
What are good books to study C/C++ programming in Windows?

I'm an experienced Java/C# developer. I studied C/C++ in university but have never used them to build any non-trivial software. Now I'm interested in learning about C/C++ programming in Windows and looking for good books to get started. Specifically, I want to learn about Win32 API, MFC, COM, event hook, screen capturing, multithrea...

Looking for a book or website recommendation concerning radiosity rendering.

Looking for a book or website recommendation concerning radiosity rendering. I need something that a beginner can digest but is detailed enough that the reader could then actually implement something. ...

Resources to learn MacOSX development from Linux/Windows development point of view

I have programmed a lot on Linux, and to some extent on Windows. Even though MacOSX is fundamentally based on the BSD kernel, there are quite a number of user-level services and APIs that I am not fully knowledgeable about (plist, .app bundles, universal binaries, etc..). Is there a resource (preferably book) that you would recommend L...

Books for GUI framework creation

Could you please recommend some books I would need to read in order to learn how to build a custom GUI widgets? Or better yet, how to build a GUI framework? Any programming language will do, I wanna learn the concept behind this. ...

Best Ruby (and Ruby On Rails) Books

Hay Guys, whats the best books to learn ruby (and ruby on rails)? Any books you guys would recommend? Thanks ...

Should Intermediate Java Programmer Read Fundemantals Part Of Java Books?

I love reading programming books.But every Java book has first intro part to the language which has chapters about language fundemantals like variables,loops,decision making, etc.I am wondering if you reading these parts of the books or skipping to the parts that intrest you? ...

Coupling between model and view in mvc pattern

Going through the mvc section at the chapter on compound pattern in the head first design pattern book, i came across the following thing that makes me uneasy. As per the description of mvc , model should have implementation of observer pattern and upon any change of its state it is supposed to notify all its observer of the event and as...

Chris Pine = Ruby as X = Rails....What is X ?

I am just reading through Chris Pine's Learn to Program (The Ruby Series) 2nd Edition and it is one of the best programming books I have ever come across. Unfortunately, he hasn't written (or I can't find) a book for Rails. Does anyone know of any books that are of the same calibre and quality as Chris Pine's writing for Rails? Thanks...

Parallel Programming and Numerical Methods References / Books

I am looking for strong references on parallel computing and numerical methods. While there are a lot of questions and posted references on these topics independently, I would like to find a body of knowledge dedicated to their intersection. For example What algorithms (such as an eigen decomposition or a matrix inverse) are well sui...

What is a good book to study data structures in C?

Please tell me a good book for studying data structures in C. Feel free to post links of good e-books if you have any. What should be the strategy while learning this topic? ...

Best web programming book for stand alone application guy?

what are the web programming book or books that takes you as a stand alone application programmer and make(develop your skills) you web programmer and make you think more in web way so that if you have idea about web you can directly sit front of the computer and code it by yourself? Edit:i prefer using php,mysql ...

Are there any DirectX 11 programming books?

Anyone know any DirectX 11 programming books that have been printed already? or there will be soon? I'd like to buy one or preorder but haven't found one anywhere ... ...

What is the most comprehensive book on data structures?

I am looking for a comprehensive book on data structures which covers wide range of data structures, both fundamental and advanced, with implementation code. I have consulted a few books but all of them skip some fundamental data structures here and there. For example, I am looking for some book which covers all variants of tree data s...

Recommended reading on Java

For my new job I'll need to do Java development, which I have never done before. Nevertheless I have a fairly decent software development background, so it would be great to read a couple of books that won't be too simplistic (not "Java in 24 hours for the mentally deranged"-style ;-). Topics especially interesting for me are: Language...

Where can I Find some Good Linq to Entities Tutorials?

I am getting started with Linq to entities and do not know where to start. Can you recommend some good tutorials online and some good books I can buy? ...

Recommended data mining books for a developer (not mathematician)?

I'm a developer, not too good at math, but I'm willing to learn fun stuff to do with data mining techniques. I've looked at pragmatic books on the subject which gives me some ideas (and maybe introduces me rapidly some tools). I insist on the fact that I'm not a mathematician! What do you advise? ...

Best book for learning in depth

Most of the Rails books I have touch on and prototype, but because the Rails framework is so large, they don't spend a lot of time going in depth on the two packages. I really like Agile Web Development with Rails (3rd Ed.), so I was leaning towards picking up another book from Pragmatic Bookshelf specifically on script....

Object design in .NET

I have a couple of employees that, while technically proficient, do not seem to fully grasp the nuances of building objects. Because C# is an Object Oriented Language (hey, no laughing from you Java people!! Don't think I didnt hear that!!) they understand that they are creating classes but they dont really understand how those classes ...

Which technical gurus do you believe make great authors?

I am a fan of Jeffrey Richter and Joel Spolsky. I like them particularly because they have a marvelous writing style (the fact that they really really know their stuff goes without saying). Both Jeffery and Joel for me have the ability to explain complex ideas in simple ways. Which for me is the key. Joel actually goes one step furthe...

Good introductory statistics book?

Hello, what is a good introductory statistics book you can recommend? if there is a whole sequence of books that should be read, please do not hesitate to mention it. Books with applications are also welcome. I am aware that a single search on Amazon (or any other book seller) will provide me tons of titles, but some of them are avoidab...