
NetBeans as an editor for ColdFusion scripts?

Is there any known NetBeans plug-in for editing, formatting and colour-coding of ColdFusion scripts? ...

Using newer version log4j in coldfusion

Hello All, So i have a java class that i want to call from a coldfusion page. The only problem is that my java class requires a newer version on log4j than what is currently used with coldfusion (mx 7). Is there a way i can get my class to only use the one i provide? or can i maybe temporarily load the newer log4j while i call my cla...

What material did you use to learn Flex/Air, and with ColdFusion + BlazeDS/LCDS?

What material did you use to learn Flex/Air itself, and with ColdFusion + BlazeDS/LCDS? ...

vmware fusion view coldfusion debugging host os

i am using vmware fusion windows xp apache coldfusion 8 and I am trying to view the cf debugging through safari on my snow leopard host. I have turned on debugging and tried adding my ip, however, this did not work, any ideas? ...

No LCDS with CF9? should I still use LCDS with CF8?

I've heard somewhere that LCDS is no longer baked in into CF9, and LCDS Express will be phased out, is that true? If I were to start a new CF8.01 + LCDS Express 2.6 project, what are the risks? Should I abandon that plan and go for BlazeDS instead? Thanks. ...

In ColdFusion, why shouldn't a Set & Forget child thread have access to session/client scopes?

Threads spawned from a parent process in ColdFusion have access to the Session and Client scopes, but only until the parent process completes; so if the thread continues to run beyond that time, attempting to read from or write to one of these scopes will presumably throw an error. Why? I understand with Client scope, as this could be ...

ColdFusion 9 ORM - Securing an object at a low level...

Hiya: I wonder if anybody has an idea on this... I'm looking at securing a low level object in my model (a "member" object) so by default only certain information can be accessed from it. Here's a possible approach (damn sexy if it would work!): 1) Add a property called "locked" - defaulting to "true" to the object itself. It ap...

Problem with session variables using ColdFusion, Tomcat and Firefox

Hi there. Any help is appreciated. When using cfimage to generate a captcha, we keep his value in a session variable. After the user submits the form, we compare the value of the captcha that the user entered with the session variable value. Like this: Step one - User arrives the form with captcha. Step two - Is created the variabl...

Read Exchange using VBScript

I wrote this code in ColdFusion to read data from Exchange and am wondering if anyone can help me to code this using Visual Basic Script: <cfldap server="insert_my_server_name_here" username="zzz\zzzzzz" password="xxxx" port = "123" action = "query" name = "data" attributes = "company" filter = "(&(objectclass=group))" ...

Invalid token '\n' found on line 31 at column 0.

I have a CF-7 file with 30 line of code.I am getting an error on the 31st line saying ** Invalid token '\n' found on line 31 at column 0.** what does the error message mean? Regards Vas ...

Element RECORDCOUNT is undefined in "yyReslt"

I have a query that is being used in a coldfusion file (MX)( on the Production since 10 yrs ). I have used this application/files since 4 months,successfully. But now ,Suddenly I am getting the error Element RECORDCOUNT is undefined in "yyReslt" Will this occur if the Database connection is slow/improper? ...

How hard will it be to upgrade a ColdFusion application from 5.0 to 8.0?

I have a Windows 2000 server running ColdFusion 5.0 and one rather large legacy application. The original developer has long since come and gone. The server needs to be retired, and none of the ColdFusion media can be found. The course of action will be too purchase ColdFusion 8 and use that (Unless anyone has a suggestion on an alter...

Coldfusion 9 cflayout tabs

I'm porting an existing CF8 web app over to CF9 on a development server and am having trouble getting cflayout tabs to work properly. Firebug shows all the .js and .css files loading properly... no JS errors. The tabs work when clicked on, but they are displaying the "name" property instead of the "title" property. All tabs are closab...

Register new mime-type in ColdFusion (Java)

My users are going to be uploading files with a .EXP extension. In ColdFusion on Windows 2003 I'm using getPageContext().getServletContext().getMimeType() to make sure that the file that they upload is of the correct mime-type, which will be text/plain. The issue I'm having is that no matter where I register the mime-type on the server, ...

How to use ActiveX/COM from ColdFusion?

Is it possible to use an ActiveX/COM object from ColdFusion? If so, where's the documentation or samples for it? (non ColdFusion programmer, asking on behalf of a ColdFusion programmer) ...

Using Sharepoint web-services with Coldfusion

I'm running CF8 and trying to use the web-services of Sharepoint WSS 3.0. I have not been able to authenticate due to the use of NTLM of the Sharepoint side. I read that if you save the WSDL on the CF server you can work around the authentication while still generating a stub, but I have been unsuccessful with that as well. Does any on...

What is up with this in ColdFusion's DecimalFormat() function? How do I get the correct result?

<cfset number1 = 20.5/80 * 100 /> <cfset number2 = 18.125 /> <cfset number3 = 6.875 /> <cfoutput> DecimalFormat(#number1#): #DecimalFormat(number1)#<br /> DecimalFormat(#number2#): #DecimalFormat(number2)#<br /> DecimalFormat(#number3#): #DecimalFormat(number3)# </cfoutput> OUTPUTS: DecimalFormat(25.625): 25.62 DecimalFormat(18.125)...

Flex 3 / Coldfusion 8 Problem with Numbers

We recently migrated from coldfusion 7 to coldfusion 8. One of our reporting flex apps takes the returned results of a cfc query and adds up a column in that ArrayCollection. It worked on coldfusion 7, but now, in coldfusion 8, it sees that column as a string instead of a number, which is causing NaN errors on negative values. Its a nume...

ColdFusion.Ajax.submitForm issues

I am working on an app that auto saves content while a user works on their content. I currently have two types of content saves. Save Draft (brand new content) and Update Draft (existing content). The issue I am having is when a user first goes to create new content, the Save Draft method is called. The very next auto save should call t...

Clearing the Cache in Coldfusion Production server

I am using CFMX and there is an issue (variable "yy" is undefined in "yyfiling")thats a show stopper , on the production. I am promoting corrections to it but they do not seem to show up on the server. I want to resort to clearing the Server cache so that my promoted code can take effect. The CFAdmin production template was cached (T...