
How to diplomatically give 'Code Complete' to another team in my office?

There is another team in my office which I think would greatly benefit from reading "Code Complete". I have an extra copy of the book, and would like to give it to them in the hope that they will read it and follow some of its sage advice. How do I do this diplomatically? ...

Is there any BlackBerrry development books or sample apps available?

Hi, I want to write a BlackBerry mobile application. I've noticed that the information for developing BlackBerry apps is obscure compared to the iPhone. The samples on the BlackBerry site don't have examples that utilize the most common form objects besides lables and buttons. Does anyone know any other sites with BlackBerry Sample...

How do you update yourself or learn further?

Being a relatively new developer I was curious how professionals update their skills or just learn new things with technologies they already know. I personally so far have found that I can only learn something either from work, personal projects, or searching online something that randomly pops into my head. I've tried books, but it di...

Programmer Guide structure

Hello, I have to write a programmer guide. What is the general structure of the programmer guide? ...

Best approach to construct complex MySQL joins and groups?

I find that when trying to construct complex MySQL joins and groups between many tables I usually run into strife and have to spend a lot of 'trial and error' time to get the result I want. I was wondering how other people approach the problems. Do you isolate the smaller blocks of data at the end of the branches and get these working f...

tco/ip,osi model,socket programming, networking

Hi experts, can anybody give me the names of best books(writer names also) on 1.tcp/ip 2.osi model 3.socket programming and a good book of networking? ...

Recommended books for web developers trying to bring it to the next level?

I have $100 to invest in a couple of books. Can you recommend me one or two recently released books on the subject of programming and/or computer science? I'm a web developer: Python/PHP/Ruby, slow "easy" languages. I'm trying to add more algorithms, numerical computing, artificial intelligence, and very fast languages to my skill set....

data structures and algorithms e-books

Hi, Where can I find e-books on Data Structures and Algorithms? I am currently reading "Computer Algorithms: Introduction to design and Analysis" by Sara Baase and Allen Van Gelder. I would like to have additional information to supplement what's in this book. Also some references on worst-case analysis would be great. ...

How is Programming Pearls 2nd ed different from the first edition?

I enjoyed reading Jon Bentley's Programming Pearls 1st edition a long time ago. Is the second edition worth buying? Are there significant changes, other than code being written in C/C++? P.S.: I've seen what the author says, but I wanted to seek opinion from other readers as to what they really thought of it. ...

Book Recommendations for Moving from Novice to Advanced Python Programming?

I have a friend who I have been trying to help learn computer programming and I have a question on his behalf. He's interested in doing some biological modeling for his own research and needs to visualize his data using graphical elements, but he needs more power than can be found in Excel or similar solutions. I naturally sent him to Py...

Programming Project Books?

Possible Duplicates: Suggested C++ books? Language Books/Tutorials for popular languages Project-based books / websites Hello everyone! I am trying to learn C++ better. I know the basics of it, but I want to deepen my knowledge. What are some good books that not only teach you concepts of the language, but give projects for ...

Good books on string algorithms if any. Do I need a separate book or theme is well explained in general algoritms?

Do I need special book to learn about string algorithms, or it will be enough to pick up a chapter from general books (e.g."Introduction to Algorithms")? I prefer more code and less theory, and language doesn`t matter. It seems to me that many books on algorithms are outdated. Is it true? ...

Is The Art of Computer Programming worth it?

Possible Duplicate: The Art of Computer Programming - What Can I Get From Reading the Lot? I'm an experienced developer that is trying to buy books that will help her become a better programmer and aid her in solving complex problems. I'm considering The Art of Computer Programming by Knuth (the first 4 volumes). I know that th...

Creating an iphone book application

I have some experience creating iphone applications and would now like to create an iphone book application. Browsing the Book category in iTunes it seems to there is a standard format for building these apps, however, googling for how to build an iphone book app produces no useful results. This type of application is also not addresse...

SSL book required

Can someone point me towards the name of a good SSL book? If its on OpenSSL it would be good, but not necessary. ...

Please suggest me a J2EE book

Hello everyone, I'm a developer pretty much experienced in web development (HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Django, Ruby on Rails). I have just recently taken on Java (read "Core Java" and the SCJP 6 book) and I now want to start with J2EE. I need a book that will go through the most important aspects (EJB/JSF/etc., I know the buzzwords :) ) of ...

do you rely on your memory or consult references and use a lot of intellisense?

I am asking because I am living my 40s. I have noticed I do not code as much as I use to when I was in my 20s and part of my 30s. Basically, today I dedicate more time to analysis and design, then I give away the design to programmers and they do the coding. But, this have affected my coding productivity because I must consult references...

Creating a new control for ASP.NET

I am looking for a good books or online material about this topic. I am not talking about user control or server control that extend existing controls. A completely new control with a visual content when it's placed on page in design view (like grid view) i have a basic knowledge creating dll libraries in c# and now i want to learn ...

Recommended book about parallel programming - theory & best practice?

I'm looking for a book or books about multicore, multithreaded programming. The perfect book should focus on best practices and maybe include a bit of theory background. I'm not interested in a book which only describes a single library and focuses on its API. OS actually doesn't matter. ...

What is the current software development/design book you are reading?

Hello *, I am constantly interested in reading interesting software development or design books. I think this post could be a great source to share opinions on books currently read by users. Especially I would be interested to know if the book is worth buying/reading and what is the summary in the user own words (pretty short mini-revie...