
mod_rewrite: Rewriting / to cgi script

Is there any way to rewrite a GET / to a cgi script with a parameter? Basically redirect / to /cgi-bin/scipt.cgi?123. This does not work: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/$ /cgi-bin/script.cgi?123 [L] Instead it somehow rewrites / to /index.html/ Any way of doing this? ...

Perl CGI Hook is not working as expected.

Hi all, I have problems using the perl cgi hook. It seems that after I pressed the "send" button my perl script is not called instandly but after the file is uploaded completely. That might be because of a server setting. Was anyone faced with this problem before? Update: The reason was the pre installed: Apache Security Module Th...

Help needed on Uploading Files in windows mobile

I have an desktop application running on my desktop. I need to send the file path to the CGI script running at server. CGI script taks the file path and upload the contents from my machine. I tried to send the file path through httppost method; it is not working - can any one suggest me how to do.. methods I have tried are: WebClient ...

URL regex with regex.h in c

SO: I'm having a bit of difficulty setting up a regex to match a URL using the regex.h library in c. I have a working IP regex that I was hoping to convert to match a simple string such as|edu|org. Something is wrong with my syntax in the regex definition itself. Below is the working IPREGEX code and my a...

Obtain SSL information in PHP running as CGI

On many servers, PHP runs as CGI. This is an essential part of using suexec to run the scripts for each site as the user associated with the site. So giving up CGI is not appealing. But as I understand it the various values such as $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN'] are not set when PHP runs as CGI. This is a pity, as it would be good to...

mod_perl and inheriting STDIN in child process

Hi everyone, I have this old Perl script that is supposed to act as a proxy of sorts between HTTP-based clients and non-HTTP Java server: the client POSTs some data to this Perl script and the script would in turn call the Java server, get the response and return it to the client. The Perl part calls the server like this: $servervars ...

Deploying a python CGI app

I have developed a python CGI application which works just fine on my development box. My hosting provider however gives me little control of its server: I use a lot of custom stuff in my python environment (like sqlalchemy and mako templating) and the servers python version is far too old to be used. My question is: how do I set up a is...

How to in mvc to get $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ?

I have the following url in my web browser: I want from my controller to get the value from key, so I want to get this '100'. How can I accomplish this. I have Windows server 2008 with IIS7. The only way I found on google is to get Request.ServerVariables["REQUEST_URI"] like in php: $_SERVE...

Redirecting CGI error output from STDERR to a file (python AND perl)

I'm moving a website to Hostmonster and asked where the server log is located so I can automatically scan it for CGI errors. I was told, "We're sorry, but we do not have cgi errors go to any files that you have access to." For organizational reasons I'm stuck with Hostmonster and this awful policy, so as a workaround I thought maybe I'd...

How do I handle a multiple select form field in Perl?

What is the best, in Perl, way to get the selected values of a multiple select form field? <select name="mult" multiple="multiple"> <option value="1">Opt. 1</option> <option value="2">Opt. 2</option> <!-- selected --> <option value="3">Opt. 3</option> <option value="4">Opt. 4</option> <!-- selected --> <option value="5">...

Not enough storage error on CGI app under Win64

I have a Delphi (hence 32-bit) CGI app running on a Windows 2008 64-bit server that has 24 Gb RAM with IIS7. The web service runs fine for a few days at a time (sometimes a few weeks) and then suddenly starts reporting "Not enough storage available to process this command." Now I've seen this before in regular Windows apps and it norma...

How do I call another Perl CGI script within a CGI script?

I have a Perl CGI script that creates a login screen, i.e. user name and password. I want, after successful login, the user to be redirected to the next action within the application (another Perl CGI script). What is the command to redirect one CGI script or to an HTML page? ...

How do I set cookies using Perl CGI?

I have tried without success setting cookies using Perl CGI. My code looks like this: $qry = new CGI $cookie = $qry->cookie(-name=>'SERVER_COOKIE', -value=>'USER_NAME', -path=>'/'), $qry->header(-cookie=>$cookie) The page does not throw any error, but no cookie gets set! I am using Fire...

How do I design a Perl cookie initialization login screen?

Guys, Based on this question I asked earlier on setting up cookies in Perl, I successfully got an answer and way to do this but am now faced with a new interesting challenge. In Perl CGI scripts, it demands you setup a cookie on the header statement which ought to be the first statement in your script. To clarify, you need to have a CGI...

CGI language choice

Ok, I've asked a few related questions here and only ended up with more questions and I realized now it's because I don't have enough background info. So I'll make it more generic: I need to make a simple web application. Static HTML/JQuery pages will send AJAX POST requests to some server side code, which will: Read the POST variable...

How to use ruby thin with CGI scripts?

I've written some ruby CGI scripts (using the Ruby CGI class) that I serve from my production server using lighttpd. I want to test them on my development server using thin. Basically, I want to drop all my CGI scripts in a directory and start thin in that directory. Then, any requests to http://localhost:3000/&lt;script> should just exe...

Python CGI script IOError Broken Pipe

I have an old Python based web form that I am updating to use a GPG for encyption instead of a no longer supported python package. When call the script via the command line it works just fine, but via the web brower and CGI there is a error: IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe. This error occurs if I use the gnupg package or if I try to talk...

learning http and cgi

I just learned ruby, and already have some html/javascript/css background. When i learn rails i found that there's just too much magic. I want to use ruby to create a dynamic website from scratch - just for learning all the underlying stuff. So is there any book or article well suited for me to getting started with? thanks in advance! so...

Passing Perl Data Structures as Serialized GET Strings to a Perl CGI program

I want to pass a serialized Perl data structure as a GET variable to a CGI application. I tried Data::Serializer as my first option. Unfortunately the serialized string is too long for my comfort, in addition to containing options joined by '^' (a caret). Is there a way I can create short encoded strings from perl data structures so tha...

How can I call curl from a Perl CGI script?

I have a CGI (perl) script that is attempting to call curl using the open command: @curl = ('/usr/bin/curl', '-S','-v','--location', $url, '-H', 'Content-Type:'.$content_type, '-H', "Authorization: $authorization", '-H', "X-Gdata-Key:$gdata_key", ...