
Does "An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming" by Timothy Budd still have value?

If one has a good understanding of the different principles that make up OOP does the book "An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming" by Timothy Budd would still have value to read? It's mentioned in a few texts and it sounds like a great book to read when you're starting off but what if you've got a bit of experience under your...

Java Code Refactoring: Best beginner's books

Hi All, I am a java programmer. I recently have embarked on a refactoring project and so wanted to get some suggestions on any good books out there which can provide fast and practical insights for the same. I haven't done any refactoring projects before, and neither do I have much knowledge of design patterns yet, so some beginner leve...

Best practices for building eclipse like framework

Hi Everyone, Can anyone recommend on a real good book regarding building plugable application frameworks like eclipse? Thank you very much Adi Barda ...

Recommend RedDot CMS resources, books, fast ways of learning?

I am facing a very aggressive as they say deadline on a project where I need to modify existing RedDot-based system(change some template things, pretty minor changes), and I have no prior experience with RedDot and hence no knowledge of it. What would you recommend to buy/read to get going with it asap? Places to ask questions? Get hel...

Good book for puzzle

I am great fan of book like "Java Puzzler". I want to know about other book titles which provides similar contents like "Java Puzzler" (Mostly for java). Same time looking for good general puzzle book also. Please suggest some titles. ...

Code Complete 2 - Is it worth the money if you've already got Code Complete?

I'm thinking about re reading code complete as I read it when I was in my first year in uni (9 years ago) and I didn't really get it. I'm thinking about rereading it, but before I do, should I buy code complete 2 and just read that instead? ...

JQuery book recommendation and can we have a books reference wiki on SO?

I started looking at a book for JQuery and as usual I started perusing through reviews on Amazon. So far I'm split between Learning jQuery 1.3 by Chaffer and Swedberg vs. JQuery in Action by Bibeault. Any pros/cons and what other title would you recommend? It seems that the first title needs also a companiion for the UI, like JQuery UI 1...

Resources about File structures

I'd like to learn advanced techniques about file structures. How does database software arrange the data in files? How do they manage to add/edit/delete records? How does index (hash, tree, other?) works? How do you store variable length data? How do you create transactions, so that even if the computers crash, to file is never in an...

Recommend an algorithms exercise book?

I have a little book called Problems on Algorithms by Ian Parberry which is chock full of exercises related to the study of algorithms. Can anybody recommend similar books? What I am not looking for are recommendations of good books related to algorithms or the theory of computation. Introduction to Algorithms is a good one, and of co...

rails cookbook 2009 or 2007?

I apologize for this silly question but is ISBN-10: 0596527314 Rails Cookbook 2009 or 2007? Amazon has it listed as 2009 but I can't confirm as everywhere else it seems to be 2007: Is there a new version available on pdf or something? ...

Books on OpenGL ES targeted towards the iPhone

There are a few posts on this site about OpenGL and the iPhone. Some even on books but I think you'll find this question is a bit different. I've searched and searched and have come to the conclusion that there are currently no books that specifically cover OpenGL ES on the iPhone platform. There are books that cover OpenGL ES [2.0] (n...

Beginning OS X & iPhone Development: Reference texts

My programming experience is limited to xhtml, css, php, sql and some javascript. The books I have are: Programming in Objective-C 2nd Edition Beginning iPhone Development Cocoa(R) Programming for Mac(R) OS X (Paperback) Is there anything else I will need to get started on my journey into iPhone/OS X development? ...

Book/documentation on iPhone SDK with little emphasis on InterfaceBuilder

I have been doing some iPhone app development for the past few weeks. I am not a big fan of the interface builder - I just don't like tools. I prefer writing code for what the IB can accomplish. I have been referring to various books, however most use Interface Builder to build apps. Can anyone recommend a good book which has little em...

What are the best introductory logic programming books?

When people talk about functional programming books, the "classics' of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, The Little Schemer, etc. inevitably enter the conversation. What are the equivalent logic programming books out there? Edit: I'm not really looking for books specific to learning a particular logic language like Pro...

High Level Coding Overview?

I'm going to spend the next few months getting acquainted with programming, but I'm not the type who learns best by "just doing it". I am only productive if I can understand things from a more structural, high level overview type context. Every one of you will no doubt want to just reply "Seriously dude, just start coding!" and I appre...

What is a good textbook for a Game Development course?

Hi all, I'll be teaching a tertiary level game development course over this coming summer. I'm looking for suggestions for a textbook. The course is aimed at 3rd-4th year students, most of whom are Computer Science students. While there is a reasonably strong programming requirement, the course looks at all aspects of the industry - ...

Where can I find a good book holder for decent sized programming books?

Suppose you have a book on a programming language and are trying to learn the language. You want to write the code that is given in the book in so you can learn by example while you read. But you hate holding the book on your lap and trying to type at the same time. I find that extremely uncomfortable. Someone recommended that I try us...

MySql Book recommendation for experienced database developer/designer

Hi, Any recommendations for a solid, comprehensive coverage of MySql for someone who is very experienced database-wise, but needs to get the MySql architecture, differences and peculiarities? thanks, Chris ...

Resources on Biztalk

Can anyone recommend any websites/books for getting up to speed on biztalk quickly? ...

What good biographies about people in IT are there?

What good biographies about people in IT are out there? I am thinking about people like Bill Gates, Linus ThorvaldsTorvalds, Steve Jobs etc. I find biographies to be very inspiring, and I have read a lot of them - but not about people in IT. Biographies Linus Torvalds - Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary Steve W...