
OrderBy Signature Error in Pro LINQ book?

According to Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008, Prototype of OrderBy operator is public static IOrderedEnumerable<T> OrderBy<T, K>( this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, K> keySelector) where K : IComparable<K> But the MSDN documentation does not have a generics contraint on TKey that it should be of type IComp...

What is the best way to concatenate multiple PDFs into a single PDF in Java?

I have three PDF files. The first is a hand-craft marketing cover for a book, the second is rendered content from a DocBook --> XSLT --> FOP --> PDF process, and the third is some back cover content. Looking for the best way to concatenate these three PDFs into a single PDF. Anyone have any suggestions? ...

What is a good book for learning advanced WPF material?

I've been dabbling with WPF for about 6 months now and I'm pretty confident with 90% of the Framework. I read WPF Unleashed by Adam Nathan,cover to cover, twice, to get up to speed but now I'm ready for something more advanced. Can anyone recommend a good advanced WPF book as a next step? Thanks in advance. ...

Best book to learn the insides of ASP.NET AJAX?

What is the best book out there to learn the insides of ASP.NET AJAX? ...

What in "Structure and Interpretations of Computer Programs" inspire you the most?

I heard more than once from coworkers and people online that the book Structure and Interpretations of Computer Programs has had a profound impact on them. I read this book lightly on a few trips but haven't gotten the "eureka" moment from it just yet. What (topic, concepts, etc.) specifically in this book open up your eyes to somethin...

Java books for preparing for interviews

Hi all, Could you guys please recommend some good Java books which are good to read before you go to an interview. Ideally the book would cover a lot of core java, including tricky stuff. So books along the line of Java Puzzlers is what I am looking for. If you got any books to recommend for other areas like SQL, Design Patterns or any...

References for thinking Objected Oriented

I would like to start thinking in Object Oriented ways. What are the top books and online resources? I saw this post for the TOOTP 3rd edition, is that the best way to change my thought process of programming? Thanks! ...

Which Software products do you use to create programming tutorials or books?

I want to write an tutorial which I want to publish as PDF. I love Apple Pages, but unfortunately I don't see how it would support Programming Code Listings. I am sure here are a few book authors who can tell us what tools they used to create their programming books. Well actually I think it would just be enough to have an box where I c...

Best Smalltalk/Squeak Books

What is a single book you would recommend to someone interested in Smalltalk? I've started looking into Smalltalk some weeks ago. So far I've gone through the Cincom tutorials (1 and 2) and I've read Squeak by Example, which I found quite good for getting the hang of the Smalltalk model, despite the poor organisation and several mistake...

Your Favorite Programming Book available for FREE download

Inspired by this SO question, that asks your favorite programming book, which is your favorite book that is available for FREE download. While I love to buy and read many of those books, I am now looking for books that i can RIGHT NOW download to my system, which I can read while traveling, during waiting for check-in etc. Here goes my...

OOP/OOD Book Suggestions (.NET-focused) For Office Library

Our office is about to finally spend some more money updating the in-house reference library and I suggested that we pick up some more books that focus on Object Oriented Programming/Design from a .NET perspective (which is what we focus in, primarily VB and ASP.NET). After doing a quick look through our current shelf we seem to only ha...

What sources of programming book reviews do you trust?

I used to read book reviews on Amazon, but I found that they're often too cursory and sometimes, not fair enough. I read this great entry but I haven't found some truth-worthy book reviews. Jon Skeet's reviews are great, but the number of books reviewed is so small. Can you suggest me some sources of reviews that I can trust? ...

The best Webdesign Book

What is the best book about Webdesign and mainly CSS that you would recommend for starting webdesigner. Is there any bible like The Art of Computer Programming or Code Complete for webdesign? Does anybody know some video tutorials for Photoshop used for webdesign? ...

Best books in database design and optimization?

Can you recommend me books that you like the most in database design and optimization? Edit: General design and optimization books (database-independent, no matter it's Oracle, SQL Server or DB2,...) are great. But database-specific books are still great. I would appreciate any ones. :) ...

Recommendations for good books or online resources that explain how different websites make money

Does anyone have any recommendations for good book(s) or online resources that explain how different types of websites make money? Bonus points for a good resource that explains how Ad Networks play a role in the process. I'm thinking of building a website that would be free to use and would generate revenue through add banners, but I ...

Practical Silverlight/WPF books

I am intending on learning WPF and Silverlight to the extent of its advanced details. What book is good for taking a practical approach to Silverlight? IE one which walks the reader through creating sample apps. I am particularly keen on writing a graphing system as graphs are a common requirement throughout various projects. I am on .N...

Advance JavaScript Book Recommendation

Are there good and advance books on DOM, the Browser , JavaScript techniques? I loved Pro JavaScript Techniques by John Resig and JavaScript: The Good Parts. Are there more? ...

Managing your ebooks collection

I've just spend 2 hours looking for a plot that's in a book I knew I had somewhere. I went through 4 cds of ebooks, some on hdd, and finally found it in a book sitting on a shelf above the table ;-( And now I'm annoyed, to say the least. So I was wondering - how do you manage your ebook(*) collection? I have a stackpile of technical (re...

Which Programming Languages text

At college, I gave the programming language course and the compilers course a miss. I have regretted that decision since. (especially after reading this blog post by steve yegge). Im considering going through - Essentials of Programming Languages. what other books/projects could help me understand what's really going on 'under the hood'...

Fastest way to learn Python?

I have an interview for a Python job tomorrow through a personal connection. The thing is, I don't actually know Python although I've written a few programs and hacked around with Django and some other Python frameworks without really knowing what I was doing. An interview is a different matter. I'm planning on learning Python today even...