
How to post a Google Calendar in a web page without using <iframe>?

Google Calendar provides a way to insert your Google Calendar into a web page using an <iframe>. Is there a way to insert this data into a web page without having to use the <iframe>? I know that there are ways to do this using the Google API, but is there any way that I can put that code directly into my page without the need to use th...

Two Js files in Jquery

Hi, I m having the following js files in my code for EditInPlace... <?php echo $javascript->link('jquery.js');?> <?php echo $javascript->link('jquery.editinplace.packed.js');?> Both these are working good. But i now need to have a calendar in my app..So i have a another js file <?php echo $javascript->link('jquery-u...

Calendar, offset overlapping events

Greetings everyone! I am trying to write a calendar in PHP. In week view, I want my events to be listed like iCal, where simultaneous events reduces their width to half size. I have an extremely hard time figuring this one out though, so I hope you can help me. What I want is that if one event is overlapping another, it should set "[sp...

Printing a Calendar or Diary from ASP.NET Application

We have an ASP.NET application that uses the Infragistics WebSchedule control to display appointments etc in the same manner as Outlook. The problem we have is that the customer wants to be able to print the page as it appears on the screen - which the control itself does not appear to support directly. We have developed a Crystal Repor...

Any Free Alternative to the Calendar Control?

Here are the problems I am having with the control from the factory: no easy way to get the first visible date (yeah I could use day render, but at that point in the page cycle, I can't do what I need to, which is manipulate a collection in viewstate) changing the visibledate property in my code does not raise the visiblemonthchanged ...

Java Calender scheduling events

In my application i want to schedule the start of processing. In two ways first on a preset date or say like every Monday. In the case of a single date i can watch the time on a tread and start processing but when two are mixed i can't come up with a good solution. My initial thought was when application boots up i can schedule events t...

What's a good approach for building a calendar / event application (view)?

I would like to build a calendar 'component' for my website. I want to make it manageable and easy to extend in the future. I will not be using it for any other website but it want to make it solid independent of the rest of the website. The website is built with ASP.NET MVC. I want to include different views (month, week, day [maybe ev...

Simple formula for determining date using week of month?

Given a standard piece of scheduling information, such as "the second Tuesday in June 2009" or "the last Friday in July 2009", what's the simplest and most efficient formula to translate that into a date? Inputs: w = Week of month, enumeration (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or Last) d = Day of week, enum Sun through Sat m = Month, integer y = ...

Adding shared fields to a SharePoint calendar to sync with an Outlook calendar

I have set up MOSS 2007 Enterprise with a calendar that I have added custom columns to. We have synced this calendar in Outlook, and it works great creating and editing events from either SharePoint or Outlook. The issue is that I want to be able to add two extra fields to the New Event form in Outlook that I have added to the SharePoi...

Laying out a database schema for a calendar application

I want to write a calendar application. It is really recurring items that throw a wrench in the works for the DB schema. I would love some input on how to organize this. What if a user creates an event, and inputs that it repeats everyone Monday, forever? How could I store all that in the database? I can't create infinite events. Do I s...

php/mysql: database of bank holidays and events like christmas, easter etc...

Hi guys, Im working on a simple calendar application and i want to have the above events display on the calendar [bank holidays and that]. The calendar is just a standard month view, with a link to view each day for each day in the month, and links to view next/ previous month and year etc... i will probably have the mktime for each e...

Localisation of Javascript Calendar

Does the calendar get the month names from the users computer, or is this predefined in the control itself? I.e. for the same piece of code, would it say "June" when viewing it on an English PC and the German equivalent when viewing it on a German PC? I am not too familiar with this I must admit. I guess CalendarPopup(); is used? ...

Calendar in SAS/AF

Hi all! I would like to know if there is anybody out there who has a calendar to be used in an AF-application, where it is possible to pick a specific date. Cheers Bill > Crossposted from SAS-L ...

Google Calendar Event GUI

Hello, does anybody know, where I can find the Google Calendars Event-GUI? I'm building an social networking site, which relies on google calendar. For adding and changing events, I want to use googles GUI (i dont want to code this myself if there is a partial/control already existing). Does anybody know where I can find this? ...

Fill a calendar with appointments

In .NET MVC (C#) I need to create a calendar and fill it with events that come from a database. Most events are spread over multiple days. What is the best approach to create such a calendar? Does a calendar control exists which takes some input arguments and can do the work for me? ...

Changing display format of Sharepoint default web-parts calendar

We are attempting to use the default web-parts calendar in Sharepoint as a "universal" calendar. It is working well, although I'd like to change the display format slightly. When too many events have scheduled on a particular day, Sharepoint displays "more..." at the bottom of each day. Clicking the "more..." takes you to the "day" vi...

Checking if a date is of the same calendar day

Could someone please help me figure out how to check if some date is of the same day as today. I guess it would require creating a calender day at 0 hour of the same day in the same timezone and checking against that, but so far my attempts have confused me more then anything. ...

Repeating events on a gregorian calendar in Cocoa Touch

How would I set up a gregorian calendar in cocoa touch and set an event that will repeat every X days? Thanks ...

Making a calendar editable to anyone?

Hi, I am trying to make a webpage that looks like the Google Calendar and allows anyone to add/edit/delete any event, working like a notice board. For now I am using a customized UI to show all the events in my Google Calendar and it works perfectly. But I can't find out how to let anyone access my Google Calendar to post, edit or delet...

Is there any ready-made calendar control for iPhone apps?

I am building an applicaiton for the iPhone that will display upcoming and past events. I settled for a list view, but then I realized that a calendar (just like the one displayed in the "month" view in the built-in Calendar application) would be a best match (that is, this one). However, the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines just menti...