
Being someone new to AJAX, what would be a good place to start?

Being someone new to AJAX, what would be a good place to start? What books/tutorials would you recommend? ...

Please recommend resources for experienced developer new to C

I'm looking for good websites, and possibly books, to help me improve my C (not C++). I've been coding for over 10 years, mainly in Java, but my experience of C is minimal. I don't need something that explains what an 'if' statement does, I'm more interested in best-practices, and common pitfalls, with an emphasis on the things likely to...

how did female pronouns become so common as gender-neutral in programming books?

NOTE: I think this is a good thing. I've read a lot of computer books, as I'm sure many of you have, and I've noticed that many (far more than half) of these books use "she" and "her" to refer to unnamed programmers/users/etc, rather than "he" or "him". I don't read a lot of other nonfiction, so I can't comment on other subject areas, b...

jQuery free eBook?

Is there a free eBook for jQuery? I know, there is a lot of info online, but i think, a book is always better. ...

Authority/AuthorScript Books/References

Hi, I was cleaning out some of my directories to free up space and found an old copy of Authority. It was an old 4GL (4th generation language) that let you “program” by dragging-and-dropping things, and had a scripting language as well—a lot like Flash. I think we used it briefly in school for a bit (10 minutes?), but I don’t remember...

What is the best (computer book) publisher to write for and why?

I have written a book for Packt publishing because they asked me too. Having gone through a year long experience with them I found that there were many pros and cons to having written for them - a fairly new publisher (upstart built from the staff that fell out of the Wrox buy out). Question: Having enjoyed the writing process quite a ...

which book is better

Hi All, Just want to know which book will be better for me (I know the basics): Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 by Matthew MacDonald or Programming ASP.NET 3.5 by Jesse Liberty Thanks. ...

Creativity in software development: any book recommendations?

I have recently read Software Creativity 2.0 by Robert L. Glass. It's a great book dealing with being creative in the development process. Are discipline and formality at odds with flexibility and agility? When are control-driven vs. experimentation-driven approaches most effective? Can we "make creativity happen" in a soft...

Good Postgres resources?

I have been using Postgres for almost a year now and I've been able to accomplish all the tasks at hand so far by googling what I need. I'm looking for a good Postgres resource so I can discover things that are possible aside from just querying and maybe to learn things beyond what I need (or I didn't know that I needed) or probably lear...

Best introductory level "R" programming language book?

Possible Duplicate: Books for learning the R language As subject states, I need recommendation for "Introcudion to" R language book. ...

any famous book on designing website user interface to recommend ?

Should be the ones that you really think good! ...

Which c++ book should I read after finishing 'accelerated c++' ?

hi, I've just finished reading 'accelerated c++', which i really enjoyed, but i am wondering which book will make a good 'next step' ? I would like a book that emphasizes writing idiomatic c++ over and above simply learning language features (in the style of accelerated c++) thanks, ...

What is the best book to get started with software design?

Possible Duplicates: What books do you suggest for understanding object oriented programming design deeply? What is the single most influential book every programmer should read? Best Java book you have read so far I am currently at university and am about to start a personal project, for both experience and hopefully to hel...

While reading programming book, do you try examples one by one in time or all after finishing the whole book?

While reading a new programming book, which of the following you are doing? Download the examples and check them while reading Try the examples by hand one by one while reading Finish all the book with just reading the examples, then try them all after that Try examples of each chapter at its end Other (please list) ...

Best Book for Amazon AWS use and load balancing?

Hi All, Do you know any great book about Amazon Web Services and how to exploit it the best way to do load balancing? Many thanks for any help, Best, Raphael ...

Good books on the coming .net framework 4.0

Any recommendations on good books to read about the coming .NET framework? Books that cover new features of the framework and new language syntax for C#. Thanks. ...

Active Directory Programming in C++ on Linux

Can anyone point me at good books for Active Directory Programming in C++ ( Linux ) or refer me to libaries for doing this? I need to authenticate application with is developed C++ and Sever has Active Directory , And before going to Start the application . I need to test user credentials information with Active Directory . ...

What book can I read to help me start a software testing company?

What book can I read to help me start a software testing company? I've read all the basic software testing books. Please don't point me to other basic software testing books. I would like to get a list of links or books on the business of software testing. ...

How would you implement a perfect line-of-sight algorithm?

Disclaimer: I'm not actually trying to make one I'm just curious as to how it could be done. When I say "Most Accurate" I include the basics wall distance light levels and the more complicated Dust in Atmosphere rain, sleet, snow clouds vegetation smoke fire If I were to want to program this, what resources should I look into an...

Recommended books on SQL Server 2005 full text indexing

I am looking to learn more about full text indexing and I am looking for more information than is available in SQL Books online or at least something that presents full text indexing in a different way. Does anyone have any recommendations on books. ...