
ColdSpring in Five minutes

I'm rereading ColdSpring in 5 minutes. It says "The UserService needs the UserGateway, and the UserGateway needs the ConfigBean". No it does not! The UserService does not need anything. It doesn't call UserGateway. All it does is set a variable that it happens to call userGateway by coincidence, but it doesn't call the User Gateway co...

How do I determine which files a ColdFusion application uses?

I'm starting some work on an existing ColdFusion application with no version control and what look like unused cfm files (test.cfm, test2.cfm etc.). I'd like to get a picture of what files are actually part of the application so I can get it into git or subversion in a manageable state. How would you go about this? A regex and some meth...

What is the unrenderable error known only as Beak!? (or Less Than Dot)

I used to get an error every couple days at a shop I worked at, one of the users called it "Beak" because she thought it reminded her of one: <. ...which, in the source, looks like: <P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><B><P><.</B> "Beak" can be readily reserved by bouncing JRun on the Coldfusion...

JBoss 4.2.3 EAR and Apache 2.2 virtual hosts with jk_mod serving blank white page

I have an EAR file I am trying to deploy alongside various WAR deployments on JBoss 4.2.3 The individual standalone WAR deployments are all working fine and are just a copy of the same application that is contained inside the EAR but the EAR deployment and it's included WAR(s) does not work correctly. I am receiving a blank white page ...

Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface fuseboxWriter.

I'm running ColdFusion 8.1 with FuseBox 5. I originally configured my dynamic virtual hosting in Apache so that my domains pointed to: C:\websites\ C:\websites\ C:\websites\ In case we add more domains in the future, I want to have the folder structure as follows: C:\websites\

Regex matching in ColdFusion OR condition

I am attempting to write a CF component that will parse wikiCreole text. I am having trouble getting the correct matches with some of my regular expression though. I feel like if I can just get my head around the first one the rest will just click. Here is an example: The following is sample input: You can make things **bold** or //...

Coldfusion logging reroute to Log4J

I’m currently using Coldfusion 8.01 in a J2EE environment (jBoss), and looking to clean up what's written to the logs. Currently Coldfusion logs everything to STDOUT instead of using a proper logger like commons or log4j. Has anyone managed to change this? Maybe there are some hidden properties you can set or a hiding so...

CFXML code to produce hexBinary on one of my xpaths

I need to produce the following xml packet to post to hudson. The log xml item will essentially have lines of console output. Can anyone help with the ColdFusion/Java to correctly encode that item <run> <log encoding='hexBinary'>...hex binary encoded console output...</log> <result>... integer indicating the error code. 0 is succe...

ColdFusion call to webservice gives org.xml.sax.SAXException

We are a small team with one ASP.NET web developer and one ColdFusion developer. Neither of us knows the other's environment. I wrote an ASMX webservice using Visual Studio 2005 and a web application project in Visual Studio 2008 that successfully consumes the web service. But now we are trying to have my ColdFusion colleague consume the...

How to suppress the file corrupt warning at excel download?

I have a web page which links to an excel 2007 worksheet. It is a .xls file and not .xlsx file. When I click on the link I get the usual dialog box to either open/save the excel file. On clicking 'Open', I get the following warning message- The file you are trying to open, 'filename.xls' is in a different format than specified by...

How to override SQL sanitization in ColdFusion

I have the unfortunate task of cleaning up a bunch of old ColdFusion code. Queries are all over the place, I am working on moving them all to common CFCs for easier maintenance. I am running into a problem because cfquery is automatically converting the single quotes to double-single-quotes. How can I override that behavior? More spe...

ColdFusion 8 as WAR on JBoss 4.2.3 WEB-INF/flex-config.xml error

I have done this by the book multiple times and have also tried using someone else's WAR to deploy, but I keep getting the same error. I am running JBoss 4.2.3 and have tried this on multiple installations (of 4.2.3) I have verified that the supposed missing file file exists. 1.) 19:19:15,853 INFO [ContextLoader] Root WebApplicationCon...

Model Glue and Railo Application.cfc

I am trying to launch a test MG app on Railo and am hitting a snag. When I visit the MG app I get: Railo Error (Java.lang.classformaterror) Message Invalid index 16 in LocalVariableTable in class file application_cfc$cf Java Stacktrace Invalid index 16 in LocalVariableTable in class file application_cfc $cf at...

Making a faxes accessible from a ColdFusion Web App

We program a Testing Web Application for a University in ColdFusion with a MS SQL Backend. Right now we have to manually take faxes sent to our fax machine and then find the account they are related to and input the info (the actual fax has to be found in a filing cabinet if we ever need to reference it again). What I would like to do ...

Replacing a substring using regular expressions

I want to add a call to a onclick event in any href that includes a mailto: tag. For instance, I want to take any instance of: <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> And change it into: <a href="mailto:[email protected]" onclick="return function();"> The problem that I'm having is that the value of the mailto string is not consistent. ...

ColdFusion CFHTTP Post is doing a second GET request right after

I am using ColdFusion 8. I'm doing a CFHTTP Post to a remote server. The remote site has looked at their logs and they say my code is doing the POST, and then immediately doing a 2nd GET request. Here is my code (the URL has been changed): <cfhttp url="" method="POST" port="443" resolveurl="yes" redirec...

ColdFusion: <cfpdf> tag error

Am getting this error when try to populate a PDF form field using the <cfpdf> tag The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed. When I give overwritedata="yes" the same code works fine, but overwrites the existing data. I noticed there was some fields on the an "arrary" in the document which I saw when ...

Calculate HMAC-SHA256 digest in Coldfusion using Java

We are trying to calculate a HMAC-SHA256 digest in Coldfusion and we are using the HMAC CFC, but in one case it is producing a different result for the digest compared to ones generated in different languages - have tried the same data using Ruby & PHP and get the expected result. I have also tried the CF_HMAC custom tag it is based on a...

ColdFusion CFHTTP Post to remote form does not return the results page, it just returns the input form

I am using ColdFusion 8. I am trying to use CFHTTP Post to submit the form at this page without a user having to enter the number and click Submit. I've done with before with other forms, it's usually not a problem. Here's my code: <cfhttp url="https://teste...

Flash/Flex Forms/Gateways problems running CF8 with Siteminder

Is anybody out there successfully running SiteMinder along with CF8 on an IIS server? Here's the problem. It took some effort, but about a month ago I installed Siteminder on my company's CF7 server. Siteminder and CF7 worked together in harmony, everything worked properly (flash forms, flashremoting, flex gateway). A few days ago we ...