
Dissimilar Scala book in near future

I've seen quite a few books about Scala, but those are so similar to each other. Wonder what titles (related to Scala) would you like to see that would differ from "main stream"? ...

Is my book too old to learn from? (perl)

Hey guys. The book in question is called 'Learning Perl, Third Edition', by Schwartz and Phoenix - printed by O'Reilly in 2001. Is this book too old? Have there been significant improvements to the language over the last 7/8 years that warrant a newer book on the subject? Thank you. ...

Primer material for a coming Graduate Class

I'll be starting a M.S. program soon and I'm trying to get a jump start. Below is a description-overview of my pending course. Is there a book on this topic that I could check out? I've checked out the text book that was used in previous class and the book is pricey and I'm not sure if it will be used in the coming course... A cours...

What is a good Oracle reference book for a beginner?

I suppose I don't necessarily need an actual reference book per se, but I tend to learn as I go. Thus, it would be nice to have some kind of terse but readable book that I can read in chunks either if I need help remembering the syntax of a particular query or if I want to learn about particular database features one at a time. It seem...

Flash for non-programmers?

Could you recommend a good book to start learning flash for a non-programmer? When I mean non-programmer, I mean a person that will not understand ActionScript, but does get HTML, CSS and stuff. ...

What's the best way to read code in CWEB format in Windows?

Donald Knuth has a large number of programs to read on his page. But they are mostly in a "strange" CWEB format... What could be the best way to make them appropriately readable in Windows? ...

books/sites to get good at algorithm competitions

Hi, I've been practicing doing topcoder and acm contests(local ones and practice sets). But I'm hitting a brick wall in terms of performance. I can solve the first topcoder problem, but almost never the second one. I need some solid theory and memory of common strategies/algos/structures involved in these types of competitions. Just try...

Good beginner programming books in German?

Strange question. I have a German friend who'd like to break into the programming scene, and asked me during a visit to recommend a few good beginner programming books for her that are in German. She actually doesn't care much about the specific language right now, but would like to eventually get into web development - so I figured a ...

Suggestions for brushing up on C++

I am looking for some suggestions for resources (preferably books) for brushing up on C++. I taught myself C++ in highschool, and also took an OOP course in university that covered C++ again (as well as Smalltalk); however, I have been primarily a PHP and Ruby on Rails developer for the past 8+ years, and while I consider myself to be ve...

Qt must-read

Qt has power and lot's of conceptual intricacies - that's my ipression after using/learning it for a few months. Reading a whole book on the subject is unfeasible, because I neither possess the ignorance of "dummies" or "complete idiots" nor enough perseverance and free time. On the other hand official doc pages (even those broad-view ...

What's a good book for learning MySQL?

I want to get a book to learn mysql. I know some things like basic selecting and updating but not very much. I don't really want a cookbook style book but a book that will give me an fundamental understanding of how SQL actually works so I understand the code I am writing instead of just copy+pasting it. I like orielly books so I was con...

Any complete best book for learning A-Z of symbian and its API?

Is there any best books for learning Symbian and its complete API? Also, That book should have practice oriented approach for learning and it should also had the other variants such as UIQ, S60+? If you knew, any book satisfying the above, post it here? ...

Learning C# and Windows Forms, yet another book thread

(If you want to close this thread for duplicate, I don’t think this question is redundant cause I’ve done my/some homework :) I know this subject has come up before :) . I’ll be learning C# and Windows Forms this summer so I’m starting to buy some books. I’ve decided to treat them separately and buy a book about each one. I spent the l...

What is the best way to learn Erlang?

Other than specific projects (although those are welcome as well)... What tools, books, articles, and other resources should I have at my desk to help me learn Erlang? Also, are there mobile runtimes for Erlang? Please point me in the right direction. Thanks. Note: yes, I have visited Erlang and Wikipedia, but I'd like to hear some ...

White papers and books on programming for performance in Java

I'm looking for a white paper or online book/tutorial about coding efficiently in Java. I've read the white paper from Sun on Performance Tuning (which was mostly about JVM settings) and the one about Garbage Collection management. I'm looking for a paper that focuses more at the code level - which types of constructs are more efficient ...

Beginning ASP.NET, here are my novice questions

I'm a .NET desktop developer, I know WinForms, WPF, C#... I want to learn about web development. I know XHTML, CSS, Javascript. I started learning PHP but I prefer C#. That's because I thought about learning ASP.NET to take the advantage of my .NET knowledge. Where to start? Plain ASP.NET first? ASP.NET MVC? What about ASP.NET AJAX? I...

Books for Business Apps design and patterns

Hi, I have recognized the fact that i do not have a clear understanding of how forms and business logic layers should be distinctly separated. Especially in business apps this is hard to accomplish at some times as to keep the UI clean from business logic and to be able to minimize repetition among different forms that share some common...

What is best book for learning rest ?

What is best/good book to learn REST ? Same time looking good REST framework in java or groovy. ...

How to quickly get started with Visual C++?

I have just a few days to see if I can figure out how integrate with a third-party C++ API. While I've coded C++ once before, it was on linux using vim. This third-party API is windows-specific, and the minimal documentation available assumes the use of Visual C++. I installed Visual Studio 2005 and created a new project, but I'm gett...

What LDAP book do you recommend?

I'm going to work on a project with requires extensive knowledge about LDAP. I do already know the basis of LDAP concepts and I have used LDAP for very simple stuff. I'd like a book that makes a quick introduction to LDAP and then enter the hardcore stuff like security, schemas, replication, multiple directories and such things. What L...