
How can I convert the coordinates of a touch event on a subview to the coordinates in its parent view?

Hello. I'm diving into iOS development and I'm playing with touch events. I have a class named UIPuzzlePiece that's a subclass of UIImageView and it represents the puzzle piece objects that you can move around on the screen. My goal is to be able to move the puzzle pieces around on the screen with my finger. Currently, I have the t...

When to release an instance variable

Basically I have this scenario going on: //in interface header @property(nonatomic,retain)OtherClass *otherClass; //implementation - (id)initWithOtherClassInstance:(OtherClass*)otherClass { if (self != [super init]) return self; self.otherClass = otherClass; return self; } - (void)dealloc { //Do I need...

Releasing a delegating object in its delegate callback method

I'm trying to figure out what the recommended practice is for the following situation. Certain objects, such as CLLocationManager or MKReverseGeocoder, send their results asynchronously to a delegate callback method. Is it OK to release that CLLocationManager or MKReverseGeocoder instance (or whatever class it may be) in the callback met...

Dynamic linking on mobile platforms

I have heard that the iPhone does not support dynamic linking. I want to know whether any mobile platforms support dynamic linking, such as Android or BlackBerry? ...