
Use .htaccess to force caching differently on specific page (index.php)

Currently I am using .htaccess to force cacheing across my website with the standard FileETag MTime Size ExpiresActive on ExpiresDefault "access plus 86400 seconds" But the content on my front page (just my changes a lot more frequently, and I would like to either remove forced caching or set it to just a few minutes speci...

HTML 5 Cache Manifest Vs. Etags, Expires or cache-control header

Can someone explain to me how HTML 5's cache manifest differs from using other file header techniques for telling the browser to cache the file? ...

Caching of static contets of the SmartGWT app

I'm developing app with SmartGWT framework which gonna work through ssl-connection. SmartGwt libs are big enough, and using of https prevents caching. Is there any way to use JSONP to access static content of SmartGwt app via http? Or maybe you can suggest any other way of static content caching in this case? Thanks ...

Accessing the currently displayed website of the Android browser

Hi stackies, is it possible to programmatically access the website that is currently displayed within the Android browser? As far as I know the native Browser doesn't handle plugins (please correct me if I'm wrong), so I thought that reading the browser cache would be an option. Is there a more sophisticated way to get the currently di...

Getting a bitmap from the cache

Whenever I try to get a bitmap I have cached from the context I am getting an argument exception. The bitmap is cast from the cached object but it's contents are corrupted. The exception is thrown on the line ImageFormat imageFormat = bitmap.RawFormat; bitmap.RawFormat' threw an exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' Which ju...

Testing method: Using 'Private Browsing' for testing sites without cache?

I'm wondering if anyone switches to private browsing mode to test sites sans cache? You know when you have to clear cache to make sure that what you are seing is fresh from the server, surely private browsing is a safe, and faster way to do this, instead of having to go to your settings each time and clearing. Putting this out there to ...

Is there is any way to find out from where an image is loaded to browser. From server / browser cache/ proxy cache etc

Is there is any way to find out from where an image is loaded to browser. From server / browser cache or proxy cache etc. I am using MVC ...

Magento : Moving "Recently Viewed" to product page creates weird caching error

So we have put the "recently viewed" block into our product view. Everything seems to look fine at first but I'm now seeing weird errors that have to do with null layouts. If i turn caching off it works fine, but with full page caching enabled it fails when calling $this->getColumnCount(); in the template. What I have done to enable r...

How to cache JSON data for offline reading in iPhone APP?

I'm new to iPhone development and I still have some gaps that needs to be filled in the first application I'm developing. This app will consume data from a site managed by Wordpress through the Wordpress JSON plugin, which allows to retrieve the posts in the form of a json string. I wanted my application to store the posts in some form...

.net 4 mvc2 output caching substitute name

Hi, I have output caching implemented at controller level [OutputCache(CacheProfile = "MyProfile")] public Result MyControllerAction().... I have some text in matching view (Views/MyController/MyControllerAction.aspx) that needs to change with each page load, even though the returned page is cached. I think this is also called donut ...

Removing Specific Routes from ASP.NET 4 RoutesTable

hello everybody my site has many many routes. since the users can add or remove pages at will, i need a way to reregister the routes from time to time at reregister i do not want to clear the whole route cache ("RouteTable.Routes.Clear"), but i would rather go thru the table route by route, and using a certain regex on its name, decide...

The iPad applicationCache events can't update the screen

I have an html5 application that listens to all window.applicationCache events. When it needs to download, I write a pretty dialog to the screen, and during the progress event I calculate the percentage of files done by doing the right math on the event.loaded and properties, in order to update the percentage with it. The re...

How to clear IE's favicon cache?

i have a favorite icon defined for my web-site: <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico"> Any browser that has visted the site after i added the icon can display the favicon fine. But my own browser refuses to show the icon. i've tried every variation of the link i can think of: <link rel="shortcut icon" type...

Does 'new Image()' allow for use of cache (JavaScript)

If I use new Image() to load up an image in JavaScript, will it use a cached version if possible, or will it always load up a fresh copy? var imgObj = new Image(); imgObj.src = 'http://...'; imgObj.onload = function (loadedImg) { } ...

Caching in LLBLGENPro

We have a project that was implemented in linq to sql and is being migrated to LLBLGenPro runtime using the adapter pattern. The first version of the app did a huge amount of caching, placing entire tables into the httpcache and then doing all the linking in the codebehind. (sigh) So you get something like : from p in MyCacheObject.P...

ASP.NET: HttpRuntime.Cache getting flushed when saving WebConfigurationManager -- Is this a bug?

Recently, I've been experimenting with caching objects with HttpRuntime.Cache and I was generally under the impression that if I "added" something to the cache like this: HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("Test", "This is a test!", null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, new CacheI...

django caching multi domain subdomain (wildcard) problem

I've got strange issue - I hope someone run similar problem before. I'm trying to cache content from different subdomains connected via wildcard to my django application: . So when I get to i run differend code in view than - simple middleware for that like here: http://stack...

Troubleshooting ASP.Net caching - CacheDuration property seems to have no effect

I'm trying to get ASP.Net to cache the response of a web service request by setting the CacheDuration property of the WebMethod attribute: [WebMethod(CacheDuration = 60)] [ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)] public static List<string> GetNames() { return InnerGetNames(); } The above is a method on an ASP.Net page (I've also tried mov...

Web Browser control is not loading images

I have a webBrowser Control. HTML inside webBrowser control displays some small images (4kb each). However when I run my application, Images are not loaded in to webBrowser Control. Also I have used javascript function to keep refreshing page at some interval. function StartTimer(MS){ TimerObj = setTimeout("window.location.href=windo...

Strategy for Caching Previous Searches (ASP.NET)

Hi Guys, I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 Web Application (.NET 4, C#), where user's can search for locations. The page is implemented with an auto-complete box, similar to many websites. (Google, YouTube, etc) Now, the AJAX call to the server results in a Stored Procedure call to the database. (whilst efficient, could result in a lot of round...