
any good books or academic papers on web scraping or web spiders?

any good books or academic papers on web scraping or web spiders? ...

a good practical book about language parsing

it appears the basic course I took at the university, is not nearly enough. is there a good basic practical book that would help me understand the principles of building a scanner/parser. what I need is a down to earth book, heavy on examples and light on long winded theoretical-mathematical discussions ...

XAML/WPF Book Recommendation

I am looking for a good (excellent?) WPF/XAML book. A couple of things would be preferable: Oriented largely towards programming on the desktop. In depth and digs into advanced topics. Can you give a recommendation and tell why? ...

a good book about software design

i'm looking for a book that talks about sofware decision like : when should i use thread pool and shouldn't. and in the first case, explains how. how should i acess my DB , how big my transactions should be how to read XML, to use DOM or SAX, what library to choose, and best ways to parse how to handle client-server app best efficient...

Where can I find books or tutorials for Perl's POE?

Could someone provide a link to a book on POE (Perl object environment) if there any book like this? Or could someone provide a good tutorial about POE in addtion to the tutorials that found under this site ...

Groovy and Grails book

What a the best books for learning Groovy and Grails for an experienced Java developer? ...

Online material or book for COM programming

Hi, I want some good book/**online material** to learn COM programming with C++ from the basics. I do not have prior knowledge about COM but have good knowledge about c++. So some book that will teach me from hello world programming in COM will be helpful. Thanks in advance. ...

PHP SPL Reference Documentation

I'm pretty green at all the new features implemented with the PHP SPL, from this very long list all I've played with was with the RecursiveDirectoryIterator class, I don't even fully understand it I just saw an example and hacked my way through it. I've come to love the PHP documentation, but the lack of documentation on these new and s...

What is an ascx page. What is the benefit of using ascx page.

I am new to a web development process and only know a few things in other than common things that are used in window programming. Currently I am working on a website that is being created by me and my friend only and we are only familiar with aspx page. I read about ascx page in 1 of the question on stackoverflow. Can you refer...

What to learn for making Java web applications in Java EE 6?

My goal is to make web applications! I finished reading the Books "Headfirst - Java" and "Headfirst - Servlets and JSP". Because this topic (web applications) is so big and complicated, I would like to ask what I should learn next. I feel overstrained when I read catchwords like Java EE, EJB, JSF, JPA, Glassfish ... but I won't give up...

Remove address fields from Mac address book using Applescript

Hello, A Facebook Sync app filled the address fields of my Mac Address Book contacts with their cities. Having tons of people who have useless addresses makes it difficult to search by people on Google Maps app (ending up scrolling through many many people- I only want to see those who have proper addresses entered). I want to clear al...

What is the best book for

What is the best book for i need best book with easy understanding of ,is anybody help for me?......... ...

Book Recommendation on Graph Theory

Hello, I m sorry this obviously is not a programming questions, hope it s fine. Can you please recommend a book on graph theory? Not a very complicated book, with good explanations and examples. I have already read CLRS and Algorithm Manual. Thanks. ...

What is the best book for 2D graphics using Java?

I need the best 2d graphics book in Java. And also need correct link for ebook for that......... ...

Matlab book on geometry and image processing

Hi everyone, Does anyone know an easy to understand geometry and image processing book that has source code in matlab? Thanks alot! ...

Which would be more useful to re-read the "basics" books or reading advanced level ones?

I was just wondering,for above-beginner level programmers (6 months- 1 year experience),who are still learning new tricks and techniques. Which would be more suitable for them, re-reading some of the "basics" books to cover the bases they are missing ,and really fully understand some of the concepts/code they've been writing till now. ...

Beginner's Guide to Operating Systems

What's a good book to learn about the internals of operating systems (mainly OS X). I've tried reading "Mac OS X Internals" but it assumes too much (mach, EFI, kernel, BSD, etc.) Is there a good book out there that demystifies all of this stuff? ...

Learning C++ : Which book is out of date ?

SO . I want to learn C++ .I didn't read any book on C++. Some people talk about "modern C++" and C++ programming with C influence. So which book is completely out of date? ...

Book Recommendations To Learn Tcl/Tk

I'm now in love with Tcl/Tk because of the flexibility and easy way to do the things, but I like to learn by books, then I want some book recommendation to learn. ...

C++ Books About Custom GUIs (winapi)

I'm looking for some books that will teach me how to create a custom GUI interface using the winapi. What I want to create is something that looks like this I don't want to use any libraries like GTK or QT, I want to do it from scratch so I can learn. I've looked everywhere on googl...