
What is Blue Dragon

I have searched the blue dragon website but cold not find any useful information on what it is. What is blue dragon? What is it used for and why would someone use it? ...

Why and why not Coldfusion (CFML) ?

When you speak to your colleagues or you want to convince your client to use Coldfusion for some new project and not some other technology or language they heard of before, which arguments do you use? I'm asking because I'd like to make presentation to put in my company's portfolio and seems that I can't find any real life, non developm...

Flex 3 / ColdFusion Session Issue?

Alright so this is an odd one... I have an application built in ColdFusion with a lot of the interactivity done with Flex. When a user logs in, there are session variables, as well as the client session that is evoked. When you browse to any given Flex Application, the variables are read in a used accordingly... however, on Windows (it s...

Coldfusion returning typed objects / AMF remoting

Is the same possible in ColdFusion? Currently I am using .Net/Fluorine to return objects to the client. Whilst in testing I like to pass strings representing the select statement and the custom object I wish to have returned from my service. Fluorine has a class ASObject to which you can set the var 'typeName'; which works great. I am h...

CF9's Apache Lucene vs SQL Server's full text search?

ColdFusion 9's full text search is now based on Apache Lucene Solr (or Verity, but it has too much limitations). We also use SQL Server. Which one's better? Which one's easier? UPDATE: going to use for... searching against the name & description fields of the Products table. Thanks! ...

ColdFusion email - is there a way to confirm the email has been sent?

Just using the standard cfmail tag, is there a way we can confirm that the email has been sent? I tried cftry/cfcatch but that only confirms that there were no errors in processing the tag, if I put in an invalid mail server, it passes (but mail obviously doesnt send) ...

How to create Master/Detail view with two datagrids in ColdFusion

In Coldfusion, I have Master and Detail data that I need to display in two separate cfgrids; like the typical Customers/Orders scenario. My cfgrids are bound to cfc functions which populate the cfgrids. In my current dataset, only one Customer has Orders and when I click on this record in the Master datagrid the Detail datagrid displa...

An exception occurred when setting up mail server parameters.: cfpop

Hi, the below code was working till few days back, but all of the sudden it started giving exception <cfpop action="getall" name="qMessage" server="" port="995" username="email***" password="******" timeout="30" ...

Working with Form Array's in Coldfusion?

I have no idea how to handle this in coldfusion 9, I have a form being submitted (POST) with element checkboxes, called items[]. When I do a <cfdump var="#form#" /> no-problem, I get all the items shown with the proper names like items[] eg: struct ITEMS[] 13,14 FIELDNAMES ITEMS[] however doing a <cfdump var="#form.items[]#" />...

Combining query rows in a loop

I have the following ColdFusion 9 code: <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(tagArray)#" index="i"> <cfquery name="qryGetSPFAQs" datasource="#application.datasource#"> EXEC searchFAQ '#tagArray[i]#' </cfquery> </cfloop> The EXEC executes a stored procedure on the database server, which returns rows of data, depending on what...

Will a CF code run on regular server?

I am tasked to integrate a CF code(about 70 lines) into our site then configure it to communicate to another site's server. However, our hosting site is just a typical server without CF support. Will the code run? All I know is that CF is Adobe's version of PHP and ASP. I have no experience coding it. Could you please enlighten me? From ...

Creating dynamic jQuery tooltips for dynamic content

UPDATE: This is the CFC code that I'm using to retrieve the data. I'm using the qTip jQuery plugin to create tooltips for a set of links. Two problems: How do I create a set of tooltips for three dynamically generated links where the content of the tooltip will also be dynamic: a href="books.cfm?bookID=11">Book One a href="books.c...

How do I output JSON columns in jQuery

I'm using the qTip jQuery plugin to create dynamic tool tips. The tooltip sends an id to a cfc which runs a query and returns data in JSON format. At the moment, the tooltip loads with the following: {"COLUMNS:" ["BOOKNAME","BOOKDESCRIPTION"["MYBOOK","MYDESC"]]} Here's the jQuery $('#catalog a[href]').each(function() { var gi =...

Looking for an alternative to cfdump

I think I just realized how restrictive my web host is when they wouldn't let me use cfdump. This actually kind of angers me, cause really, what harm is dump going to do? Anyway my question is has anyone written a cfdump alternative that will kick out complex types of data or can link me to a site with a code example? Can't really used ...

How do you make an added row from QueryAddRow() the first row of the result from a query?

I am outputting a query but need to specify the first row of the result. I am adding the row with QueryAddRow() and setting the values with QuerySetCell(). I can create the row fine, I can add the content to that row fine. If I leave the argument for the row number off of QuerySetCell() then it all works great as the last result of the q...

How to emulate a real http request via cfhttp?

Hi, I need to emulate a real http request via cfhttp. I was getting rss feed with ColdFusion, but tonight they started to block my request and send an index page in response instead of rss fead. I added useragent for cfhttp, but it doesn't help. Opera, Firefox and Chrome open feed correctly from the same computer. ...

How to add event to iCal / Outlook / gmail from webpage?

include a link to download an .ics / .iCal file? attach .ics file through email? How to construct the file? Where to find the spec? What're the benefits of rendering the data in hCalendar on the page? So search engine can index it somehow? Thanks ...

JRun Servlet Error "The system cannot find the path specified" when attempting to upload multipart form

Hi there, Some code a production server which uploaded files has seemingly stopped working with the following error: JRun Servlet Error as the title of the page and the following in the page body: 500 The system cannot find the path specified The system cannot find the path specified at

no statement parsed and wrong number or types of arguments - cfstoredproc

I have an Oracle procedure - editBacklog which I'm calling from a CFM page via cfstoredproc. After several changes to the procedure I started getting ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'EDITBACKLOG'. I've gotten this before and found that if I changed the name of the procedure it start...

enable disable cfselect

how can I disable cfselect while using html form format, or make cfselect view only? Thanks!! ...