
What pitfalls await me when i migrate from CF6.1 to CF8 or Railo3.1?

Google does not really deliver much content (or my query sucks). Has anyone made the switch and can share the experience? ...

Check interactive form exists in coldfusion before using cfpdfform action="read"

Hi there, I'm using cfpdfform to read values from an uploaded PDF form created in Adobe Livecycle and then filled in using Adobe acrobat Acrobat. To read the form values I use the command: <cfpdfform source="#pathToNewPDFFile#" action="read" xmlData="xmlFields" /> But if a PDF without a form in is uploaded (i.e some other PDF) coldf...

Is there a better way to escape this string?

What is the quickest way in ColdFusion (or Java) for converting a string as such: Input: 79827349837493827498 Output: \79\82\73\49\83\74\93\82\74\98 I'm taking an ldap guid and escaping it for a query. I can do it as a series of MID reductions like this: <CFSET V1 = ""> <CFSET RetVal = ""> <CFLOOP CONDITION="#V1# NEQ''"> ...

How to put records from a query into DAOs?

I have written a gateway to get a result set from my database. How do i store every row in a separate dao so that i can manipulate every record further? Or can i access the result set directly to get the records? This is my Gateway (btw, should i write the conditional logic within the cfquery into a seperate cfc that extends this one?) ...

JQuery $.ajax and dealing with a resultset.

I have the following $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "qry_invControl.cfm", data: "p_sales_price=" + input.val() + "&action=getCashPrice", cache: false, success: function(data) { $("#cashPrice_"+num).html(data); } }); I need to modify my qry_invControl.cfm to return other st...

Determine if browser supports windows integrated authentication

Is there a way to determine if a browser supports NTLM without having NTLM enabled for the particular site or directory in IIS and without showing a login dialog/pop-up? Preferably, determine this using ColdFusion or perhaps some combination of JS and CF. I'd prefer not to restrict this to just IE as other browsers (such as FF) support N...

ColdFusion: Does anyone use WDDX?

I'm working on a ColdFusion site where data is stored in WDDX packets inside a database and it's a real pain. (I have no idea why the values aren't just stored in another table.) I've not used WDDX before and the only documentation I can find about it seems quite old. So I'm curious if anyone still uses WDDX, and if so, what for? ...

single sign on coldfusion and .net

I have seen resources for setting up single sign on with multiple .net apps in different scenarios, but is it possible to have a SSO solution for .NET and CF websites? Thanks! ...

Where do you put cfimport

My cfimport works on the page, but I tried moving it to onRequestStart and it didn't work. Then I tried putting it in a cfinclude one folder down, and that didn't work. Does the cfimport have to be on the page itself? ...

Custom Tags and cfimport

Do Custom Tags work with mappings? I'm trying not to have to address the CustomTags folder as a relative address. I've tried: <cfset this.mappings["/CT"] = Expandpath("/myProjects/Project1/CustomTags")> inside of Application.cfc and then <cfimport prefix="tag" taglib="/CT"> inside of my page, but it doesn't. It says: Cannot impo...

Setting up Railo in the same way as Multiple Instance Adobe CF

I'm looking to install Railo in the same way we currently do for Adobe CF. At present we run Adobe CF8 on top of JRUN 4, in a multiple instance setup. On our local sandboxes we use Apache as the web server. We then use Apache Virtual Directories to point to our codebase which exists outside of the CF Context. This gives us ultimate fle...

How should I convert legacy ColdFusion code to a framework?

We have a medium sized ColdFusion code base for our Intranet and Website. For most of the history of the code we have used hard coded links in the cfm's for where to go and for what 'save' code to tun. In the last few years we've began using cfc's to handle more of the "navigational" code as well as more automated save code (implicitly ...

ColdFusion: How to check if a certain element exists in a 2-dimensional array?

I have an 2 dimensional array. I write 3 values into the array during its initialization and i add a fourth value if an array value is not equal with a value passed through a form. Then i want to check, if the fourth value exists. update.cfm <cfset array = obj.getArray() /> <cfif not StructIsEmpty(form)> <cfloop collection="#form#" i...

Where to store common functions in ColdFusion

We are running ColdFusion MX7. One problem we have is that we have a lot of functions that we use in a lot of our pages. It would be nice to have them live in the 'Global' ColdFusion scope rather than having to include them in all of our pages. Is there a way to do this that does not involve custom tags or the like? I know we could a...

Forcing HttpOnly cookies with JRun/ColdFusion

We need to ensure that all cookies on a CF7 site are set as HttpOnly. We are using jsessionid to control our sessions, and JRun does not create this as HttpOnly. Whilst it is possible to modify an existing cookie to add this setting, we need to have it set to HttpOnly from the start. Any suggestions? Related Question: Setting Secure...

Setting Secure cookies when HTTPS (for mixed HTTPS/HTTP site) with JRun/ColdFusion

We have a site running on CF7 that has both logged in and logged out sections, and uses jsessionid for sessions. When switching to HTTPS (for the secure sections), we need to start a new secure session, setting the 'Secure' flag on the jsessionid cookie. Whilst JRun has an option for setting 'Secure' it appears to be an all-or-nothing ...

Can't create flex4 project in flexbuilder using remoting or LiveCycle Data Servcies ES

I'm trying out the FlasBuilder ide with ColdFusion 8 on OS X. When I try to create a new project, I get stuck at the server setup screen that forces you to validate your paths for your ColdFusion root folder and your webroot. Every combination I try says either "LiveCycle Data Services is not installed at the specified location" or "In...

Why does URLEncodedFormat() in CFML encodes valid URL characters?

What are the reasons behind URLEncodedFormat() escaping valid URL characters? valid characters: - _ . ! ~ * " ( ) The CF8 Doc said, "[URLEncodedFormat() escapes] non-alphanumeric characters with equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences." However, why escape valid URL characters? ...

Java AppDomain like abstraction?

I'm curious if there are any Java abstractions that are similar to .Net's AppDomain. In particular, I'm curious because I've found that with our Coldfusion/J2EE server we need to restart it every few days due to a slow memory leak that we haven't been able to easily track down yet. This can wreck our long-running processes and we'd rea...

Virtualhosts Configuration in Apache/Resin (running Adobe Coldfusion8)

I have development server setup running Adobe Coldfusion8 (.war install) on top of Caucho Resin v3.1.9. (CentOS 5.3-64bit) note: This is my first experience with Resin. I am trying to run Coldfusion8 on top of Resin as I was suggested that this would give me great performance gains. My question is: how I can easily integrate multiple...