
Can anyone suggest a good book for learning C# 3 and Visual Studio 2008?

Can anyone suggest a good book for learning C# 3 and Visual Studio 2008? ...

Suggest a book of same level as CLR via C#

Hi All, Can somebody suggest a book of same level as CLR via C#. Thanks. ...

Books or other resources for learning Visual Studio?

Some background: I used Visual Studio quite a bit back in the pre-.Net days, and I'm now moving towards using it again. In the interveining years, I've been doing a lot of coding in other environments (Java, Python, Perl, C++, embedded C, lots of HTML/CSS/Javascript, etc) as well as a fair amount of .Net work that just didn't use Visual...

j2ee good and reliable books

Can anybody suggest some good books for starting J2EE? I have done Core and Advanced Java ( up to Swing). ...

You can use interfaces to create const and nonconst versions of an interface?

I am currently reading Effective C# and found the following line very confusing: Last, but certainly not least, you can use interfaces to create const and nonconst versions of an interface: What are and nonconst versions of an interface? And where would we use this? Supporting code: public interface IConstNameValuePair { ob...

Trying to find the name of a really old UI design book by Apple

This morning, I was reading a news article on Apple (either Snow Leopard or FCC), and I came across a part that referred to an old book by Apple (IIRC), that had two parts, and the first part was just on UI design. I was trying to get a copy of that book, but it seems I lost the link to the article. Does this book ring a bell with anyone...

Need help finding a classical computer book

I need help finding a classical computer book. This was a very good read I remember, but when I found it online I didn't have time to read it and I must have lost the bookmark I made for it. If any of you have read it, I think that the following facts are enough to identify it: The title is something like "The Joy of Computers/programm...

Is there such thing as a technical manual that is not inherently staggeringly dull to read?

This question is not about "Code Complete", "Mythical Man Month", the writings of Joel Spolsky or any other technical writing that is theoretical or discussion-oriented. It's about the hardcore technical manual that describes the nuts and bolts of a particular technical language or technology in all of its gory, clinical detail. I'm ta...

Desiring a C# book, 3.0 or wait for 4.0 releases?

I see many books on C# 3.0 but also 4.0 pre-orders. What is the big differences? Can I go ahead with C# 3.0 to start now or should I wait and pre-order? Any book recommended? ...

Books about Graph Databases

I was hoping I could get some recommendations or pointers to some books that could help me understand the internals about graph databases. When I say internals, I am interested mainly in Why graph databases are important, specifically what mathematical operations it excels at. Also, I would like to understand it's implementation, at le...

Why do programming books always have pictures of animals on them?

Why do programming books always have pictures of animals on them? Seriously, I can't figure it out.... ...

Your opinions about Ryan Hebmree's "The Complete Graphic Designer"

I'm searching a good book about design but I'm not a designer. I've found "The Complete Graphic Designer" and it seemed to me that it was good enough. But unfortunatelly I cant find any reviews to be sure. So, some questions about it: Is it understandable enough for programmer (i.e. I know only a few design terms)? Does it contain s...

How obsolete is "Creating Applications with Mozilla"? (the book)

I have the book "Creating Applications with Mozilla", though I haven't read it yet. According to the book's web site at, It is "very out of date." How out of date is it? Is it a decent reference, but doesn't cover new APIs, or is the stuff it covers things you shouldn't be using anymore? Is it decent as a XUL/XB...

Recommended books for Direct3D programming

What good books are there for learning 3D graphics programming (DirectX 9) ? I'm also interested in a book about pixel/vertex shaders. I've done some 3D graphics about two years ago using WPF, but I don't think this would help much. I'm pretty good at C++ and optimization (assembler, SSE, metaprogramming), so I don't think this would be ...

Book Recommendation: Writing WMI Provider Extensions using .NET 3.5

I'm looking for an in-depth guide on writing WMI Provider Exensions using .NET 3.5. I've spent some time searching, but so far I haven't found anything that meets this description. Is there such a book? I would prefer one that uses C#, but I'm not sure I can afford to be picky in this case. ...

What are the best resources or books to prepare C/ C++ STL, Data Structures and Algorithms ?

Dear All, I want to re-phrase my question. I want to prepare on CS fundamentals like Data Structures, Algorithms and programming languages like C and C++. There are lots and lots of material out there and I would appreciate if you experts can point me towards some standard resources/books for this technologies. Thanks. ...

Software Configuration Management : Recommended Reading on Best Practices

I've recently been involved in a project in which Software Configuration Management has played a crucial role. However, I believe my skills in SCM are lacking. What reading (books,articles, etc...) would you recommend on SCM Best Practices? I'm not looking for books on SCM tools. I've already got that skill set covered :) ...

Domain-driven design (DDD) readings

Share with the community the best texts/blogs/articles/books on Domain-Driven Design you've read! ...

LaTeX: remove blank page after a \part or \chapter

How to remove a blank page that gets added automatically after \part{} or \chapter{} in a book document class? I need to add some short text describing the \part. Adding some text after the part command results in at least 3 pages with an empty page between the part heading and the text: Part xx (empty) some text How to get rid of t...

Schema for Books, Magazines, other forms of media

I am going to be working on a project that will heavily involve indexing various forms of media including Books, Magazines, Web sites / pages, etc. What I am wondering is if there is a standard schema, xml, dtd, object model, database model, etc that anyone knows about and can point me to as a starting point or reference I greatly appr...