
Centering CSS Page - Classes conflicted

Hello everyone, I cant center this page, no matter what. It's a simple task. Sorry Im so new to CSS. Please help.... ...

How do You Center a TextView in Layout?

I have a complex layout, part of which features a value centered over a label, with + and - buttons on either side of the value. I want the value to center between the buttons, whether it is "1" or "99". It looks fine when it's a 2-digit number like "99", but when it's a single digit the number is left-justified. How do I properly cen...

Center label instance inside VGroup in Flex

Hi all I am trying to center my labels below my image inside my VGroup. The labels are align to left now and it seems like HorizontalAlign is not working on spark component. Anyone knows how to fix it? Thanks a lot. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="...

Delphi: Center Specific Line in TRichEdit by Scrolling

I have a Delphi 2007 TRichEdit with several lines in it. I want to scroll the richedit vertically such that a specific line number if approximately centered in the visible/display area of the richedit. For example, I want to write the code for CenterLineInRichEdit in this example: procedure CenterLineInRichEdit(Edit: TRichEdit; LineNu...

Center four columns in CSS

Hi everybody, I'm trying to make four columns that are centered on the frontpage. I would like it to look like this example: My code looks like this: #bottom-container {width:100%;height:250px;position:relative;} #bottom-mid {background-color:white;} #bottom-left, #bottom-mid, #bottom-right {height:250px;} #...

How to centre list-items in a column

Hey all, I am trying to centre page numbers at the bottom of this test blog... in the centre between the previous and next buttons however I cannot think how to do it, I tried a few different tutorials but they didn't really seem to help with this. Any hints on how to make them sit centrally in the left...

Centralizing a floating element :(

Hi guys :| My "div" element have a relative width, it isn't absolute so I can't use exact numbers to centralize. A nice solution is to use "display: inline-block": body { text-align: center; } #myDiv { border: 1px solid black; display: inline-block; padding: 50px; } But this element NEEDS to float, I tried this: #my...

center aligning a fixed position div

I'm trying to get a div that has position:fixed center aligned on my page. I've always been able to do it with absolutely positioned divs using this "hack" width:400px; left:50%; margin-left:-200px where the value for margin-left is half the width of the div. This doesn't seem to work for fixed position divs, instead it just places t...

How to center the contents of a uiwebview on the iPhone

Hi, I have a map image in a uiwebview. It default loads in the top left hand corner. I would like it to initialize in the center of the uiwebview. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks! ...

Centering Div in the middle of the page

Okay I wrapped the divs within a div. Why does this not work? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /> <title>test.html<...

how to center text vertically in html using css only

Hi All, i have a very simple html. due to some limitations, i cannot modify the html content. I want to center the text vertically only using css. <html> <head>...</head> <body> <div>Ops, the webpage is currently not available</div> </body> </html> Note that the size of the html can be variable. In additional, if the text cannot be...

GDI+: Can't center String in Layout Rectangle

This is what I'm trying, and vertical centering is failing: void CGDIOverlays::drawText(RGB_COLOR color, const string &text, INT x, INT y, INT w, INT h, HFONT hFont, BOOL keepSize, BOOL staticText, UINT options ){ HDC hdc = m_pGraphics->GetHDC(); Gdiplus::Font graphFont( hdc, hFont ); m_pGraphics->ReleaseHDC( hdc ); if( stat...

How to center text in an inline-block span on lte firefox 2?

I have 3 spans inside a div. text-align:center isn't working (tried on the parent too) text-align: -moz-center neither (on ff2) i have to use spans no floats -moz-inline-box or -moz-inline-stack ? with -moz-inline-block it's working but the 2nd and 3rd spans clear left… Anyone got an idea? (fixing #6 is an alternative) ...

Center Swing Windows

I'm using Netbeans to develop a Java Swing application. How can I make it so that when the program itself and any other windows open they come up in the center of the screen? I've been struggling with this and with setting the default button the "enter" key is tied to. Thanks! ...

C# Label Properties won't update upon resize

I recently started getting acquainted with Visual Studio 2010 and C# for an internship. C# doesn't include a built-in InputBox function, so I made my own form, with a text box, two buttons and a simple label. I have a function set up to allow the programmer to call the form in regular format (where the user enters input via the textbox)...

Make an <img> tag extend past the <body> tag in css

Hi all. I'm trying to develop a header area which expands past the usual 960px wide container, without using a background image, my reason for this is because an <img> tag would work better in my case. My problem is, if i place my image in the container, such as this code example: <style> #container { width: 960px; ma...

CSS3 column element should break earlier and centerized for Moz/Webkit

Hallo everyone. I'm trying to fit many small boxes in a big one. They should fit perfectly, the gaps between each small box should be optimized and everything without Javascript (later alittle for optimization). Tho, my question regards the CSS3 Column attributes. I've tried several things but can't find any good solution. There are two...

Center an absolute positioned div with an unfixed width

I don't know and can't possibly know the width of the absolute div I need centered. It must to be absolutely positioned because it is overlapping other elements (z-index trickery). This is my basic structure <div style='position:relative'><div></div><div style='position:absolute'>...</div></div> The first child div is not absolutely ...

centering a div between one that's floated right and one that's floated left

I have a page in which a header consists of three divs - one that's floated to the left, one that's floated to the right, and one that's in between them. I'd like for that central div to be centered, yet sadly float: center doesn't exist and I can't just float it to the left and add padding as it'd have to change depending on the window ...

WPF How to center the Image.Source

Hi all, I am developing a custom Image control in WPF .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2010. In WinForms the PicutreBox control has the SizeMode property which includes "CenterImage". I want my Image control to have that ability. Is there anyway? Thanks My XAML code: <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow" xmlns="http://sch...