
What Does Adding One to a Character Array in C Do?

I'm looking through some code for learning purposes. I'm working through this portion of code. // e.g. const unsigned char data={0x1,0x7C ... } unsigned char buf[40]; memset(buf,0,40); buf[0] = 0x52; memcpy(buf+1, data, length); // What does buf+1 do in this situation? On the last line where memcpy is called what does buf+1 do? buf is...

What is the correct way to compare char ignoring case?

I'm wondering what the correct way to compare two characters ignoring case that will work for all cultures. Also, is Comparer<char>.Default the best way to test two characters without ignoring case? Does this work for surrogate-pairs? EDIT: Added sample IComparer<char> implementation If this helps anyone this is what I've decided to us...

Unexpected chars in Excel

I am using ADO.NET to fill a datatable from an Excel (xls) worksheet. I got unexpected chars. At first I thought they came somehow during the import and so I tried to emininate them in the C# program but nothing I tried worked. Finally I traced the chars back to Excel and I was able to use the replace function in Excel to replace the c...

C Programming. Reading input and parsing it into words

Hi, I'm writing a small program in C that will read input from the console. Then put it into a char array. After that I need to split the array into words. I'm not sure how to do this. So far I have put the input into a char array. I need to know if there is a way to tokenize based on a blank character. Or any other suggestions on how ...

storing a value from an unsigned interger (2bytes long) to an unsigned char variable using bitwise operators?

How do I put the value of 0x04 in register 4 if the instruction was 1rxy? 1RXY-Load register R with the value at memory address XY #include <stdio.h> unsigned char r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf; void reg_check(unsigned char reg); void rxy1(unsigned char reg, unsigned char val); int main(){ unsigned char memloc1=...

Can/Why using char * instead of const char * in return type cause crashes?

I read somewhere that if you want a C/C++ function to return a character array (as opposed to std::string), you must return const char* rather than char*. Doing the latter may cause the program to crash. Would anybody be able to explain whether this is true or not? If it is true, why is returning a char* from a function so dangerous? Th...

obtaining objective c nsstring from c char[]

code below. i'm tryind to obtain string answers like "a1", "c4" this is what i'm having instead of "a1": "adresse finale: \340}00\214" with this prinf: printf("\nadresse finale: %s",[self convertCGPointToSquareAdress:self.frame.origin]); the method is: -(NSString *) convertCGPointToSquareAdress:(CGPoint ) point{ int x= point.x /...

Equivalent of C++ reference type in C#

Hi all I am using a dll written in C++ in a C# application. What is the equivalent for char const * unsigned short in C# thanks ...

Java: JAXB and using char

Hello, I'm working on a project with JAXB but I run into a small problem with JAXB and the char datatype. char gender = 'M'; Translates after marshalling into: <gender>77</gender> So I think that char is mapped to integer, but I simply want to map it to a String. How can I do this? Is it even possible? ...

Where do you store user context in Linux character drivers?

It's been a while since I worked on a Linux kernel module, and I seem to remember that there was a place to stash context in your open() open implementation that would be available in your other file_operations... For example, if I want to maintain some state associated with everyone that opens my device node, if either the inode structu...

Is there a function in c that will return the index of a char in a char array?

Is there a function in c that will return the index of a char in a char array? For example something like: char values[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; char find = 'E'; int index = findInedexOf( values, find ); ...

why my foreign language(malayalam) characters are stored as html characters in database

hello, in my web site, using google language api , i type malayalam language in text box and text area , ഇതു ഒരു നല്ല സിനിമ ആണ് like this, but when i look in to the mySQL database, in the table, it is &#3335;&#3364;&#3393; &#3346;&#3376;&#3393; &#3368;&#3378;&#3405;&#3378; &#3384;&#3391;&#3368;&#3391;&#3374; &#3334;&#3363;&#...

How to easy convert LPBYTE to char[256] (used to read text from windows registry)

How I can convert LPBYTE to char [256]? When I read from Windows registry value: blah REG_SZ "blah some text" char value[256]; DWORD keytype = REG_SZ; DWORD dwCount = sizeof(value); RegQueryValueEx((HKEY)key, "blah", 0, &keytype, (LPBYTE)&value, &count); cout << "Read text from registry: " << value << endl; after cout this it shows...

Remove characters from a string in C

I only have access to 'C' and need to replace characters within a character array. I have not come up with any clean solutions for this relatively simple procedure. I am passed a character array, for example: char strBuffer[] = "/html/scorm12/course/course_index.jsp?user_id=100000232&amp;course_id=100000879&amp;course_prefix=ACQ&amp;v...

How to copy char *str to char c[] in C?

Trying to copy a char *str to char c[] but getting segmentation fault or invalid initializer error. Why is this code is giving me a seg fault? char *token = "some random string"; char c[80]; strcpy( c, token); strncpy(c, token, sizeof c - 1); c[79] = '\0'; char *broken = strtok(c, "#"); ...

Why is this C code giving me a seg fault?

Possible Duplicate: How to copy char *str to char c[] in C? char *token = "some random string"; char c[80]; strncpy(c, token, sizeof c - 1); c[79] = '\0'; char *broken = strtok(c, "#"); ...

How to initialize char array and empty it again and again in a loop before strcpy() in C?

I want to reinitialize d everytime in a loop char d[90]; while(ptr != NULL) { printf("Word: %s\n",ptr); //int k = 0; strcpy(d, ptr); d[sizeof(d)-1] = '\0'; //something more .... .... } ...

How to use string and string pointers in C++

I am very confused about when to use string (char) and when to use string pointers (char pointers) in C++. Here are two questions I'm having. which one of the following two is correct? string subString; subString = anotherString.sub(9); string *subString; subString = &anotherString.sub(9); which one of the following two is correct?...

Hex to char array in C

Given a string of hex values i.e. e.g. "0011223344" so that's 0x00, 0x11 etc. How do I add these values to a char array? Equivalent to say: char array[4] = { 0x00, 0x11 ... }; ...

How to empty a char array?

Have an array of chars like char members[255]. How can I empty it completely without using a loop? char members[255]; By "empty" I mean that if it had some values stored in it then it should not. For example if I do strcat then old value should not remain members = "old value"; //empty it efficiently strcat(members,"new"); // should...