
Good books for the .NET 3.5 BCL?

I'm looking for a good book that covers the .NET 3.5 base class library, using C# as the language. I'm going to be bringing my team up to speed on .NET in general, and I'd like to use the book as a sort of curriculum for my sessions. I don't want something that teaches the language (C#) itself, but rather the base class library (the fram...

Looking for novice book on combinatorics

I am looking for books on the math & computing applications of Combinatorics. Let me know your favorite books on this topic. Thanks. ...

k partition algorithm - divide work load equally between k workers

I once read a problem in my Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Press) book which stated. We have a book with 100 pages and each page has a weight associated with it equal to its page number therefore the weights are i.e. 1,2,3,4,5. These weights represent the difficulty of the page in translation to other language. We have K people assigne...

books on development of mac os applications.

I want to develop applications on mac os x. please suggest me the good book for it. And good book on Cocoa also. If possible please send me the links of free ebooks on these. ...

Latest books to learn PHP, Python?

Decided to learn PHP, Python. Lots of topic/books are there, but don't know which are latest/newbie friendly. Need your help.. ...

Books to learn PHP, Python?

Decided to learn PHP, Python. Lots of books are there in market, but donno which are latest/newbie friendly. Need your help.. ...

How to convert a single HTML file to mulit-pages HTML file for iPhone screen ?

hi, I want build a app that can show HTML file but it will be most like ebook effect . if the app read a large single HTML file then it will show some pages views but in a single WebView . I try to parse the whole HTML file and regenerate it as many HTML files , in this way, it can be load in the WebView one by one .... like the ebook...

What are some good books for learning Haskell (and/or OCaml/ML) in particular, and functional programming style in general?

I was spoiled by the excellence of "Programming Ruby" when I was in high school, and ever since I've always looked for a combined introduction & language reference book for every new language I attempt. Note that it doesn't have to be a dead-tree book; any well-written, high-quality resource would be great, regardless of media. This ...

Best Book for Wordpress Developer and CMS Development

Hi , I start a new job on the 4th of jan and I need two books one on Wordpress for developers and one on CMS maybe focused on a certain CMS would be good does any one have any recommendations for a good book? ...

What books on BizTalk 2006 would you recommend?

What books on BizTalk 2006 would you recommend to a .NET developer wishing to get into development, configuration and customization of BizTalk solutions? Perhaps a set of introductory items and also some titles on advanced BizTalk concepts. ...

Is there any SSE2+ book?

Is there any book that teaches SSE starting with version 2? I couldn't find any and there aren't many tutorials/articles on the net. Thanks in advance! ...

What books on Windows Azure and development for cloud architectures would you recommend?

I'm looking for some literature on how to approach architecting and developing solutions for the cloud, especially on MS Azure. Can you recommend any books on these topics? ...

What are some quality books for planning a Sharepoint site?

Hi all, I'm looking for recommendations for books to help my two-man team in planning our Sharepoint intranet site. I have worked with Sharepoint some before, but for a site with only about 30 users. This one is going to end up with about 1500 and my head spins trying to think of where to start. It seems like there are dozens of books...

Is the first edition of Head First Java out of date?

Having searched for books for learning Java here on StackOverflow, I decided to pick up a copy of Head First Java from a local library. Sadly, only the first edition from 2005 is available (the second edition came out only this year). I never did any Java before, so excuse me if the question is silly, but is the first edition of the book...

Recommended PHP6 Books?

Just like the title says, what book(s) would you recommend for learning PHP6? I know my way around PHP5 pretty well, so I don't need a "beginner" book; just one that explains what's new and maybe some general PHP "best practices." PHP6 & MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites looks ok. So does Professional PHP6 (although the one review worries...

SSIS and SSRS Books

Can someone please recommend good books on SSIS and SSRS? ...

Books or resources for high-loaded sites.

Currently I'm developing high-loaded financial portal(we use LAMP to run our project). There are great number of incoming data to be processed and stored. So optimization tasks become very important for us. Could you suggest books, articles or resources, that discover optimization questions (especially bboks). NOTE: At the moment I'm ...

Mandarin versions of the Programming classics?

I'm working on an international team, with developers in China with varying levels of English skills. In the US, we find several books very useful in helping programmers advance their skills: Design Patterns (Gof Book) Effective C++ by Scott Meyers More Effective C++ by Scott Meyers Refactoring by Martin Fowler The Pragmatic Progra...

Using code from a book without plagiarizing

I have a book on data structures and programming, and I referenced it to implement a B-tree insertion function. I copied most of the algorithm and variable names from the code samples in the book, but adapted it to match the structures I had already prototyped. I'd like to release my code under a permissive license (e.g. the MIT Licens...

good c# learning book

hey, i want to start learning c# in the near future and i want to get a pretty updated book , so i can get a book that covers all the new features on the language and the .net framework. (don't see a point learning c#2 while there are new versions) i do have a pretty good background in c++. any recommendation ? searching amazon i cam...