
jQuery AjaxUpload, have to click button twice?

Hey guys, I am using the AjaxUpload plugin with jQuery, and everything is working fine for the most part, but I have to click my button twice to get it to execute. I'm guessing this is a scope issue... or(?) still learning... Here is my code: $(".upload-button").live("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); ...

How to get row index of a gridview row clicked by a user on it by javascript ?

How to get row index of a gridview row clicked by a user on it by javascript ? ...

Zeroclipboard multiple elements

Hi guys, I'm having troubles to create multiple unique code snippets with Zeroclipboard implementation on them, with the option to lunch a popup window after that code is clicked. basicly I have multiple < a class="xxx" href="popup.url.php" ><span >FRSDE3RD</a> tags. When a user clicks on these codes, I want to copy to clipboard the cod...

Select everything in a pre box when you click on it?

The select() method only seems to work with textareas and input spaces, and I don't know javascript very well, so I'm not coming up with any solutions. Does anyone know how to highlight everything in a pre box when you click on it? What I'm trying to do is make it so a visitor can easily highlight everything in the pre so they can then...

php and jquery click event problem

I'm having trouble firing a click event on an . When insertIntoInsertHolder() is called it adds a link to the content of div#swf_insert_holder - I then create the click event just below. However the event doesn't fire. $javascript = "javascript:;"; $swf_insert_box_link = "swf_insert_box_link"; echo " function insertIntoInsertHolder( f...

Greater area for radio selection

<span> <img src="img/icon.png" alt="" /> <label><input type="radio" name="" /> Label here</label> </span> I want the whole <span> to be clickable, not just the radio input. How do I do it with jQuery? ...

How do I check if a checkbox is checked with JQuery?

I am trying to allow a click function if the user has checked a checkbox on the page. Otherwise, I want to add a class to the #additional_foreign button. I think I am close, but it doesn't seem to be working. Here is my code: if($('#foreign_checkbox').attr('checked')) { $('#additional_foreign').click(function() { alert('T...

finding clicked id deep in document using jquery

I'm going to use the text from the jquery example, For example, consider the HTML: <lots of divs to get to here> <div id="#targetid_0"> Click here </div> <div id="#targetid_1"> Trigger the handler </div> I have a series of questions that are plaguing me... Assuming that I click on 'Click Here' or 'Trigger the Handler': If I'm ...

vbscript to launch internet explorer, navigate to URL and click button

I have been scraping the Internet for some solution to this problem with no success. I need to use vbscript to launch a URL within Internet Explorer and click a button. The challenge that I am having is that the button has no id or name. It only has a specified type and value. I have tried different methods with no success. I would love ...

browser causing multiple button clicks

I have linkbutton that has the onclick event handler. The control is disabled as soon the user clicks but certain users are able to click multiple times. Not able to reproduce. Could it depend on the browser? Please help with any ideas ...

jQuery: how to include attributes on click during .ready() ?

I'm trying to convert all my old javascripts to jquery but I'm a bit confused how can I convert my click event with attr. The old javascript looks something like: function MyFunction(string1, string2){ doSomething(string1); doSomethingElse(string2); } And then I call it with <a href="javascript:MyFunction('string 1','string 2...

How to create click events by ruby.

Hi. I wanna to create mouse click events by ruby. left-click, right-click is there some library to do this? thanks for your concerns. ...

jQuery Css Class not set Corectly

I'm trying to implement a starring system akin gmail, being able to mark an item important by clicking on a graphic. if($starred == 1){ $starred = '<img class="starred" id="row_'.$trouble_ticket_id.'" src="images/icons/silk/award_star_gold_3.png" alt="Star">'; } else{ $starred = '<img class="unstarred" id="row_'....

Cannot get click() function to work on jQuery

Thanks in advance for the help: This function works fine in dropping in the div from the first click function, but WILL NOT acknowledge the second click function in any capacity whatsoever. I can even activate the first click function as many times as I want. What am I missing? I'm ripping my hair out over this. $('span[rel="confirm"...

jQuery - overlapping click events... How to prevent one

I'm currently working with a click event that fires an ajax call. I'd like to leverage a small plugin which, will handle some form data validation. The problem is that both the ajax call and the validation function of the plugin will be fired on the same click event. In the end, I'd like the plugin to override the ajax function. I'm not...

Jquery click event propagation

I've a table with click events bind to it rows (tr). Also,there're A elements with it owns click events assigned inside those rows. Problem is when i click on A element,it also fires click event from TD.And Im dont want this behavior,i just want to fire A click's event. Code: //Event row TR $("tr:not(:first)").click(function(){ ...

How to disable the click option or selecting the row in a table in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I am displaying a xml parsed contents in a grouped tableView.I want disable the click event on it(i should not be able to click it at all) .Since it is grouped table , it contains two tables and i want to disable the first table only and not the second table.How can i achieve it?Please help me out.Thanks. ...

Jquery 1.4: Two functions not working together on same page

Hi, I've got two Jquery functions that I can get to work fine alone on the page, but not when I have them both in at the same time. I'm unable to see what I might be doing wrong as I've got similar code working well on other pages. First function: $(document).ready(function() { $("#add-questions").click(function() {$("#extra-questi...

jquery add li to end of ul but last created li not recognised as last

I have the following code. On cliking the button on the last li, I can create the new li. However, once created, if I click on the latest button created, new li is created. It seems it doesn`t recognise the last created li as the last li. Can someone help on this please. <html xmlns="" > <script...

WPF ListView DoubleClick OriginalSource problem

Hi ! I attached an EventHandler to the MouseDoubleClick event. <Style TargetType="ListViewItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource MyStyle}"> <EventSetter Event="MouseDoubleClick" Handler="ListViewItem_MouseDoubleClick" /> </Style> private void ListViewItem_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {}...