
Texts for the PDF standard

I keep finding myself wanting to manipulate PDF files in various odd ways. I asked some time ago about open PDF tools here; now I find I want to have a much deeper understanding of the spec itself. Does anyone know of any good books or articles explaining the details of the PDF standard itself? Other than the standard — reading standa...

Advanced level VB.NET Book Recommendation with good Lambda Expressions and LINQ chapters

I'm looking for an advanced level VB.NET book which covers LINQ and Lambda Expressions. Generally I read C# .NET books due to lack of good VB.NET books when it comes to generic .NET Framework related subjects. However Lambda and LINQ is quite different in C# and VB.NET I'm looking for an advanced level VB.NET book on this subject. Any ...

Source code from Professional NT Services by Kevin Miller?

Hi folks, I've just bought a copy of a fairly old book (Professional NT Services by Kevin Miller, published by Wrox Press in 1998) and it says the source code for the examples in the book can be downloaded from Unfortunately, denies all knowledge of this book's existence. Does anyone have a copy of the source code fro...

Do we need a new GoF book?

Someone asked What is a Wrapper? and it got me thinking - where would I point a new developer in search of some foundational description of useful patterns? The GoF book has long been a foundational part of the canon for OO programming, and all of us at one time or another have benefited from the descriptions of common patterns there. ...

Best book for a "good" functional programmer to learn C++ thoroughly?

Hello all. I'm a "good" programmer. I know Haskell, OCaml, and other functional languages very well. I know also Smalltalk, Objective-C, and other OO languages. I spend my time on LtU, I know a fair amount about programming language theory and compiler design, and above all, I'm, ahem, incredibly brilliant. That said, I'm also hungry, a...

Resources to learn Dynamic Programming, NP Complete, Knapsack Problems, and more on Algorithms

What are the good resources that discuss Algorithms, P NP problems, Dynamic Programming, Special cases of those- Knapsack problems and such. The resource must have working code, preferably in Python. Advantage if it explains some of the TopCoder SRM Dynamic Programming questions. PS: I am a web developer interested in algorithms and an...

I'm looking for some good object oriented books

I'm looking for some good quality OO books, if any exist for VB .Net, that'd be awesome. Have you read anything that you would recommend? ...

Book about software development for business people?

Sometimes I meet with a prospective client who wants a system built but who is really clueless about how software development works. I was reminded of an old ad for a clothing store whose slogan was "An educated consumer is our best customer". Does anyone know of a book I could give a prospect like this (who is otherwise quite smart and...

Programming Interview Preparation Book

Which programming book prepared you the most of interview questions? My friend recommended these: Interview Questions Exposed Career Cup's Book What does this community recommend for someone preparing for an entry level software development/ internship interview questions? ...

New, Interesting Books?

It's nice to be aware of the current trends in our industry, and I would like to know what books have been released this year that are worth reading. I'm especially interested in books about languages, but I'd like to hear about other kinds of programming books as well. For example, JVM languages are hot topic, and there's at least two...

what books would you suggest that are not directly related to programming

What books would you suggest that are not very technical but still talk about programming or other aspects of it. Books that are not tied down to a specific technology or language but instead talk about the field of programming. I saw some list on Jeff's [blog][1] but looking for some more interesting titles.. ...

Whats a good advanced Mysql book to read?

Im looking to expand on the knowledge I already have. Whats a good book to do that? ...

What's a good multiplayer programming book?

I'm looking for a book detailing techniques for developing realtime multiplayer non-massive games, preferably focusing on the theory, rather than on APIs and underlying technology (sockets, DirectPlay, etc). Topics it would ideally cover are lag compensation, keeping stuff in sync, etc. Does anyone know of any good book that matches the...

books that guide you to knowing the underlying system better

I'm an undergraduate on CS for one year,have learned some programming languages, C, python, etc. I know a bit of TCP/IP protocol stack, and have been using linux for half a year. What disappoints me is that after these studies,I still have little idea about how the computer system really works? I think that OS and computer architecture ...

Important concepts you learn from a Programming Book

Hello, I've been recently learning how to program and had read at least 1 full book to start learning. As the book taught C++, I wrote some small programs and applications to understand the concept, but wondered, what concepts are important? Example is the "friend" in OOP, where source codes that I look at does not use this often, and I...

Required reading for a soon-to-be web developer

I am about to start working with web development after doing (non-web) server and client development for about ten years. I'm not looking for info on any particular framework, library or about TCP/IP. What I am looking for is reading (dead tree or online) that will help me understand the different challenges and terminology that is ne...

Please Recommend CS Project books

Programming Collective Intelligence is an awesome way to get your feet wet in Machine learning. I am looking for similar books which has small but interesting programming projects. Do you have any recommendations? Edit: It need not be related to machine learning. It could be any programming project-based books. Thanks. Edit2: Collect...

Recommended reading for Game Development

I'm familiar with some of the recommended programming books, such as Code Complete and The Pragmatic Programmer, but I was wondering if there were books with similar reputation that are focused on Game Development. ...

Must-Write programs for self-taught enthusiasts (game programming)

I finally found a reasonable thing to do during my short summer vacation. I got a job as a programmer on a start-up company (who shall remain anonymous), and I will be starting around the first of June. Now, the company will soon have a senior programmer that I will at some point have to impress. The company will be using Unity as their...

git reference books

Hi! I've learned what I know of git online. Now other developers at work need to learn it too, and we want to try to purchases books for that. I found two options: O'reilly's "Version Control with Git" amazon "Pragmatic Version Control Using Git" amazon In the descriptions I read, O'reilly's seems to give more examples, typical wor...