
Click once application rollback

Is Click Once rollback possible. How can we do that. DOes this application download all files on update. How can we see which files are downloaded for update. Thanks ...

Android - play sound on button click - Null pointer exception

I am trying to play a sound file on the click of a button. The sound is just 1 sec long. It plays well the first few times I click the button, but after a while it gives a NullPointerException. Here's the code: button[i].setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View view) { mp = ...

Javascript blur-click problem

I have the following code: HTML: <input type='text' class='a' /> <div class='inst' tag='a'></div> <input type='text' class='b' /> <div class='inst' tag='b'></div> <input type='text' class='c' /> <div class='inst' tag='c'></div> JS: $(function() { $('.inst').click(function() { alert($(this).attr('tag') + ' clicked'); ...

Flex 3 Panel titleIcon click event

Hi, I would like to add an title Icon image to a Panel, but cant find the click event on that icon, ...

How can I register several listeners on item click at ListView?

I have ListView, where any item is HorizontalLayout on wchich there are 3 TextView. I can realize interface AdapterView.OnItemClickListener: public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View view, final int position, long id) { final long iid =; new Thread( new Runnable() { pub...

jQuery stop click event from bubbling when using $.get()

Hi All, I have assigned a click event to a button, which retrieves a different HTML snippet and injects it into a DIV element using the .html(string) method. $('#btnClose').click(function(){ $.get('Content.html',function(data) { $('#EditCategory').html(data); }); }); The Content.html page is as follows: <button id="b...

AS3 Simple Event Questions....

Hi guys.... I am trying to get the percentage x coordinate of a MC. For example, My MC is 500px wide and 20px height. When I clicked the part of my MC, I want to get the percentage of my MC' x coordinate... (20% will be 100px of my MC...)..Anyone knows how to do it?? Thanks.. my code progressBa.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bar...

button click event is triggered after keypress using jQuery

I have these codes $('#search-button').keypress(function (e) { if ((e.which && e.which == 13) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == 13)) { search(); }; }); $('#search-button').bind('click', function () { search(); }); under the search module I have an alert, now whenever I press Enter when the button is in focus,...

Enable longClick in WebView

In the browser, you can longClick on URLs. In my WebView, you cannot. How can I make it so you can? ...

jQuery selector: Not this div and not that div

Hey, I am trying to create a jQuery click function that will close a div when you click on anything besides that div. My problem is that there is a search field and another button inside that div that need to stay open if you click on them. My current function is: $("*:not(#header)").click(function() { $('#header').slideUp({ ...

jQuery UI Drag and Drop causes bound click to trigger

I've got a UL of items using jQuery UI that I have drag and drop capable. However, I also need to be able to click on one of the items in the list and trigger off a little routine that adds a header line above one of the "li"s. The problem lies with the click on the drag and drop. I've tried to bind the click to a specific region of the ...

How can I click buttons on a web page? Java/C#

Hi. I've a very specific question: How can I click in certain buttons on a web page? Without that thing of coordinates. =D What I really want, is a script that search for a Button (or more) with specific name and clicks it. Imagine: You open your browser and go to google page, than you run the script and, for example, it clicks the Sear...

Obout treeview double click support

I would like to know if Obout treeview supports double click the node. Our application requires using node double click in the same way that treeview implements it.(ondblclick) Note: I know user can double click the icon, but we require node double click. ...

Mootools `Events` works just on first `click`, after stops working. Why?

Mootools Events works just on first click, after stops working. Hope someone have issue for that: CSS ul li,li.selected div{ width:22px; height:22px; display:block; background:#000; color:#fff; text-align:center; border-radius:3px; } ul#list{ display:none; opacity:0; flo...

click() firing multiple times

I am using a document.getElementById("val").click() to invoke a click event, but it keeps firing multiple times. Here I add the eventHandler try { //add mousedown event handler to navigation buttons addEventHandler(oPrevArrow, "mousedown", handlePrevDayClick); addEventHandler(oNextArrow, "mousedown", handleNextDayClick); ...

How to assign jQuery click events for the third click??

Hello, I'm trying to find a simple way to attach click events to an element, which is quite easy for the 1st and 2nd click events.. But, what I am trying to accomplish is a three click Toggle. 1st click = addClas('one'); 2nd click = removeClass('one').addClass('two'); 3rd click = removeClass('two').addClass('three'); next click would ==...

Moving jQuery function from document ready to click event

I have a tabbed layout that shows/hides sections when a tab is clicked. I also have a tooltip function that currently loads a tooltip on an image map when the page is first loaded. I'd like to change this so that the tooltip only show when tab with an ID of 2 is clicked (#section2) or when that tab is active (in the case of linking to ...

jQuery strange behaviour on click() from a click()

Hi, I am facing a strange behaviour in jQuery 1.4 with the click event. The idea is to click on a drop-down list (change()), which then invert twice a collection of checkboxes by using the click() function of them. If I have to do so it is because the click on checkboxes update other fields, so I thought instead of inverting the checkbox...

jQuery .click() not functioning

I have built a <ul> list and it is being populated with <li id="subsitem"> from a jQuery function. I am trying to build a click function so that whenever one of those <li>'s is clicked, it disappears. I'm using the slideUp() function. Here is my code: $("#subsitem").click(function() { // Act on the event $(this).slideUp(); }); ...

JQuery conditional click events

Hello, I have an unordered list of elements organized in rows. When a user clicks on a row, I want the text in the row to be appended into a separate text field. The issue with my current code is that I if the user clicks multiple boxes, all of the associated text with each of those boxes will be appended into the textfield. I would lik...