
application of AI/neural networks/machine learning in stock market trading: looking for a book(s)

Hello. I'm looking for a book(s) about practical application of machine learning, artificial intelligence and neural networks to stock market trading (automated trading or as an assistance to human, mostly automatic trading). I'm not afraid of "heavy reading". What I'm interested in: 0. How can the problem (how to achieve goal dependin...

Are there any jQuery Books that have been updated for 1.4?

I'm looking to buy a jQuery book and want to find the best one that refers to the latest jQuery, 1.4.x. There are a number of threads on here already talking about jQuery books, but the most recent I have seen is Learning jQuery which refers to jQuery 1.3. ...

Is "PHP In Action" still one of the best books

Hi A friend directed me to this Question "What is the best PHP programming book?" and from there suggested that "PHP in Action" is the book for me (me been a born again programmer that hasn't coded in 7 years but wants to re-code a project i got outsourced). The question i ask, "is it still one of the best books to learn php or has php...

What is the K&R equivalent for C++?

Possible Duplicate: The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List I'm in the process of learning C, and am reading the K&R book thoroughly and trying to do as many of the exercises as possible. I'm looking at picking up C++ after I'm comfortable with C. Is there a de facto C++ book? Particularly one with good exercises? Thanks ...

MySQL Book/Tutorial/Video for Beginner?

I have download and install MySQL and once I start the programme I knew I need further help. I found few title by O'Reilly. 1) High Performance MySQL 2) MySQL Cookbook 3) MySQL in a Nutshell 4) MySQL pocket reference 5) Managing and Using MySQL Please recommend which book is for database. If you know any tutorial/video which is availa...

What C# 4.0 book would you recommend for a newbie?

Possible Duplicate: Which C# 4.0 Book would you purchase, and why? What C# book would you recommend to a complete newbie to the C series of languages? Is Essential C# 4.0 (3rd Edition) the best option and is this the most recent/relevent edition? ...

Learning resources for secure web development (SQL specifically)

I am a relatively experienced hobbyist web developer, but am concerned about my lack of knowledge covering potential security holes in web sites/services. I am looking for documentation covering best practices regarding security, especially when dealing with SQL databases. Attempts at searching are being thwarted by the fact that Google...

Python book/ tutorial to read after finishing with the official tutorial

I just finished reading the official Python tutorial and learnt a lot. I have written a few programs for my own use and feel confident enough about the language to some extent. However, the tutorials are not complete. I have seen people make mention of stuff like __getattr__ and decorators - stuff which I have no idea about since the tu...

What is the best book on WPF 4 for experience developer?

I have about 2 - 3 years of experience with WPF on .NET framework 3.5. I start programming in WPF by Windows Presentation Foundation Unleashed, I use its as reference as well. Now, I have a plan to move to WPF 4, which I think I need to refresh my knowledge on WPF. I want to know can I still use my old book or it's better to buy new one...

Best Web 2.0 UI book

Hi; Which is the best book for hands on web 2.0 User interface development?. I would like a book that can help me learn the CSS needed to make good looking highly userble web 2.0 interfaces with rounded corners , buttons with gradient, elegant and simplistic not overcrowded , good color matching and themes e.t.c. I know what i want. i ...

Good book for understanding DotNet internals

Hello, i would like to buy and study a good book that explains deeply all Microsoft DotNet internals (CLR,CTS,etc). Can you suggest me some titles? Thanks and greetings ! c. ...

Way to learn modern perl for experienced programmer

Pretty simple, I don't want an introduction that introduces me to the concepts of loops, arrays, etc. I want a book that "gets into" perl right off the bat and is up to date enough for me to follow the conventions of modern perl use. Format doesn't matter, book, pdf, online tutorial, etc. I'd also prefer for it to be short. I can get aro...

Which books should I refer to learn DB2 completely?

I am a java programmer and planning to take up a DB2 certification. Please advice on which books to prefer. ...

Good intermediate/advanced PHP programming resources/books?

Possible Duplicate: What is the best PHP programming book? I come from a ASP.NET background (and over a decade development experience and a CS degree) where there is plenty of good quality resources on the web (e.g. MSDN, MSDN Patterns and Practices, reference software such as Enterprise Library, Petshop, Haacked and Gu blogs)...

Is there a book that introduces the Microsoft WDK samples in great detail?

Especially those under Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Samples\multimedia\directshow Is there such a book? ...

Best maven book (pdf) / tutorial

Anyone know where i can get the best of test maven book to read and learn the basics in a few days. Never worked with maven before. Thanks. ...

What books to buy? Objective-C biased...

I'm trying to learn Objective-C, specifically with regard to iPhone programming. I've done programming at A level, which was 6 years ago now, and I dabble with some stuff every now and then. I was wondering what books people recommend to teach myself - I don't have a very good grasp of OOP, things like KVC/KVO (is this just ObjC?), and r...

Python Web Programming Steps to that and this and yeah and oh?

Hi guys, I'm really interested in being a good programmer. So far what I've been doing is just reading a whole bunch of my friend's dad's programming books. I've been just kind of stumbling through and no help can be gotten from my friend's dad because he's kind of gone... for a long time. haha. Anyway, I think I'm getting nowhere jus...

Sequential set of books to master Java

hi , i ask her for a set of books to read sequentially for mastering Java provided that I am already a PHP developer and fully familiar with OOP techniques .. I read 10 chapters in "Introduction to Java programming" that was a great book but i ask masters here to know best available choices for me .. ...

Is mvc 1.0 radically different from mvc 2.0?

If I get a book on mvc 1.0 is it going to be helpful in learning 2.0? Or is it a waste of money? Thanks. edit: the problem with the books i have read review(s) on are that mvc encompasses a lot of other techonologies and the book just can't cover everything. I am thinking the safari online books could be good for tha...