
mtom serving word doc

has anyone been able to serve a word doc using metro (webservices) as a mtom stream? Does anyone have example, or know where there is example code please for client and server? Many thanks! ...

How many Web service objects are created in JAX-WS RI?

When I annotate a Java class with "@WebService" and use it with JAX-WS RI ("Metro"), how many objects of my class does the JAX-WS RI create? Is there at most one object at all times or (perhaps depending on usage) can there be more instances be created? ...

How can I customise the namespace prefixes in Metro/JavaEE auto-generated WSDL?

I'm using Java 6 + JavaEE + Tomcat 6 + Metro for SOAP web services. In the response, the namespace prefixes are ns2, ns3, ns4, and so on. I'd like to be able to instruct the web services stack to use custom names instead. How do I do this? ...

Separating presentation/web-services (RoR/Java)

Is it a good practice to develop web-service and web-site in two different languages, on two different servers? E.g. right now I create a Java web-service running on Glassfish and Ruby on Rails presentation layer running in the same server. I'd like to leave web-service on the same server but use Ruby 1.9, running in Passenger. Is it a...

Would you use Metro instead of Axis2?

For a starting project, why would you use Metro instead of Axis2? What should be considred? Performace? Easiness? Tools/IDE/Plugins availability? ...

Netbeans and .NET web services

Hi, I'm not an experienced java developer so any comment will be welcomed ... I've written a web service using c# and I wanted to consume this service from java - used Netbeans for this task. All methods works well beside one: the method expecting a type called BusinessDataField2 - this type contains 2 fields: name(string) and value(o...

Consuming .NET webservice in Java (metro) - XMLNode/XMLDocument consumption?

I am a bit rusty in my Java, and this is my first time using metro/JAX-WS, so if this is a dumb question I apologize. I have to write a client that consumes a .NET webservice. I've got the basics down; I have generated the wrappers from the WSDL, and I can create my object and port and make a call and get a response. Widgets d = new ...

JAX-WS Consuming web service with WS-Security and WS-Addressing

I'm trying to develop a standalone Java web service client with JAX-WS (Metro) that uses WS-Security with Username Token Authentication (Password digest, nonces and timestamp) and timestamp verification along with WS-Addressing over SSL. The WSDL I have to work with does not define any security policy information. I have been unable to...

How to deploy a webservice in Metro on Glassfish server ?

How to deploy a webservice in Metro on Glassfish server ? How to configure Metro on glassFish ? A webservice deployed on a glassfish server does automatically deployed on Metro if its configured ? I am using Netbeans 6.7 to develop and deploy the web service ...

Is there a faster way to deploy WSIT Services than autodeploy?

We've recently upgraded our services technology stack. We opted for the WSIT implementation of JAX-WS. Currently, we're relying on our Glassfish Application Server to deploy the web service automatically based on the JAX-WS annotations. We have about two dozen different services and hundreds of operations, so this autodeployment take...

Axis2 versus Sun Metro

Could anyone please compare Axis2 and Sun metro web service based on following parameters? Speed Hot Deployment Flexibility Stability Composition and Extensibility Security Document availability and easy to use. ...

Java: JAXB and using char

Hello, I'm working on a project with JAXB but I run into a small problem with JAXB and the char datatype. char gender = 'M'; Translates after marshalling into: <gender>77</gender> So I think that char is mapped to integer, but I simply want to map it to a String. How can I do this? Is it even possible? ...

WSContext.getUserPrincipal() returns null for password digest authentication

In my WebService I need to log the caller's id, but wsContext.getUserPrincipal() returns null even though the user was authenticated using WS-Security with password authentication. According to the JavaDocs for JAX-WS 2.1 WSContext.getUserPrincipal() should only return null if the user has not been authenticated. Do I have to do someth...

Comparison between Sun Metro and Apache CXF for webservices development?

What are the relative strengths and weaknesses between Sun Metro and Apache CXF for webservice development in Java. Is there another framework that I should be looking at as well? ...

Either WSDL or wsimport and wsdl (mono) are horribly broken

EDIT I started off with the example given below, but I have now: Tried the example from the W3C spec. After fixing another error (binding was called StockQuoteSoapBinding in one place, StockQuoteBinding in another), it gives the same issue. Tried the mono generator wsdl to see if wsimport was to blame. It gives an equivalent error. S...

What are the impacts of setting establishSecurityContext="False" if i use https?

My WFC service uses wsHttpBinding configured with: <security mode="TransportWithMessageCredential"> <message establishSecurityContext="True" clientCredentialType="UserName"/> <transport clientCredentialType="None" proxyCredentialType="None"/> </security> One of our partner is trying to invoke our services using the java the Me...

Webservice security

I have exposed one web service (Service Interface to access my application), What are the different ways to create/implement web service security? Could anyone please suggest some idea? ...

How to hide interface methods in the web service when using @WebService's `endpointInterface` attribute?

Is there a way to prevent a method from an interface used in @WebService's endpointInterface attribute to be exposed in the web service? I'm using the endpointInterface as that seems to be the only way to make the service work on JBoss with Metro, not doing so results in a: Undefined port type ...

Does metro support hot deployment?

Does metro support hot deployment? If it supports, please give some explanation/details/links. ...

Metro + Jetty + OSGi = pain

I am trying to swap out Sun's HTTPServer for the much better Jetty server, within an OSGi bundle, running on Equinox. I have tried this: System.setProperty("","org.mortbay.jetty.j2se6.JettyHttpServerProvider"); but when endpoint.publish(url) is called, and the server is spawned, it complains o...