
OpenCL books/tutorials?

Is there any openCL books out there? or in the pipeline? Any online openCL tutorial? I already looked at the usual pages like khronos/nvidia dev/ dev/siggraph slides. Any other help or pointer is welcome :-D Thanks! ...

K&R equivalent for Python, Java, ...

I think it's universally recognised that the K&R book, The C Programming Language, is the C bible. What I'm wondering is if anyone can say the same about any other books for other languages? Are there any books that are recognised as the ultimate be-all-and-end-all guides for learning Python, Java, C#, Ruby and others. Please bear in mi...

A software testing book from an engineering perspective?

I'm looking for a book that includes methods of testing software from a software engineering perspective. Specifically, I'm looking for a book that includes black box testing techniques (such as how to test software against different input, etc.), but also includes information about test-driven development/design, unit testing, etc. Wh...

Pattern Books for C# / VB.NET Developers

What would you recommend as the "best" VB.NET and C# books for learning Design Patterns? Preferably books that actually give examples of when to use the patterns. I need to recommend some books to a group of C# and VB.NET developers. ...

.Net Certification ebook

Hello, I am looking for ebooks for MS.NET certification. Please let me know from where I can get them, or if any one can have the same. I'm searching for ebooks for following paper codes: Exam 70-536: .NET framework 3.5 Exam 70-562: ASP.NET application development Exam 70-561: ADO.NET Exam 70-503: WCF Thanks & best regards, Adity...

Release engineering: what books?

A part of my daily job can be described as release-engineering stuff and I'd like to keep on improving my knowledge+skill even on that specific field. Are there other books besides the 3 ones listed on Wikipedia ("releng" entry -> "further reading") What are your favourite ones on this topic? Please, no generic/all-inclusive/2k-page...

searching strings for keywords: questions about the "failure function"

I've got a question on failure function description from "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools" aka DragonBook Firstly, the quote: In order to process text strings rapidly and search those strings for a keyword, it is useful to define, for keyword, and position s in that keyword , a failure function, f (s) ... ...

Books for 3d game engine development

Hi. I'm looking for tips on books that goes through what is needed/recommended in a game engine for 3D. I don't need books about math, physics or OpenGL/XNA/DirectX, but only about the inner goings of a standard game engine. I also just want tips and tricks for the game engine, and not a full source game engine, since I really want to w...

MySQL Reference Book

Can you point me to a good reference book for MySQL? I'm an experienced database programmer, but I'm new to MySQL, so I need a book where I can look up specific things and get quick (short) answers (preferably with clear examples). It needs to explain MySQL-specific things, not standard SQL. I don't want a wordy book explaining the...

Books on Debugging Techniques?

Are there any books on debugging techniques? A friend of mine is learning to code and he asked me this question. I told him I don't know of any. Is it that you just have to go through the School of Hard Knocks to learn? ...

Is "Software Project Survival Guide" by Steve McConnell still relevant to software project management?

This book was written in 1998 and I like some of the concepts it introduces. When I tried to employ some of its strategies, one of the project members said that they weren't realistic. What do you think - outdated or still relevant? What of his concepts works and what doesn't? ...

What Characteristics of Programming Books are most helpful/useful when...

What characteristics do you find most helpful in a programming book when: you need to learn a new technology based on something you already know (e.g. learning Silverlight 2 when you already know C#) you need to learn a new language based on a paradigm you already know (e.g. learning C# or Java when you already know OOP from SmallTalk ...

After K&R what book to use to learn programming in plain C?

After The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie, some of the books most favoured by beginners turn out to be ones best avoided, such as anything by Herb Schildt or even the O'Reilly Practical C Programming, and there doesn't seem to be much alternative to these. Otherwise most of the material available is about C++...

Best Java web architecture book / website?

What is a good book or website that describes the different elements of a Java based web applications architecture? I would like to see a polished treatment of what frameworks are good for the front end, business logic, data storage, and other components. In what contexts they do well in and how well they interact together. ...

What do you find most helpful in technical books? Theory or Samples?

When you are reading technical materials (books, blogs, wiki…) do you find detailed theory or direct code samples more helpful? Also do you perfer paper or electronic? ...

c# book similar to javascript : the good parts

Hi Was wondering if there are books out there for C# that covers which part of C# language is good and which part of C# language to avoid ? Similar to what the book Javascript : The Good Parts covered for Javascript. Closest thing that I've found are "Effective C#: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#" and "More Effective C#: 50 Specif...

What are reference books for?

I'm not against books at all but I'm looking at the shelves in front of me full of programming books asking myself why I haven't even opened most of them. When I'm in doubt, looking for responses or even looking for API documentation I Google or even search StackOverflow or MSDN or some blogs I know that deal with the topic. But the ver...

Whats a good book to learn ASP.NET in Hebrew

I am looking for a book to learn in hebrew? ...

Book explaining development process, do's and don'ts, etc.

I'm a hobbyist programmer, wanting to contribute to some open source projects, and hopefully write my own (semi-popular) ones too. I have a decent 'academic' knowledge of CS and programming business, but am finding that there's a large void between "knowing how to program", and knowing how to efficiently help out with a project. What I...

C# textbook for experienced C++ developers

[ This isn't Baked Potatoes - For Programmers, but it still might be deemed "not programming related" ] I've read through some of the recommendations at Can you recommend a good C# windows programming book (for Java developer), but none of those seem to be exactly what I'm looking for (perhaps because it doesn't exist). Specifically, I...