
Flex book recommendations

I am a .NET developer, but I have started learning Flex. I made a basic site in it, but I have never truly mastered the declarative nature of the syntax. Then again, my job is writing C# code so there is quite a difference. I've seen several books, but I am not quite sure which is the best. Also, some of the stuff I lack practise in (b...

Should I try to publish a book or write a blog?

I've got an idea for a book, and I think I could flesh out about 200-300 pages including code examples. I'd like to give back to the community from which I've gleaned so much information over the last couple of years, and I'd like to make a small amount of money to cover the free time I spend writing. I'm trying to decide whether I shou...

Resources on methodologies for testable C++ GUI applications

What resources would you recommend on the subject? What I am looking for is practical advice on the differences of different approaches (MVC, MVP, Presenter First, Humble Dialog), their implementation details (setting it up, passing messages around, connecting) and unit / automated integration testing approaches. My main interest would b...

Linux Programming Book

I'm looking for a good book on Linux system programming and wondered whether anybody could recommend an up-to-date appropriate book that covers the subject well. Things like: I/O and fileystems Thread and processes etc... Can anybody suggest an appropriate book that they've read/used, not just something that they've seen on Amazon ...

MindMapping a Programming Book?

I have been thinking to MindMap the Programming books I will be reading from now, to be able to quickly revise the concepts. This struck me, since last semester before starting to code on my final year project (on a building a WebApp in Struts) I had to give 15 days to revise the Java EE and Struts concepts. In that period, I made cheat...

Winform and Database development

The company I work for(as a Solo Dev) is a simple, non-profit org. The majority of the apps I have worked on so far and the majority in the queue are glorified Database front ends. To be honest, half of them could be "Jimmy-rigged" to work in Access. I am not an Access developer though and would prefer not to be. What I am looking ...

In what order do I read the "essential" programming books?

There are a number of programming books considered to be absolutely essential (as seen here). I am fairly novice programmer, and most of what I've learned I've learned by reading various language reference books. Is there any particular order I need to read the "essential" programming books? Does one book depend on learning the concep...

What are some good learning resources for SSIS

What are some good learning Resources for SSIS. Some members of our team are going to inherit some SSIS Code and we are looking for some good books, blogs, tutorials, etc. The one thing we are looking for specifically is doing SSIS from a programing point of view vs a DBA point of view. ...

Conceptual/Generalized Web Programming Book Recommendation?

About me: I am just a few years out of college (with a computer science degree). I am quite familiar with C, C++, and most of all Objective-C, and comfortable (but not super knowledgeable) with bash scripting and Lisp. In my career I've mostly only been doing QA type work on a cross-platform Mac/Windows server product. And I've written n...

Bjarne's new book - anyone done the exercises?

I'm doing the exercises in Stroustrup's new book "Programming Principles and Practice Using C++" and was wondering if anyone on SO has done them and is willing to share the knowledge? Specifically about the calculator that's developed in Chap 6 and 7. Eg the questions about adding the ! operator and sqrt(), pow() etc. I have done these b...

Silverlight crash course for WPF developers

Hi, I'm looking for a Silverlight book (unlikely) or some tutorials aimed at people who know how WPF operates. I mean there's obviously lots of overlapping stuff and I would prefer reading something that assumes that I understand how WPF works, describes things that are available in Silverlight and not in WPF and vice versa and highligh...

Book about Database creation

I'm creating a database from scratch. I'm not intended to make it public, it's just my small project for my own purpose. ;-) I have already implemented B+-tree indexes, searching, inserting, deletion and many other basic features... But now, I want to know how to implement advanced topics as Transactions or Replication. Is there any goo...

Is it worthwhile to author programming books?

I have the opportunity to get involved in authoring a programming book on a relatively new and interesting technology. For those who don't know authoring a programming book is really an investment in your own technical knowledge and reputation. The raw money you are going to make out of it is not likely to ever be particularly signif...

Is the PHP Architect's Zend Certification Book needed to pass the Exam?

I want to get the Zend cert under my belt and am thinking about buying this book: Zend Book Is this the best book to get in preparation for it. I have heard mixed reviews and some opinions that the book has a lot of errors in it, which is pretty bad if you're trying to learn from it. UPDATE: Just found this site: Zend Site Has anybody...

Can't find Peopleware anywhere?

Many folks say that Peopleware is one of the best books for software professionals and managers, as I see a lot of people recommending it in the "have to read list." The strange thing is that I can't find a bookstore anywhere that actually has it. I found it on Amazon, but Borders, Barnes & Nobles, etc. don't have it and keep telling me...

Are the Donald Knuth books worth buying

As an EE turned software engineer I missed on on the computer science basics. Are the Donald Knuth "The Art of Computer Programming" books worth buying as a reference for filling in the gaps? Or as a reference in general? ...

As a novice which book should I buy about Artificial Intelligence?

I'm taking an introductory course about Artificial Intelligence. It's mainly a survey of famous techniques, without any practical laboratory or assignment, and seems quite pointless to me. I want to buy a good book (read theoretical but practical at once) about Artificial Intelligence. Does anyone have some good direction to suggest? ...

Forthcoming c# book on iterators

I had a pdf document which was a chapter about a forthcoming C# book on iterators/LINQ (this is not a chapter on iterators in a general C# book like C# in Depth/iterators chapter). The book is being written by several authors I think but I can't be 100% sure. I can't seem to find any book on iterators being released on the coming soon l...

JQuery resources

Are there any good resources that anyone can provide with regard to jQuery? Also, I would like to know if in-depth Javascript knowledge is required to develop with jQuery. I have heard it said the developers do not need to have any JavaScript knowledge to use it but I have not had that experience and was wondering if I was missing someth...

What are the best books for Programming Theory?

Related: I'm trying to build some...