
Audio/video file formats that support embedded markers and comments/annotations?

I am looking at creating an app for OS X and/or iOS that allows the user to arbitrarily embed markers into the audio at various intervals during the audio recording process. It would be nice to have a single file that could contain this information, but may or may not be efficient or feasible. I suppose it is similar to what YouTube an...

What is actually animatable in UILabel?

Hello stackoverflow, I am trying to animate backgroundColor property of UILabel class and being unsuccessful so far. Here the snippet of my code -(void) blink { UIColor* originalColor = lblDescription.backgroundColor; lblDescription.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView ...

Possible to parse this html with xpath?

Hello, I am working on gather sports statistics for a personal hobby project. I found this site with all the info I need:file:///Users/JohnJNichols4/Desktop/ Am I able to parse this site with xpath? I only have experience (...

indexSetWithIndexesInRange is not doing what expected

I want to select some objects from an array. Therefore I'm using begin and end indexes of my selection. NSLog(@"start:%d\nend:%d", startIndex, endIndex); NSIndexSet *myIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(startIndex, endIndex)]; NSLog(@"%d", [myIndexes lastIndex]); The first NSLog gives me startIndex:49 ...

Should I use a UIButton or a simple UITapGestureRecognizer

I'm creating an iOS user interface with a lot of different UIImageViews that will trigger actions when tapped (once is enough). I have the choice between using UIButtons with a custom view (the image) or just setting up a bunch of UIImageviews with an associated UITapGestureRecognizers. In terms of functionality I get the same expected r...

ABPersonViewController drawn under the navgation bar

The context: I am working on an app that maintains a list of contacts along with their record IDs for it's own reference. When the user needs to change the number associated with a specific contact within the app, I am trying to display the ABPersonViewController so the user can choose the new number from the contact in AB. The probl...

Am I releasing memory correctly?

I have the following helper object: LikeHelper* likeHelper = [[LikeHelper alloc]init]; likeHelper.delegate = self; [likeHelper performLike:self.messageID]; [likeHelper release];likeHelper=nil; performLike will do some NSURLConnection stuff and then tell the delegate whether or not it was successful. #pragma mark LikeHelperDelegate Me...

Is it possible to use a enum like UITableViewCellStyle as parameter of a method?

I want to have a enum as a parameter of my function. Would this work? (UIFont*) myMethodName:(UITableViewCellStyle) cellStyle { //... if (cellStyle == UITableViewCellStyleValue2) // ... } Then I would call the method like this way UIFont *resultFont = [self myMethodName:UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle]; Only the follow...

Can we give some background image for any uiview?

I need to set some background image for my view. How can I do this? ...

react on push-notifications directly

Is it possible to react directly on a push-notification without waiting for user-input? (I don't mind if i have to use a private framework) Is there any alternative to apples version of push-notification? Can I send polling packages to the iPhone and react to them in background? ...

Debugging a library with Xcode

Hi there, I have a more general question on working with libraries on with Xcode when building iPhone apps. I've created a framework from a project I've been working on to use some parts of it in other apps. That works pretty good, so far. But I have no idea how to debug into the files included in the included framework. I hope to get ...

Limit a double to two decimal places without trailing zeros

I read this and that. I want this exactly: 1.4324 => "1.43" 9.4000 => "9.4" 43.000 => "43" 9.4 => "9.40" (wrong) 43.000 => "43.00" (wrong) In both questions the answers points to NSNumberFormatter. So it should be easy to achieve, but not for me. - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UILabel *myLabel = [[UI...

Adding views over the UINavigationBar of a UINavigationController

Hi! For "skinning" purposes, I'd have to add two views over the UINavigationBar of my UINavigationController. I did not tried anything yet, but I'd like to add a text with a background image and a toolbar over it that act as a more curtomized navigation bar (I need like previous, next, play, etc) I can't just modify the UINavigationBar...

trying to set a delegate method to get urlConnection data.

I've been going around and around, I've been trying to use this example but running into trouble in the delegate method. I'm trying to figure out how to close this out. Looks like I've got a lot set correctly but need help on final step: I'm getting a -[ThirdTab apiFinished:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance. On line two o...

Memory Management: Is insertSubview retaining it's views?

The question is if insertSubview is retaining the views and if I'm doing it right. I would say yes. Since I'm not using the property anymore I don't receive an EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I think when releasing the view all subviews are also released. And so mapView is over-released. I'm right or do I still have a memory management issue? My ViewC...

UIPanGestureRecognizer on a view inside of a scroll view works only sporadically when scroll view is zoomed in far

I have a UIPanGestureRecognizer on a view inside of a UIScrollView. Its function is to move its parent view around when panned. This works perfectly well at 1x and 2x zoom resolutions in the scroll view, but zooming in farther causes them to fail quite often - yet not always. There is also a long press & double tap recognizer on the sam...

Why don't I have to release managedObjectContext in the 2nd TableViewController.

Hi all. I have two tableview controllers showing CoreData objects. One is a detail view (with sentences) one is an overview (with stories). Pick a Story -> See the Sentences. It looks like I was over-releasing my managedObjectContext; I originally released it in both TableViewControllers in dealloc and got a crash every third time I we...

How to call method automatically when switching views in TabBar app with a single ViewController

My application uses UITabBarController with 4 tabs. Each tab will have a UIWebView along with other types of objects. When the app launches I need to call the method for this first webView to retrieve my web content. I have this method in my viewdidLoad: [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(getAdvisory) withObject:nil]; The w...

Sqlite Opening Error : Unable to open database

Hi, In my app, I use a calendar control to store the information date-wise. Calendar Control's Link : Problem : For example, the current selected month is October 2010. Now if I switch back to April 2010 and try to comeback to Ocober 2010 & access data from calendar that I stored in the month of Oct...

UIPickerView in Iphone - Rotation Problem

Hi I have taken two picker view in a view and set height 160 for both through coding 160 is the minimum height for it I think and also set the flexible width (height is not flexible in IB) for both Now it show ok in Iphone simulator when it is vertically but not shown ok when it is horizontally due to height is not flexible. Is an...