
Looking for Modern Java Threading / Concurrent programming Book

I'm looking for a modern java threading book. I've quite enjoyed reading Taming Java Threads by Allen Holub, but it's a little old now. That was 8 years ago. I want the knowledge develop concurrent and industry standard multi-threading applications. Suggestions? Or even online resources? ...

Good online e-bookshelf recommendation

Developers having access to books is a good thing. Who provides good e-bookshelf services to technical books and why? If it matters, I program in Java for gold. Arrr. ...

From PHP to Objective-C

Being a pretty experienced PHP developer, and having a fair knowledge of C (Wrote a distributed computing experiment with 16 of my Dad's NEC microcontrollers), I'd like to make the move to Objective-C and Cocoa, eventually aiming to integrate the Mac / iPhone apps with some of my PHP projects. Going through the "Cocoa Programming For Ma...

Good ASP.NET books for the beach

or train, plane or couch. Most programming books are quite thick and require you to sit at a computer while you read it. Some of the thinner ones, like "Efficient C++" for example, are much better written and you can read them on the couch. I am looking for books like that on recent ASP.NET technologies. One example (though not reall...

Recommend book for discrete math

What book would you recommend for Discrete Math? Thanks. ...

What kind of software risk / threat analysis tools or books are available?

The situation: I work for a manufacturing company which uses several pieces of in-house software to mass customize our product. The system uses a home grown .NET 1.1 KBE (knowledge based engineering) backend, a .NET 2.0 web interface for quoting and ordering, and a DOS based tool from the late 80s/early 90s for creating AutoCAD drawings...

Best books, blogs, link, reading about AI and machine learning.

I think that AI might be a precious tool in the developer's toolbox, and I'd like to know more about this field hoping that it will make my life easier as a developer. Can you recommend some classics, books, links, essays, authors, reading, and bloggers? What is the Code Complete of the AI field ? ...

Replacement for Bookpool?

Anyone find a replacement for Bookpool yet? This was a great website for programming books but now appears to be gone with the wind. . . ...

Is Code Complete suitable for Web Developers?

It seems everywhere I go, I am bombarded with mentions of Steve McConnell's Code Complete book, my question is this book relevant for Web Developers (PHP Developers) and not just software engineers etc? ...

Dumb Question about examples in Test Driven Development By Example by Kent Beck

I suspect that I'm missing something stupid, so feel free to blast me, but: I'm reading through Test Driven Development: By Example and one of the examples is bugging me. In chapter 3 (Equality for all), the author creates an equals function in the Dollar class to compare two Dollar objects: public boolean equals(Object object) { D...

Audiobooks of interest to software developers?

Do you have any recommendations for good audiobooks that are of interest for software developers, consultants , ISV's and geeks? (To listen to when you run out of podcasts...) I don't want to see a list of Podcasts, I mean audio books like: Google Story Long Tail The Goal (interesting even not directly programming related) Any sugge...

Can anyone recommend me a JavaScript book?

Duplicate: good javascript books I'm a junior .Net developer. Many thanks. ...

What was your first programming book?

What was your first programming book? The idea behind the question is, just to know from where you started learning (programming).. but not related to 'best/recommended/...etc programming books'. ...

Is the CareerCup Book Worth the money?

I just couldnt find a decent review of this book Has anyone in this community tried it? Do you know any other alternatives? Do you have any other similar book recommendations for techies entering the job market? Thanks. ...

What are good books for Computation Geometry?

I am familiar with O'Rourke's Computational Geometry in C, but it feels a little dated. Any recommendations for books, preferably with source code? ...

What is the best book for Programming Language Theory?

What is a good book that covers the topics of grammars (context-free and context-sensitive) and their notations (EBNF, BNF, etc), syntax, type and programming language theory, etc? I'm not really digging the textbook we used at my school for our "Programming Languages" class and I'm looking to supplement some of the topics we covered wi...

What is the best source for a clear explanation of how to use the Python help?

A couple of days ago Bendin was kind enough to answer a question I had on how to handle some files that were uuencoded. When I described my response to his solution he went even further and showed me how to use a special function from the codecs module to better meet my needs. import codecs uudecode=codecs.getdecoder("uu") decoded_Gr...

Good, free introductory text to c++?

Hi all, I'm looking for a good book on the basics of C++. I'm relatively new to writing compiled code, and the last time I've actually coded ANYTHING was 2 years ago...basic PHP stuff. Online resources are GREAT and I would prefer something that is legally available for free. Any ideas? -FO ...

Generic guide to programming concepts?

I'm looking for a guide to the basic concepts of programming, that are explained in a good amount of depth. By this I mean something that describes what: Object oriented programming is... What compilers are, how they work, etc.. General descriptions of how programs work on a deeper level - such as, say, everything is in binary. But we...

What in the best Excel book for non-programmers?

I've been asked to help a friend that is a non-programmer to understand Excel formulas, particularly the less linear ones such as 'if' and 'vlookup', is there a book I could recommend? ...