
Recommended books about the software business?

I know "Getting Real" from the 37signals? What else? ...

Books about software developers, history of software and profession.

What good books you would recommend that cover the history of software and profession and biographies in the software world? - (i.e. not technical, fiction or project management literature) I've recently read "Nerds. The brief history of the Internet" and really liked it. ...

Recommendations for Enterprise Architecture books

I've been looking at a couple of book around architecture for .net: Microsoft® .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise - Dino Esposito ASP.Net 3.5 Application Architecture and Design - Vivek Thakur Are these worthwhile, or are better resources to be found on-line? Does the patterns & practices Application Architecture Guid...

What makes a good technical book 'good'?

I'm writing a technical book (plug - all money goes to charity so it's not so evil). Though I'm half done, I'm still constantly trying to figure out what makes a technical book really good. I don't aspire to be in the realms of a K&R or Peter Norvig or Charles Petzold or Larry Wall. But when I pick up Adam Nathan's WPF book or any of J...

The most important recent book on Software Engineering (after "Mythical Man-Month")

We all here know about the influence of "Mythical Man-Month". However, after re-reading some chapters in it lately, I understand that despite the fact that there's still no silver bullet, it start being a little bit outdated. A lot of organizational approaches has been developed lately (e.g. agile methods were a hype and success), softw...

Learning advanced CSS

Hi friends, I know basic CSS to the point that I can write simple style sheets which actually adds simple decoration to the html elements. (like border, text-color, background, font etc.) But I just realized that CSS is much more than that. One can actually build menus, tabs, arrange divs to come up with a sort o...

Is there anyway to get programming books in a spiral bound format?

I have a lot of programming books that I like to read while at the computer. However, it's hard to hold the book open and type at the same time, or at least do both comfortably. I get open source books printed on with a spiral binding so they lay flat, but I can't just go to Barnes and Nobles or Borders and pick up spiral books...

More recent networking books

I'm not sure if publish date matters, but it seems that all the recommended books I see are from like, pre-2000, or at the latest, around 2002. Hasn't there been much advance on the subject in almost 10 years? Are there any recently published network programming books, and are they any good? I posted this on GDnet but would like as many ...

Good book for beginning android development

Hi guys Can somebody suggest the best book or online resource for beginning android apps development? Thanks ...

What is the best book for java based software engineering?

Is there any book that covers and explains the following things well altogether? Software Engineering with Java in general, the concept and what to notice ... etc life cycle with java commonly practiced developing methods Best Coding Convention Version Control (and tools) Builds (and tools) tests (I think it's Junit here) Code Review (...

Looking for an ebook based on HTML (and possible with CSS)

did a search but it brought a ton of results but not any that actually suggests a book Anyways, trying to learn website design this summer. So i registered a free site. I want to have a good source that i can read along while working on this site... So what are some good books (available online) for html? ...

Suggested C++ books?

Possible Duplicate: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List Ok, I've had one semester of C++ and will be taking a second semester in it after I have taken a Data Structure class this fall. In the first class, we dealt mainly with C++ syntax and the textbook we used was ok, but now I'm wanting to go ahead and purchase a great C+...

How does Amazon get the "excerpt" text for their books?

How does Amazon get the "excerpt" "index" "front cover" "back cover" images or text for their books? Is this an automated process or are there people scanning all of the stuff in? ...

Recomended in-depth winsock literature?

Most winsock tutorials on the net are preety much basic, and become useless once you got some more serious questions as to the internals of the system. MSDN is somewhat more inshightful, but tends to be preety minimalistic and sometimes ambigious. Can you recommend some good reading materials, books or articles, that really cover the su...

Looking for advanced C programming book

I need a book that deals with implementing real projects in C, in contrast to "C Programming Language" which I recently finished reading and mastered, that only teaches the language. Something that deals with advanced topics such as: how to organize the source files, how to organize headers, more advanced preprocessing directive like #if...

Good CSS book for web developers

I am a web developer. We are getting our design done by a designer in US. But finally I have to understand his code, or at least the basics. So, we fix issues resulting from his code. Which is a is good CSS/HTML book for beginners? UPDATE: Thanks guys. I just bought Eric Meyer's CSS definitive guide. So, accepting pdemarest's reply a...

O'Reilly Safari Books Alternatives?

I have a subscription to the whole library, which I find incredibly useful. Are there any similar products out there with as comprehensive a library? I think I'm paying about $40/month and I'm happy with the service, but if there are any cheaper alternatives out there, I'd like to take a look. Thanks. ...

Do You Recommend "The Art of Multiprocessor Programming?"

What is your opinion on The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, by Maurice Herlihy? Do you recommend it? Please do not downvote other's opinions; if you have a different opinion, just add it as a new answer. ...

Books on Web services scalability

Can anyone point me to some books on Web services scalability? EDIT Thank you for your answers. What I was looking for was a bit more specific. Basically scalability in an SOA architecture. I was able to find a couple of books that helped: Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Con...

Code Complete 2 or Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture?

In a month, I will be starting my freshman year at college, majoring in Software Engineering. I have read many questions regarding good programming books and good learning resources, and in every one, I have seen references to both "Code Complete" by Steve McConnell and "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture" by Martin Fowler....