
How can I use "Expression.Not" with text field?

How can I use "Expression.Not" with text field? I need to select all records from NHQuestionCount except "ktest" for example this code return runtime error NHQuestionCount[] stats = NHQuestionCount.FindAll(Order.Asc("NameFull"), Expression.Not(Expression.Eq("NameFull", "ktest"))); ...

Castle ActiveRecord OneToOne and JoinedBase/Key all together, No SQL Relations Created

I'd like to model the following relationship. [JoinedBase] MasterForm{ Guid MasterFormId {get;set;} /* some base properties like modifiedBy etc... */ } [ActiveRecord] TerminationForm{ [PrmaryKey(Foreign)] Guid MasterFormId {get; set;} /* Some more properties specific to terminations */ } [ActiveRecord("TermStaffing")] ...

nhibernate hql with named parameter

I have implemented a search function using Castel Active Record. I thought the code is simple enough but I kept getting NHibernate.QueryParameterException : could not locate named parameter [searchKeyWords] errors. Can someone tell me what went wrong? Thanks a million. public List<Seller> GetSellersWithEmail(string searchKeyWords) ...

Castle ActiveRecord using Linq to Nhibernate Example

I have been using the ActiveRecord library for many years. Recently I started a new project and I'm including the AR 2.0 release in this project. I saw that it shipped with the Linq to Nhibernate library. Are there any good examples of how to use Linq to Nhibernate with the Active Record library? ...

nhibernate hql subquery performance

I have written an hql to support paging string hql = @"select distinct mr from MediaResource as mr where mr.Deleted= false and mr.Type = :typeId"; SimpleQuery<MediaResource> q = new SimpleQuery<MediaResource>(hql); q.Se...

Is it possible to have a OneToOne relation to a class hierarchy persisted using JoinedBase?

I'd like one of my entities to have a one-to-one relationship with a class hierarchy. Think of it like a Strategy pattern, where each strategy needs different parameters to be persisted. I tried using a combination of OneToOne and JoinedBase/JoinedKey, but I've come across a problem. With this combination, the primary key of the main en...

hql get objects where certain property is unique

I am trying to perform an hql query which returns a list of objects with distinct property value. Following is my pseudo code: string hql = @"select distinct m from Merchandise m where m.Serial is unique" I am using Castle ActiveRecord on top of NHibernate. I have spent half a day on this problem but couldn't find the c...

Using Castle ActiveRecord with Fluent NHibernate?

Has anyone gotten Fluent NHibernate to work with Castle ActiveRecord? I am particularly interested in Automapping to configure entities for use with the ActiveRecordMediator repository. ...

[ActiveRecord] Many-To-Many Surrogate Key problem. Please help!

I have a many-to-many relationship with surrogate key The classes are: Insurer - InsurerSection - Section. InsurerSection has one extra attribute: active : bool. How do I access these bool property? Is it possible to have this property contained within the Insurer and Section objects or do I have to call something like: InsurerSect...

Hibernate Criteria Query - How to search through many-to-many with attributes?

I'm trying to create a Criteria query to select objects that are related via an association table. Insurer * - 1 Insurer_Section 1 - * Section InsurerSection has an association attribute: active:bool. How do I get all Insurers whose active attribute in the InsurerSection class is set to true? PS: I can't go like this: Insurer.FindA...

Entity Framework - Multiple Project support

I am looking into migrate a large project to Entity Framework 4.0 but am not sure if it can handle my inheritance scenario. I have several projects that inherit from an object in the “main” project. Here is a sample base class: namespace People { public class Person { public int age { get; set; } public String...

castle activerecord get objects from multi classes

I have an hql query string hql = @"select distinct ba, bp from BstArea as ba, BstPhoneInfo as bp where bp.CodeSegment like :mobilePhoneNumber and ba.AreaCode = bp.AreaCode"; Now, I want to create a query to execute this hql and retrieve the result. I tried SimpleQuery q = new Simpl...

How do I close or "uninitialize" Castle ActiveRecord?

I'm running some unit tests using Castle ActiveRecord that interact with a database. I have a procedure to drop the database (if it exists), then re-create it, before I interact with it in each test. If I run one test, this works fine. If I run multiple tests, the second one fails because it can't drop the database. Is there some way...

Castle ActiveRecord: TransactionScope

Just a quick question about usage of TransactionScope in ActiveRecord. Is this something that is used and works or do people use some other method of handling transactions. I am not familiar, and I am not working with AC but I am thinking about adopting SessionScope and TransactionScope for my project, and was just wondering what people ...

How do I specify pluralizeTableNames in Castle Active Record Integration?

I used a section in my app.settings to configure AR, in which I specified: <activerecord pluralizeTableNames="true"> Now, I moved to using ActiveRecordIntegration facility and a separate xml file. How can I configure pluralizeTableNames ? ...

Do some of Castle ActiveRecord's LINQ operators not work?

I'm working with an object model in Castle ActiveRecord that represents pregnant women. It's a simple tree structure: Patient Visit Delivery A Patient has 0 or more Visits and a Visit has 0 or more Deliveries. I've mapped everything to the database, and I can loop through the Patient>Visit>Delivery hierarchy and print out ever...

Count/GroupBy using Castle ActiveRecord

When using Castle ActiveRecord, how would you implement this query: SELECT vote, COUNT(*) FROM VotesOnQuestions WHERE questionid = x GROUP BY vote I would like to count all votes on a question, and group this by the vote value. ...

"Table not mapped" with NHibernate + Active Record

I'm using Active Record with ActiveRecord Facility, and am trying to use a custom NHibernate query. Do I need to define a mapping for a class even though it extends ActiveRecordBase and has ActiveRecord attribute? [ActiveRecord("VotesOnQuestions")] public class VoteOnQuestion : ActiveRecordBase<VoteOnQuestion> { [CompositeKey] p...

NHibernate & Castle ActiveRecord - learn by doing or RTFM?

I'm a complete noob to NHibernate & ActiveRecord. What would you say is the best way to start using them productively - following the manuals step by step, or progress in small steps by actually using it and cross the problems as I encounter them? ...

Hiding the fact a class is an Active Record

I'm using Castle ActiveRecord, but wrapping it in my own persistence layer, because I want to hide this fact from application code. However, my entities all inherit from ActiveRecordBase<T>, so my choice of ORM is leaking to the application. What I especially don't like is the slew of methods this exposes off my entities. How can I use ...