
Learning embedded systems from the ground up

Hi, I am fourth-year studying for my undergraduate in Computer Science, and I wanted to start learning about embedded systems and programming. I have been looking at various university courses (UCSD, MIT, etc.), but there is a lot of focus on hardware. I don't mind learning the hardware, but throughout my studies, my degree has almost...

Books for Email Marketing software development

Hey guys, I've searched and searched and can't find anything on books for developing email marketing software. There are a bunch on CMS development amongst other things, but all I get are ads for email marketing software, not books on how to do it. I'm looking for one on an advanced level preferably with PHP, MySQL (or PGSQL) in a Lin...

Advanced linq book?

What is the best advanced LINQ book? I'd like a book that covers in depths the inner workings of LINQ including lambdas, expression trees, etc... ...

Is Algorithm Design Manual a good book for a beginner in algorithms?

I've a good idea of what Big-O is, and I also know a few basic sorting algorithms, although, for some reason, I was never comfortable with them, and I keep forgetting them. I've been programming for 4 years in Java, Python, C and C++; I've been a decent programmer. Now, I want to move beyond learning programming languages and start learn...

Current Books on web security

Have you read a book on web application security that could serve as a solid introduction to the subject for beginning web programmers? So far I've found the following canditates, but none of them seem to be suitable for beginners (I haven't read any of these, this is just my impression from what is available on the web): Stuttard, ...

CLR via C# like book for java

I am C# programmer, fairly comfortable with Java syntax and some features. I want to know if a book like CLR via C# exits for Java, something which will give me an in-depth knowledge of the JVM, but still remain high level like CLR via C#. ...

Recommended Books & Resources for VSTO

What are some good books and resources for an in depth look into VSTO? ...

Favorite C# windows forms books/blogs/websites

Which are your favorite windows forms books/blogs/websites? (I don't think this is a dup...have checked other related questions) ...

Mobile device programming: best books?

I would like to focus on programming for mobile devices such as iPhone, Palm Pre and last Nokia series. I'm interested in usability, user interface design, memory management, application design... every single part of it. What books do you recommend for this topic? What are the must have books for mobile device programming? ...

Learning DirectX

I want to learn to do some DirectX 9 and 10 programming in C++. Could anyone suggest me some good books to start with for a beginner in DirectX and at the same time, some reference books for DirectX 9 and 10? I have a background in standard C++ programming and I want to know what are the prerequisites to be able to program with DirectX....

Books/articles that inspired you

Hi, Some time ago I found a book "Fatal Defect: Chasing Killer Computer Bugs" by Ivars Peterson. Those who read the book, most probably was impressed by thrilling stories of real live bugs around us. Later I come across of well known Death march by Edward Yourdon. This book was describing so many things happing in my day by day job li...

Which ML implementation for working throughthe book " purely functional datastructures"?

Hi, I was using Moscow ML to work through the exercises in PFD till I hit chapter on Lazy Evaluation. Mosml implementation does not have any thing like $ notation described in the book. Mosml comes with suspension datatype but I cannot use pattern matching as described in the book. Which implementation of ML did you use to work though...

Please could someone suggest some books for WinAPI?

Possible Duplicate: A good book to understand WinAPI programming? Please close; duplicate of 329776. I just recently got involved with an open source project that uses Windows.h WinAPI extensively, and libraries such as Advapi32. I'm a real newbie when it comes to low level C++ stuff, since I've been a C# developer most of ...

What book or books should every programmer own?

Possible Duplicate: What is the single most influential book every programmer should read? I'm looking for some books to add to my library, and I'd like to get some book recommendations. I know this has been done before but the previous lists of books have been disorganized and aren't as good a resource as they could be. To fi...

Recommended reading on 'how the web works'

After about 4 years of winforms development with VB.Net and C#, I moved onto web development using standard ASP.NET webforms (which I've been doing for the last year and a half). What I'm realising now though is how little I actually know about how the web works. This is partly laziness on my part but partly due to the level of abstract...

What is the most complete (free) ISBN API?

I've been using the Open Library Books API, but it lacks many of the books I have. Which API has the best coverage (especially for non-English books)? Edit: I'm particularly interested in APIs that can be accessed from the server side and that provide metadata (author, title, publisher, year, etc). My coverage benchmark is this arbitra...

Ruby book for advanced learner?

I consider myself experienced programmer in the sense that I have been working with various different languages and abstractions all the way from asm to object-oriented C++ and object-functionalish Python code. I'm currently looking for a book about Ruby. The ideal book would assume that the reader already knows how to program some lang...

Any good, new Delphi books?

I've noticed that the number of good Delphi books is slowly going down to zero. Of course, there are plenty of books that explain the basics but good titles like the "Tomes of Delphi" series seem to have stopped. What I am looking for are recent, new book titles about Delphi that are useful for Delphi experts, not newbies. There are ple...

Books for bringing up a new programmer

I will soon be taking on the role of mentoring a fairly new programmer. I have so far been the lone programmer at a quickly-growing small company. Are there any good resources I can check out that could help me transition into this role? Specifically, I am looking for resources on how I can be a good mentor, rather than resources for the...

Books to Help Me Write Better Code

I am getting ready to buy my next book to read. What should I get? I am still pretty much a Junior Developer in terms of writing maintainable code, design patterns, and just overall good code. Sure, I can churn out a ton of code that works, but it probably isn't the best code. I want something that will help me write better code. ...