinion, what are the best books to: start with learning in neural network area, and getting more in-depth knowledge in this domain? Books/resources demanding mathematical prerequisites are ok. Thanks ...

What is a good 'Data Structures' textbook?

Next semester I'm going to be teaching my first Computer Science course: Data Structures. Can anyone suggest one of the better textbooks for this topic so I can have some extra input when ordering the books for the class? I have no language requirements imposed on me, so I can teach the course in any language I choose. So, it doesn't ...

Best Book to Learn VBA?

Anyone have any suggestions for good books or even links? I was tasked with writing some things at work and they insist on using VBA and I am not very familiar with it. EDIT Identical to: Except this is visual basic and not VBA which are different. And the...

Book for learning Agile.

I have search and found many recommend book that I have listed below. Agile Estimating and Planning (Robert C. Martin Series) The Art of Agile Development [Illustrated] (Paperback) Scaling Software Agility: Best Practices for Large Enterprises Agile Project Management with Scrum (Microsoft Professional) (Paperback) Agile Principles, Pa...

Python book to buy?

Is it worth to buy Python In A Nutshell second edition or should I wait for next version Suggestion for any other book is welcome I am looking for a book like The c++ progrogramming language by stroustrup but for python ...

Good textbooks on "Computing Architecture"?

I am going to teach my first undergraduate class on "Computing Architecture." I guess that this is not quite a proper term because other related terms, like Computer Architecture, usually refer to low-level structure of computer system. Architecture in "computing architecture" is used as in software or system architecture. Actually this...

Best book to learn C from the beginning?

DUPE : (and even that question was closed as duplicate) Not quite a programming question but important none the less: Which book would everyone recommend for learning C programming language right from the beginning? I have been mostly doing JAVA for the last 2 years b...

Is there a good replacement for Borenstein's "Programming as if People Mattered"?

Borenstein's classic book "Programming as if People Mattered" dates from 1991. Is there a more modern book (say from this millennium instead of the last) that covers similar ground in a similar way, without being product specific. ...

Can anyone recommend a PHP book that follows good development principles?

I am looking for a set of solid, well written architectual PHP books. Are there any good ones? Book that cover PHP developing larger projects in PHP, not it's syntax or grammar. Books that outline concepts for the language, along with its benefits and its drawbacks. What I would like to learn is how best to use PHP for web development. ...

Code optimization bibles

Hello, What are the most highly regarded books on optimization / performance tuning of C/C++ code? ...

Good books on cartography/GIS programming?

I'm looking for some recommendations on good books that cover cartography and GIS from a programming perspective. I'm not talking about books that concentrate on some concrete GIS technology or GIS product. Ideally the book should cover stuff like map projections coordinate systems image rectification and georeferencing (GeoTIFF, world...