
phrase images from webpage coldfusion

i need to get images from a webpage source. i can use cfhttp method get and use htmleditformat() to read the html from that page, now i need to loop through the content to get all image url's(src) can i use rematch() or refind() etc... and if yes how?? please help!!!!! if im not clear i can try to clarify.. ...

Cannot find CFML template for custom tag

Hi folks, I am not a ColdFusion coder. Doing a favor for a friend who ported his CF site from a Windows server to Unix on GoDaddy. Site is displaying error: Cannot find CFML template for custom tag jstk. ColdFusion attempted looking in the tree of installed custom tags but did not find a custom tag with this name. The site as ...

Explaining verity index and document search limits

As present, we currently have a CF8 standard edition server which have some limitations around verity indexing. According to Adobe Verity Server has the following document search limits (limits are for all collections registered to Verity Server): - 10,000 documents for ColdFusion Developer Edition - 125,000 documents for ColdFusio...

bulk insert to SQL Server, insert statements vs one insert XML statement?

The application layer (ColdFusion) needs to insert multiple rows into SQL Server 2005. I was thinking of using loop in app layer to construct multiple input statements and send to SQL Server over JDBC in a single connection. My colleague however suggests to construct an XML and bulk insert the XML instead. Which one is the better me...

Is it ok to store large objects (java component for example) in an Application variable?

I am developing an app right now which creates and stores a connection to a local XMPP server in the Application scope. The connection methods are stored in a cfc that makes sure the Application.XMPPConnection is connected and authorized each time it is used, and makes use of the connection to send live events to users. As far as I can t...

ColdFusion 8: Database Connection Reset Error

I have been getting these intermittent ColdFusion Database connection reset errors and was wondering if anyone had experience with this and had a particular solution that worked? Here is the error: Error Executing Database Query.[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]A problem occurred when attempting to contact the server (Server retur...

ColdFusion Consuming SSL Webservice with Multi Domain SSL

Hi there, I'm trying to use a Webservice which is SSL secured with ColdFusion. Now the following Error is occuring: Name in certificate' does not match host' I've installed the SSL cert in ColdFusion using the keytool. How could I get this work? Thx. ...

Parsing log files in a folder in ColdFusion

The problem is there is a folder ./log/ containing the files like: jan2010.xml, feb2010.xml, mar2010.xml, jan2009.xml, feb2009.xml, mar2009.xml ... each xml file would like: <root><record name="bob" spend="20"></record>...(more records)</root> I want to write a piece of ColdFusion code (log.cfm) that simply parsing those xml files....

Sort file as Month name in ColdFusion

I have a directory, it contains files like: january2009.xml, february2009.xml, march2009.xml,april2009.xml,january2010.xml, february2010.xml, march2010.xml,april2010.xml ... I use the cfdirectory to get the file by year. Right now, I want to display it as sorted order in month. Say If I only want year 2009 data. I want it sorted as j...

How to modify EXIF metadata for JPEG images using Coldfusion?

I am using Coldfusion to view images stored in the file system and I can READ the EXIF metadata of JPEGs, but I'd like to know if it is possible to modify this information and re-save the image. ...

array or list into Oracle using cfprocparam

I have a list of values I want to insert into a table via a stored procedure. I figured I would pass an array to oracle and loop through the array but I don't see how to pass an array into Oracle. I'd pass a list but I don't see how to work with the list to turn it into an array using PL/SQL (I'm fairly new to PL/SQL). Am I approaching ...

Help me stabilize this jRun configuration (CF9/Win2k3/IIS6)

Not sure if this would be better suited for ServerFault, but since I am not an admin but a developer I figured I would try SO. We've been struggling to keep our multi-server configuration stable for quite some time now. At the end of last month we were running under CF 7.0.2 on a two servers setup (one instance each). At that point we...

ColdFusion Session Variables

Do the session variables in coldfusion expire or purge before the specified limit? Like say if the expiration is set to 24 hours, and the user only interacts with them for 10 minutes, do they expire if there not being used before the 24 hours? ...

ColdFusion, HowTo Convert a String to an Array?

Given the following string in ColdFusion: ul[0][id]=main1 &ul[0][children][0][id]=child2 &ul[0][children][0][class]= &ul[1][id]=main3 &ul[2][id]=main4 &ul[3][id]=main5 How can I create an array with the info above? Thanks ...

help a .NET developer consume a wcf service using coldfusion

Hi, I am a .NET developer with no coldfusion experience, but I need to write cf code to access a wcf service i've set up. I've got a few WCF services being hosted in IIS 7 with WsHttpBinding, and I'm able to use the services fine by adding service references to a .NET client and using client classes. It is very straightforward for a ....

check if formgroup is visible

I have a coldfusion flash form. (Unfortunately don't have time to change to html/javascript) In the form I have a formgroup. I would like to be able to use actionscript to detect if the formgroup is visible. I've used the code: if(formgroupid.visible == "true"){ do this } However, this does not work. Any ideas to alter the if s...

How can I force a property of an object to be output as a string when returned as JSON

I'm storing color values as HEX in my database, which is mapped via ORM settings in CF9. When my color values are entirely numeric (e.g. 000000), ColdFusion is serializing them as numbers (e.g. 0.0) when returned from my CFC as JSON. Is there a way to force these columns/properties to be serialized as strings? ...

How to embed an image in a PDF using cfpdfform

I'm dynamically generating a PDF with a few variables but also need to be able to embed an image on the PDF. Anyone have any experience doing this using ? ...

Accessing mapped network drive from ColdFusion

I am having a problem accessing a mapped drive in ColdFusion. I have \\server\files\sharing mapped to z:\. If I run this code, it says the directory exists for the full path but not for the mapped one: <cfscript> fullPath = "\\server\files\sharing\reports"; mappedPath = "z:\reports"; WriteOutput("fullPath exists: #DirectoryExist...

Loading city/state from SQL Server to Google Maps?

I'm trying to make a small application that takes a city & state and geocodes that address to a lat/long location. Right now I am utilizing Google Map's API, ColdFusion, and SQL Server. Basically the city and state fields are in a database table and I want to take those locations and get marker put on a Google Map showing where they are....