
Not hacking CurlException: 60 (cURL SSL Certificate Verification Problem)

The error that alot of people get with Facebook authentication is: CurlException: 60: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed And the only information I can find about it suggets to add the following lines of code $opts[CURLOPT_...

ActiveMQ and Client identity through certificate authentication

Is there a way to determine the identity of a Message sender in ActiveMQ (JMS in general) that successfully connected to a broker via SSL using a client certificate? I am planning on using JMs for communications between a remote terminal and a perimeter server within my network simply because of the extensive work that's been done inter...

Recreated iphone distribution certificate - want to configure existing Provisioning Profiles to use new cert?

My iphone distribution certificate was due to expire. I clicked the button next to the error message on the distribution certificate tab to recreate it, and followed the instructions to create a new certificate. (Note I used a new CSR - might this be a problem?). The certificate was created sucessfully, and I want to move my existing p...

''Install Prohibited" iphone SDK

I am a registered Apple dev with the certificates, and mobileprofiles that i need. I have made several apps in xCode that I would like to test on my 3GS, I have registered my 3GS as one of my allowed devices but it still will not install giving the install prohibited error. The Xcode is set to same profile as my iphone has. Just dont ...

how to make certification for PC and PPC ?

hi how to make certification for PC and PPC (i need that only specific PPC can connect to specific PC) is it made in C# ? can i get any help ? thank's in advance ...

Java PKIHeader from SCEP request

Hey all, Recently I've begun looking into developing a simple CA/SCEP server. While the CA wasn't much of a problem (not much of a CA either), the SCEP server has thrown me for a bit of a loop at one particular place. So far I respond to the "GetCACert" and "GetCACaps" requests correctly. Now I'm attempting to respond to the "PKIOperat...

WCF Client Certificate Authentication

We have a typical client-server WCF service and I would like the following: Client passes a certificate to the Server through the ClientCredentials property Server looks at the certificate and see's that it has been issued by our trusted certificate authority The client is rejected if they use a certificate that is not issued by our CA...

What happens on the wire when a TLS / LDAP or TLS / HTTP connection is set up?

I'm rewording my question so hopefully I can get a better response. I asked a similar question on serverfault here, and think that a proper and valid TLS server is one that expects the "STARTTLS" command. Is it true that STARTTLS can be issued to a properly configured LDAP or HTTP TLS server without needing an extra port? I know tha...

Java SSL/TLS ignore expired cert? (java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: timestamp check failed)

I am having an issue with a api that I communicate to via SSL. I am thinking the exception is coming due to the fact that the SSL cert has expired. The problem is that I do not administer the API box. Is it possible to ignore expired certificates? Exception: [ERROR,TaacWorkshop] Problem deleting user group from CADA: org.apache.thrif...

How support multiple TrustStores in java SSL client application

Hi, In our java application we need to communicate with a list of servers on SSL using https protocol. The list of servers to communicate will change at runtime. Initially we do not have any of the server's certificate. At runtime, we will obtain a new server's certificate and add the public key certificate into a truststore; and any new...

Using a commercial SSL certificate but self-signed for images server. Will this cause security warnings in browser?

We are planning on using a SSL certificate from GoDaddy on our primary application domain. But, we serve our images, css, and javascript files from a second domain. If we use a self-signed certificate for the domain serving the images and so forth, will it work without giving the user a warning message regarding the self-signed certifica...

Having problem generating a certificate request from a sql 2005 server

Hi all, I'm trying to generate a certificate request from a sql 2005 / windows 2008 server, so that i can get a certificate made and thus enable encryption on my sql connections from clients. On the server, i do: start -> run -> mmc add 'certificates' snapin choose 'computer account' choose 'local computer' Right click the Certificat...

Private key not associated with x509 certificate on Windows 7 (C#)

Hello I am trying to add a X509Certificate2 to a X509Store using: X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine); store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite); X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(); certificate.Import( Convert.FromBase64String(strCert), "", X509KeyStorageFlags.Per...

Sign a midlet with a certificate reply from GeoTrust

i got a .cer file which the request for was made from some other computer. i imported the certificate to my keystore and tried to sign the midlet using jarsign. and got this error: jarsigner: Certificate chain not found for: somealias. somealias must reference a valid KeyStore key entry containing a private key and corresponding public ...

Using certificates in a client-application consuming a web service

I am implementing a VB.NET desktop application which consumes a web service. The web service implemented in Java and I currently using Tomcat on my localhost to host the web service. The web service requires secure communication with the client and so I have followed instructions that outlined how to use Java's keytool.exe to create tw...

iPhone app id switch resulting in mobile provision madness in Organizer.

In the middle of developing an app, I was asked to switch to a different developer account, which resulted in adding a new app ID and creating new provisioning profiles for adhocs on the new account, as well as updating the XCode settings to sign with the new identity. The problem is that somewhere, somehow XCode is keeping the old prov...

How to use Client Certificate Authentication in iOS App.

I don't have a lot experience about Client Certificate Authentication. Anybody can tell me how to use it in iOS app? Thanks :) ...

Mapping certificates to custom user database on IIS 6

How can I do many to one certificate mapping to a user from a custom user database on IIS 6. I don't want to use the domain users to be mapped with these certificates. Do I have to do this using code? ...

Why do I get 500 error codes on certain URLs on certain servers with certain client certificates?

Warning: I've found a weird reason for this behaviour. The question below is obsolete. Here is the followup for all the gory details. Setup: A production server running SuSE Enterprise 11 and my Django 1.1 application. The application is being served with Apache (mod_wsgi) over HTTPS with client certificates (SSLVerifyClient require...

How do I force makecert to output the private key to a file (not the Crypto store)?

I want to generate a key pair for use within my applications, but exporting them manually from the mmc is a pain. How can I use commandline parameters, or otherwise end up with a private certificate that resides on the hard drive, suitable for later distribution? ...