
Which programming book did you read right after SICP?

Am going to start EOPL - Essentials of programming languages. Reading SICP has sparked an interest in programming language design. What did it do for you? ...

C++ Programming Book Example on Stack

In this book, I am learning how the book writes a stack, but when I compile it, it reaches a compile error: #define DEFAULT_SIZE = 10 class Stack { private: int size; int top; int *value; public: Stack( int size = DEFAULT_SIZE ); virtual ~Stack(); bool isFull(); bool isEm...

VBA introductory book for non programmer recommendation

A coleague of mine has shown interest in learning a little about vba scripting. Unfortunatelly, I don't have time to show her, and even if I did, I'm horrible at explaining things to people. Can you recommend a good VBA book for someone who's never done any programming, that is, has a nice easy approach with lots of examples ? I've chec...

Please suggest a Good Javascript Book

Possible Duplicate: Good JavaScript Books? Hi All, Please suggest a Good Javascript Book(including JSON).Thanks ...

Which old computer books are still worth reading?

Possible Duplicates: Are old editions of computer books worthwhile? What are some of your oldest programming books that you still use? I'm looking to pick up some older computer books, and I'm looking for recommendations. I thought my oldest computer book was 1981 "Starting FORTH." I have that because it's become a bit of a c...

Suggested Agile SDLC book(s)?

I’m interested in picking up a book or two discussing in detail Agile software development life cycle. Does anybody have any suggestions? ...

Concise python book recommendation

Can somebody recommend a good python learning book, along the lines of "Learning Python", but a little more "quick", (more concise). Although I like "Learning" series from O'Reilly, with Python they've really taken their time. Preferably something up to 300-400 pages ? I'd be grateful for all your advices. ...

Data mining with SQL Server, how should I begin?

I have to study about data mining with SQL Server, but I don't know how to begin. Can you suggest me some books written in this subject? some sources of knowledge studied in it? Thank you in advance. ...

Book recomendations for learning Cocoa programming?

Hopefully this is not considered "Not programming related"... I'm an experienced C/C++/Java programmer (Also many others, but not relevant) and I'm trying to program for a mac. I've tried learning things piecemeal by looking things up as I need them online. However, I've been finding that frustrating lately. So, I decided that I want a ...

Please recommend GWT book

I am doing some GWT work for few weeks. I feel pretty confident with GWT and now want to read something to fill missed areas. Fast search on Amazon returns five or so books so seems I need recommendation what to choose. ...

Advanced Python programming book like "Effective C++"?

There are a lot of books out there for new programmers getting into Python. However, are there any books for people who are experienced both in programming and to some degree in Python that introduces advanced topics, subtleties, gotchas, and best practices in Python? I'm thinking in terms of something like Effective C++ or Effective Ja...

Books on logging

Are there any good books that discuss logging? I've only used rudimentary homegrown logging solutions on my projects and would like to start using more capable logging libraries, but before I do, I'd to know more about the domain, i.e. what I should be logging, best way to setup your logging code, etc. ...

Good book with C# *and* VB examples?

I'm teaching some .Net classes and want to give the students some good books to read during and after the class. Some will prefer VB and other will like C# so the books need to give examples in both languages. I need one book each for these classes: Intro to .Net (Windows apps and ASP.NET together) Intermediate/advanced Windows apps ...

Best java book for a c++ developer?

Thinking in Java third edition is the one, for which I have a eBook with me.My primary focus is to take advantage of google frameworks like Android and GWT. ...

Is it still worth reading Programming Windows by Charles Petzold?

I've been wanting to delve a bit deeper in win32 programming, and I was wondering what the best book on this subject is. Most people seem to recommend Programming Windows by Charles Petzold, however, the latest version of this book is from 1998 and deals with windows 98. Is it still worth reading or should I try other books? If so, which...

Book or online resource explaining BDD

The Wikipedia article about Behavior Driven Development gives a nice overview about the topic, and many tools are listed. However, in order to dig deeper and really grasp the mindset of BDD, what other resources are there? Language agnostic material appreciated. ...

What does this software quote mean?

I was reading Code Complete (2nd Edition), and came across a quote in the margin on page 87 by Bertrand Meyer. Ask not first what the system does; ask WHAT it does it to! What exactly is the point Mr. Meyer is trying to get across here. I have some rough ideas, but I would like to make sure I really understand. ...

looking for beginner book

Hi, I'm not a programmer but do have some knowledge of OOP through using AS3. I'm looking for a book which will teach me without baffling me with programmer terms. Can anyone recommend a good book for me? many thanks ...

Useful book for WPF ?

Duplicate: What WPF books would you recommend? What is a good book for learning advanced WPF material? What is the best book for learning WPF? Where can i learn WPF bindings in detail? ...

Relational database theory and SQL book recommendations?

I'm looking for a book which combines relational database theory, design and SQL techniques in a generic sense if possible. I have a feeling this is a big ask, and if that's really not available then I don't mind having perhaps two separate specialist books (one for RDBMS theory and one for SQL techniques). Any recommendations? ...